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Did Biden Co-Chair Mitch Landrieu Have the Worst Take on What Commemorating D-Day Is All About?

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

Thursday was the 80th anniversary of D-Day, and Townhall covered some of the particularly problematic from Democrats, including but not limited to President Joe Biden himself. Making the event about Ukraine was one glaring theme, as was politicizing the day to make it about the November elections. Former New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu, a campaign surrogate and co-chair for Biden's reelection campaign, did just that on Thursday. 


While on MSNBC's "Chris Jansing Reports," Landrieu spoke at length about Democrats' favorite talking points when it comes to this supposed threat to democracy we're facing under former and potentially future President Donald Trump. According to the co-chair, Biden "thinks, and I agree with him, as do most of the American people, that we're seeing the gravest threat to American democracy on our own land that we have seen in the history of the country, and Donald Trump is that threat." 

Actually, polls don't quite support Landrieu's point there. Nevertheless, he went on to lambast Trump's "vision of America, his vision of authoritarianism, his disdain for veterans," and also brought up the oft-repeated claim of how Trump called veterans "losers," despite how even Snopes has trouble with such a narrative.

There were more despicable talking points from there, though, as Landrieu compared the heroism of those who stormed the beaches of Normandy on D-Day to voting for Biden. "I feel very, very confident that this is going to be a hard fought race," Landrieu offered, a funny point to make given how Democrats are so desperate that they're celebrating Trump being convicted on trumped up charges, as was the case last week. He went on to say " but when the chips are down, the American people are going to show up, just like those kids did, uh, 80 years ago."


During Thursday's edition of "The Tony Kinnett Cast," fittingly titled "President Poopy Pants in France," host Tony Kinnett played a clip of Landrieu's remarks, at about 12:50 into the program. "Just like a 16-year-old storming the beach under extreme machine gun fire and watching, likely, 80-90 percent of the guys he clamored out of the boat with dissolve into red mist in front of him," Kinnett said to mock Landrieu. "Yeah, that's just like going down to the Hancock library in Greenfield and casting a ballot against Donald Trump," he continued, even offering a mocking clap. 

Unfortunately, Landrieu wasn't the only one to do so, with Spencer covering and Kinnett also mentioning on his program how failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton also used D-Day to demand people vote in November. 

Even more noteworthy is how the Biden team is actually proud of such an appearance; the Biden-Harris HQ  X account actually shared it on Thursday to promote some of Landrieu's other remarks. Many of the hundreds of replies took issue with such a narrative being used on D-Day, though. 


Landrieu delusionally claimed "I think everybody would agree that the president represented the United States of America very, very well." Besides Landrieu, says who? The takeaways from Biden's appearance, beyond making it about Ukraine, were about how he may have soiled himself, awkwardly and inexplicably turned away during Taps, and left while French President Emmanuel Macron remained to greet veterans. 

The campaign co-chair also referenced Presidents Ronald Reagan and Franklin D. Roosevelt, while claiming Biden "understands he represents all Americans." Meanwhile, we live in some of the most polarizing and partisan times, and Americans haven't believed for years that Biden is good at unifying the country, and yet Landrieu keeps bringing this up

As much of a stretch as the Reagan reference might be, Landrieu kept mentioning that too, as he tried to equate Reagan and Biden while speaking to Fox News' Bret Baier and when he called into Bloomberg Television. Bonchie at our sister site of RedState covered how prevalent such a narrative is from the Biden team, laughable though it may be. 

Landrieu's narrative then shifted to what we've been hearing ad nauseum from Democrats, which is that Biden "understands very clearly what you have to do to preserve democracy, and when you see tyranny, when you see autocracy, if you don't stand in the breach, if you take it for granted, it's going to be a problem." He then downplayed Americans' top issues of the economy and immigration by saying "all of those are important, but you can't have those discussions if you actually don't have a democracy, and you don't have a country." 


We don't actually have a democracy, but a constitutional republic, but it seems Landrieu can't be bothered by the facts when it comes to sharing the talking points. 

Bringing former Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) into it, Landrieu used her to point out that Cheney and other anti-Trump conservatives have "warned" about him. Again, this is D-Day when the Biden campaign surrogate was going for such a political screed about the "wisdom, character, and judgment of Donald Trump," so Landrieu could try to fool viewers into feeling better about the deeply unpopular incumbent president, who supposedly "gets up every day" and "works for the American people."

Landrieu even tried to go for yet another comparison to a great president, Dwight D. Eisenhower, by pointing to the legislation passed both during Biden's and Eisenhower's time as president. Landrieu appeared to suddenly recall it was D-Day, reminding "as you know, [Eisenhower] was the supreme commander on that particular day" of D-Day.



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