
Biden Expects Us to Believe He Cares About 'One Flag. One America.'

Last Friday, June 14, was Flag Day as well as former and potentially future President Donald Trump's birthday. That same day, President Joe Biden not only unleashed several attacks on his opponent from his political X account, but a rather tone-deaf one about flags. "One Flag. One America," read one post.

The 30-second ad features various voiceovers, including from children, reciting the Pledge of Allegiance and is full of patriotic images. This includes Biden greeting veterans and a young woman with a flag at the site of a natural disaster. The ad concludes with Biden giving a salute in front of an American flag background, as his voiceover shares his approval of such a message as "One Flag. One America."

There's also footage from January 6, though, as one voiceover says "Not this flag," where protesters at the U.S. Capitol are seen carrying various kinds of flags as opposed to the American flag. 

There have been over 10,000 replies and 1,000 quoted reposts of people taking issue with such an ad, with our sister site of Twitchy highlighting a common theme. There are plenty of reasons why, but first and foremost, the Biden White House is the same one that flew a Pride flag last June for a Pride month celebration, at that same level as the American flag, sparking concerns about violations of the flag code. 

This is also the same Pride event where indecent acts from transgender activists, such as breast fondling, took place. And yet First Lady Jill Biden thinks it's this administration bringing decency back to the White House?

As much as January 6 may be the Biden reelection campaign's favorite talking point, far-left activists have no problem disrespecting, even desecrating the American flag. It was the inauguration of Trump in 2017 that set so many of them off, especially in liberal cities like Portland, Oregon

More recently, we've seen displays of flag burning from the left during the "Summer of Love" riots, as well as from the anti-Israel and pro-Hamas crowd. Protests have taken place in liberal cities around the country, but also right in Washington, D.C., as the American flag is not only burned, but statutes are desecrated and terrorist sympathizers hold up bloody fake heads of the president outside the White House.

It's not merely the Pride flag that Democrats fawn over. In April, the House passed a foreign aid package, which included funding for Ukraine. Democratic members were seen waving Ukrainian flags on the House floor before they had to be reminded it was in violation of the rules and were told to put them away. Initially, Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) was the one who was going to be punished for daring to share such footage, before Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) stepped in to put a stop to such nonsense.

There's also much to be said about this "One America" narrative when it comes to living under three and a half years of one of our more divisive presidents. Biden likes to talk about how he ran and was elected on unifying the country, but Pew Research polls showed from the start — and continue to show — there was little confidence in him bringing people together. 

Ahead of the 2022 midterm elections, where Democrats performed far better than expected, Biden also made his infamous speech on the "Battle for the Soul of the Nation," in which he demonized his political opponents at length. Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich chimed in the morning after the election to warn that such a tactic likely worked.

Now with Biden himself on the ballot as he runs for reelection, those attacks have been ratcheting up even more so. An ad was just released highlighting Trump's status as a "convicted felon." We also can't forget how Biden's Department of Justice (DOJ) targets everyday Americans, like prayerful pro-life grandparents, all while offering plea deals to violent abortion extremists that they try to sweep under the radar.

The Pride flag comes up once again in the two-tier justice system, as Biden campaign spokesperson Adrienne Elrod defends such pro-Hamas demonstrations, while teens making skid marks on Pride murals in crosswalks with their scooters are charged with felonies.

So much for "One America."