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Here's What We've Learned About the Colorado Club Shooting Suspect

AP Photo/Jack Dempsey

As more details come to light about the shooting at an LGBTQ nightclub in Colorado Springs — several of which Guy covered here — attorneys for the suspect have now disclosed that their client is “non-binary” and uses alternate pronouns, a significant revelation that destroys most of the narrative that’s been spun by Democrats and mainstream media outlets in the wake of the tragic attack. 


In a court filing entered by the suspect’s public defenders, attorneys identify their client as “Mx. Anderson Aldrich.” A footnote to the filing explains that “Anderson Aldrich is non-binary. They use they/them pronouns, and for the purposes of all formal filings, will be addressed as Mx. Aldrich.”

The 22-year-old Aldrich faces multiple murder and hate crime charges in the attack at Club Q that claimed five lives and is currently being held at the El Paso County Jail after being release from the hospital with significant injuries sustained when patrons of the club subdued Aldrich and pummeled him with, among other things, a drag queen’s high heels. 

As mentioned before, the disclosure by Aldrich’s attorneys that their client is non-binary and uses alternate pronouns deals a significant blow to the mainstream narrative that was concocted since the attack took place. 

As Leah reported earlier, President Joe Biden tied the attack in Colorado Springs to the 2016 shooting at Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida. Despite saying that “no motive in this attack is yet clear,” Biden said “we know that the LGBTQI+ community has been subjected to horrific hate violence in recent years.” But now that the suspect has been identified as non-binary, that likely changes Biden’s calculus on how his administration plans to use the attack he’s already used to call for an “assault weapons ban.”


Lori Lightfoot also jumped into the Democrat-media complex fray with a profane statement that Julio covered here. “I’m sick of this sh*t,” Lightfoot tweeted. “How many people need to be murdered? How many lives torn apart? Until it actually stops?” she asked. In addition to being incredibly tone-deaf given her relative silence on the regular violence that occurs on her watch as the Windy City’s mayor, her tone is also likely to change given the suspect’s gender identity that places Aldrich within Lightfoot’s tent of “allies.”

Then there are all the supposedly “woke” leftists who decided to pin blame for the attack on conservatives and Republicans who now find themselves in a tricky situation without a paddle to walk back their accusations that were seemingly debunked by the suspect’s attorneys. As Rebecca noted here, the use of the tragedy by leftists to score political points against conservatives was hasty and gross, in addition to being seemingly entirely misplaced.

They blamed Fox News host Tucker Carlson, viral Twitter account Libs of TikTok, Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO), and those broadly smeared as “MAGA sycophants.” The attacks against conservatives came from the Lincoln Project and those in its orbit, NBC News reporters, MSNBC hosts including Nicolle Wallace, and the usual cast of characters who love to pounce when they theorize that a news cycle could benefit their political team, no matter the reality that eventually comes to light. 


While there is certainly much more that remains to be learned about the suspect’s motivations and how an individual known to law enforcement for violent threats in the past came to possess a firearm despite strict gun control laws, it seems that attempts to render this an open-and-shut case of a straight cisgender conservative activist taking revenge after watching Fox News have been quashed. 

Aldrich's initial court appearance is reportedly scheduled, virtually via video, for Wednesday. 

This is a developing story and may be updated.  


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