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Biden Yells Gibberish At Press the Same Day As KJP Gaslights American People on 'Cheap Fake' Videos

AP Photo/Susan Walsh

In recent weeks, there's been plenty of video evidence speaking to concerns for President Joe Biden's cognitive decline in real time as he runs for reelection. White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre earlier on Monday got snappy with the press as she gaslit the American people over such concerns, the same day that the president had another troubling moment. 


Also on Monday, Biden met with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg. As members of the press tried to get questions in while they were being escorted out, Biden emitted some very strange noises. He then laughed hysterically as if he'd just told the funniest joke in the world. 

Reporters can be heard yelling questions about if Biden "is worried" about something, and it appears he too mentions being "worried," but that's really the only intelligible word. 

There is no way to positively spin this. It sounds like the president has truly lost it. He's likely yelling gibberish at the press, as a way to mock them and their questions. At best, he's reminding the American people the kind of disdain he has for the press. "That video is like watching a drunk homeless guy who hangs out in a park and shouts at birds," Bonchie at our sister site of RedState mentioned. 

Despite what the Biden administration tries to claim--and press availability is another issue they've engaged in gaslighting on--Biden has been particularly lacking with his press briefings. Even The New York Times admits this. Not only does Biden often ignore the press, he's also mocked them before around foreign leaders. 


Many have also chimed in over X to point out that making fun of the press with such a move isn't exactly a good look for the president or narratives about his cognitive decline. 

The White House Briefing Room has put out a very short readout, though there's no transcript as of Monday night, several hours after the clips surfaced.

Biden's remarks during that short meeting weren't much better, as he could be seen reading from notecards about NATO. He sounds old and tired, and also stutters and even slurs his words.

Many of the replies referenced Jean-Pierre's gaslighting on the issue of concerning videos about Biden. During the briefing, she had claimed multiple times that videos of previous concerning incidents, such as former President Barack Obama guiding Biden off the stage at a Saturday event in Los Angeles and being held pulled back by Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, were "cheap fakes." 


Jean-Pierre also only provided selective answers about Newsmax's James Rosen's concerns about Biden at other events, such as Juneteenth, and also refused to directly Rosen's questions about Biden's cognitive decline. Instead, she touted the president's supposed "legislative wins" and made it a partisan issue by lamenting that Republicans weren't focusing on those "wins," but were instead engaging in "bad faith." 

Good luck to Jean-Pierre trying to come up with such an excuse for this incident.

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