
Following Backlash, a Country Will ‘Pause’ Allowing Transgender Inmates to Move to Women’s Prisons

In August, Townhall reported how a male prisoner named Demi Minor in New Jersey who identified as a “transgender woman” impregnated two inmates in a women’s prison. In an interview with the New York Post, Minor’s former foster mother, Dr. Wanda Broach-Butts, said that she believes Minor is a “psychopath” and used transgenderism as a “ploy” to get locked up among females. 

“I think all this about him being transgender is a ploy,” she told The Post. “He’s manipulating people to get a better situation for himself and to get attention. He’s learned the language to use. He’s dangerous and he’s a psychopath.”

The Post added that Minor was moved from the women’s prison to the Garden State Youth Correctional Facility, which houses men, after he impregnated the inmates. Minor complained about the experience in a blog post titled “Being Forced to Live in a Male Prison.” 

Minor is not the only male inmate to be housed in a women’s prison. Last week, a biological man who identifies as a transgender woman was found guilty of raping two women in the United Kingdom, which Townhall covered. Shortly after, reports broke that the rapist, who goes by “Isla Bryson,” would be housed in a women’s jail while awaiting sentencing. 

Bryson’s estranged wife, Shonna Graham, 31, told Daily Mail that Bryson was “bulls***ing” officials about being transgender to get “an easier life in prison.” Bryson previously went by “Adam Graham.”

Following backlash from the public, Scotland’s First Minister Nicola Sturgeon announced that Bryson would be removed from the women’s prison. And now, there will be a “pause” until further notice on placing transgender prisoners with a history of violence against women in women’s prisons.

“Critics argued vulnerable women prisoners, many of whom were victims of male violence, were being placed at risk,” BBC reported.

Reportedly, Justice Secretary Keith Brown said that all the country’s transgender policies when it comes to prisoners will be under review. 

“No transgender person already in custody with a history of violence against women will be moved from the male to female estate,” BBC noted, adding that “no newly convicted or remanded transgender prisoner with any history of violence against women (including sexual offences) will be placed in the female estate.”

Prisoners who want an exception would have to get it approved by Scottish ministers.

"I understand that the issue of any trans woman being convicted of violent and sexual offences is a highly emotive subject and that the public concern is understandable," Brown said, mentioning that these policies “ensure the safety of all prisoners.”

In November, Townhall reported how a transgender pedophile in the United Kingdom was jailed for grooming and impregnating a 14-year-old girl. The man, David Orton, started going by “Danielle Rose Gemini” and identifying as “transgender.” Orton was sentenced to nine and a half years. And in the United States, a biological male who was convicted of murder in 2018 now has his gender listed as “female” in Department of Corrections records in Maine, where he is serving his sentence..