Results for: mueller comey close trump

About That WaPo Story That Says Someone In The Trump White House Is a Person Of Interest In Russia Probe…white-house-is-a-person-of-interest-in-russia-probe-n2329515
– So, we had two stories yesterday that related to the ongoing investigation into possible collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign … Comey—May 9—where he also called the former FBI chief a “nut job.” … Then Trump claimed that it was because the FBI director was doing a "bad job," or whatever. And now this.…
Tracking Trump's Dubious Denials
– Immediately after the meeting, Comey returned to his office and wrote a memo which revealed that Trump asked him “I hope you can let … Comey not only wrote down what Trump had asked of him, but he shared the contents of his memo with senior FBI officials and other close … But once again Trump went into deep denial that he had ever said any such thing to Comey.…
Chris Cuomo Declares Trump Is Guilty
– Critics charge Trump with firing former FBI Director James Comey because the FBI's Russia investigation was getting too close for comfort … he revealed Trump asked him to stop the Michael Flynn investigation. … Former FBI Director Robert Mueller has been appointed special counsel to oversee the Russia investigation.…
Analysis: Trump Firing Mueller Isn't Happening -- Unless Trump Really Is Guilty, or Has a Political Death Wish
– And sure, a close friend and ally of the president went on PBS News Hour and said this: Chris Ruddy to @JudyWoodruff: President TrumpMueller?" … Firing Mueller, even if you believe asking about his soft spot for Comey and his Democrat-heavy hires thus far are legitimate concerns…
Comey Admits to Leaking: I Had a Friend Give My Memos To a Reporter…leaking-i-had-a-friend-give-my-memos-to-a-reporter-n2338328
– On May 16 the New York Times published a story citing memos belonging to former FBI Director James Comey. … to be dropped during a private meeting at the White House before Comey was fired. … I asked a close friend of mine to do that."…
Ahead of Thursday's Anticipated Hearings, A Dozen Questions for James Comey
– Counsel Robert Mueller -- a fellow former FBI Director -- to do so. … CNN reported in late May that a source close to Comey says he plans to testify that he "now believes that President Donald Trump was … Then again, Comey has been known to keep an explosive political allegation very close to the vest prior to dropping it in public testimony…
BREAKING: Trump Says He Did Not Tape His Conversations With Comey
– President Donald Trump says he did not tape recordings of conversations with former FBI Director James Comey during meetings at the … Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 22, 2017 Shortly after firing Comey in May, Trump implied conversations with the former FBI Director … Testifying recently on Capitol Hill, Comey said he hoped Trump had recordings of their conversations and that if he did, they should…
Lock Them Up!
– replaced Mueller as FBI chief, Mueller was the “one person in government in whom [Comey] could confide in and trust.” … The profile described Comey and Mueller as “close partners and close allies” who “spent many hours together” and shared “a friendship … Comey has said of Mueller, “He’s one of the finest people I’ve ever met.”…
Why Should We Trust Mueller?
– to “Trump almost made Comey cry BECAUSE OBSTRUCTION!” … And didn’t Comey say he’s been meeting with Mueller and they’ve been chatting it up secretly? Did Mueller read him his rights? … And Comey says Mueller is awesome. So do the Democrats. I’m feeling pretty confident this isn’t rigged.…
'Scandal-Free' Obama to Scandal-Plagued Trump
– Bonifield even volunteered that Trump was "probably right" to say it's a witch hunt. … Nothing else even came close. … that a "source familiar with Comey's thinking" insisted Comey would contradict Trump under oath about reassuring him he was not under…
Grassley Confirms: Yes, Comey's Memos He Shared With The Media Are Classified
– Earlier this week news broke that memos given to a close friend by former FBI James Comey and leaked to the New York Times for a story … More than half of the memos former FBI Director James Comey wrote as personal recollections of his conversations with President Trump … after meetings with President Trump, could have been retroactively classified.…
GOP Congressman Calls for Special Counsel Mueller's Resignation
– “Those who worked under them have attested he and Jim Comey possess a close friendship, and they have delivered on-the-record statements … President Trump has expressed concern over the possible bias that Mueller will bring to the investigation.  … While Franks' and the president both agree that Mueller has a friendship with Comey, the president expressed respect for Mueller's…
President Trump: Firing Mueller is a Dem Trap
