Peggy Venable is Texas Director for Americans for Prosperity, the premier grassroots organization in the country. Americans for Prosperity (AFP) has over 2 million activists committed to educating citizens about economic policy and mobilizing those citizens as advocates in the public policy process
Peggy has worked in public policy and grassroots campaigns -- in government, the political arena and the private sector -- for over 30 years. In 2010, Peggy was named to the University Star Hall of Fame at Texas State Univeristy and the national magazine Campaigns and Elections named Venable as one of the top 25 Texas “influencers”.
A native Texan, Peggy spent 15 years in Washington, D.C., working for three Administrations. During that time, she worked on public policy issues in the areas of education, natural resources, energy and transportation.
Peggy was White House Liaison for the US Department of the Interior and the Department of Education. She was at the Department of Education when the idea for “A Nation at Risk” was conceived, which was our country’s first “wakeup call” that our education system was falling behind. At the US Department of Interior, she directed the “Take Pride in America” grassroots campaign which encompassed eight federal agencies.
Peggy has served as senior staff at the Republican National Committee and was Director of the Republican National Convention in 1984.
Americans for Prosperity-Texas has over 120,000 activists who support free market public policies. She has served as a taxpayer advocate in Texas for 20 years.