Megan Basham began her career as a film critic reviewing movies for her campus paper at Arizona State University. After graduating with a degree in English Literature, she took a position with The University of Phoenix as an adult curriculum editor. After two years of editing some of the driest, most convoluted material ever printed on paper (like philosophy curricula written by lawyers), she broke out of cubicle purgatory by writing freelance articles for Focus on the Family, Catholic Exchange, and Range Magazine.
A short time later she began reviewing films Christ Church of the Valley in Phoenix, Arizona to publish in its weekly newsletter. This led to becoming a staff writer for Christian Spotlight on Entertainment and access to interviews with celebrities like Morgan Freeman, Holly Hunter, Liv Tyler and Orlando Bloom.
In 2004 Megan was awarded a Phillips Foundation Journalism Fellowship for a work titled “The Parable Principle: How Liberal Ideologues Use Film to Control Political Discourse.” In addition to reviewing films for Townhall and maintaining her own blog, she is also a contributor to National Review Online. Her work has also appeared at The Weekly Standard, The American Spectator Online and in The Washington Times.
Megan is currently at work on the book Behind Every Successful Man: How to Help Your Husband Create the Career of His Dreams. By “at work on” she means she mostly researches the subject incessantly, orders lots of books from Amazon related to the topic, and occasionally adds a paragraph or two to her manuscript.