– While it’s obvious that Mueller is stacking the deck with ferrets to sniff out something, anything on Trump, it’s also true that Comey … Clearly, the wily Dems are trying to panic Trump into firing Mueller. … Trump shouldn’t fire Mueller.…
Trump Needs To Be Smart About How He Fires Mueller
Trump must eventually fire Robert Mueller, a partisan tool carrying water for his Establishment pals as he oversees an utterly corrupt … You are a long-time, close personal friend and mentor of James Comey. … Impeachment – the ultimate goal of Mueller/Comey and their liberal establishment string-pullers – is a political act.…
We’re Witnessing A Slow-Rolling Coup
– Special Counsel Robert Mueller, kindred spirit and close friend of the former FBI director, has picked up where Comey left off in investigating … I don’t know what Mueller may or may not find. … The story won’t be that Trump was forced from office so much as it will be that Republicans let it happen.…
Mutiny on the Potomac
– According to Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC), “any effort to go after Mueller could be the beginning of the end of the Trump presidency … These turncoats are working with Democrats to not only stop the Trump agenda, but also to empower and protect Robert Mueller. … Mueller is also compromised because he has close ties to former FBI Director James Comey, who clearly engineered the investigation…
Trump's Broken Promises
– He thinks Special Prosecutor Mueller will be easy on him if he works with the Democrats.   … If Trump assumes the media will leave him alone now, he needs to think again.   … Trump also has a pen and a phone.…
What We Learned from Bannon’s “60 Minutes” Interview
– What does Trump say? … Finally, if anyone checked out the online extension of the interview, Bannon openly condemns Trump for firing James Comey. … Without a Comey firing, there is no Mueller investigation. Bannon recognizes Washington as a set of institutions and not people.  …
Russia Reset: Where Does the Russia Investigation Stand After Today's News of Indictments and a Guilty Plea?
– " to proving collusion between the Russian government and the Trump campaign: Indictment not even close to saying Trump admin. & Putin … else is a smokescreen to damage Trump.   … As for cries that Mueller is engaged in a partisan "witch hunt" against Trump, many of the people leveling that attack were also excitedly…
Surprise! Big Media Ignores the Real Russian Scandal…surprise-big-media-ignores-the-real-russian-scandal-n2398932
– While the mainstream media is chasing their tail about supposed Trump-Russia collusion, the scandal involving Uranium One unfolds … Enter: Rod Rosenstein, Andrew McCabe, Robert Mueller and James Comey --the same folks investigating the so-called Trump-Russia collusion … Robert Mueller was FBI director when the probe began and James Comey was director until Trump fired him.…
Did Barack Obama ‘Obstruct Justice’ in Clinton Email Case?…barack-obama-obstruct-justice-in-clinton-email-case-n2440943
– On Tuesday, the Washington Post reported Mueller has requested to question President Trump directly about his decision to fire former … It is believed Mueller is looking for evidence that shows Trump’s motive for firing Comey was to end the FBI’s investigation into Flynn … However, if liberals continue to suggest Trump is guilty of such a crime for firing Comey while he was investigating alleged collusion…
The Mueller Witch Hunt Must End
– His close ties to former FBI Director James Comey should have disqualified him from this position of utmost authority. … Supposedly, Mueller and team were investigating whether the Trump campaign was involved in any “Russian collusion.” … Until now, Mueller has charged Trump campaign associates with crimes that occurred before they started working on the 2016 election…
Leak War: Explaining Five New Developments in the Never-Ending Memo/Investigations Firestorm
– Strzok is the FBI agent removed from the Russia probe after Mueller discovered election-era anti-Trump text messages he exchanged with … If Mueller has something serious to use against Ms. … Finally, speaking of that summer 2016 Trump Tower meeting, are Mueller and company looking into Fusion GPS' role in this high-stakes…
Have You Heard the News?! It Will Change Everything!…d-have-you-heard-the-news-it-will-change-everything-n2441904
Comey. One of these things is not like the others. … strikes me as close to paranoid delusion. … And Mueller dumped him once he heard about the texts and the affair.…
FACT: McCabe Firing was Recommended by FBI Ethics Office, Based on Nonpartisan IG's Findings…ice-based-on-nonpartisan-inspector-generals-finding-n2462159
– He must be allowed to complete his work, even if his close friendship with former FBI Director James Comey and the Democratic tilt … In his rush to position himself as an anti-Trump martyr, McCabe may have implicated his friend, former boss, and fellow Trump critic … We all know it is a Trump plot. Bc Trump literally plotted it, in full public view!…