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Leftists and Hardcore Never Trumpers Agree: Conservatives Should Surrender in Georgia Runoffs

AP Photo/Brynn Anderson

As if anyone on the center-right spectrum needed any more motivation to win two critical Senate runoff races in Georgia, an alliance of left-wingers and fanatical Never Trumper "Republicans"-turned-Democrats are uniting behind the notion that Trump supporters should boycott those races and let Democrats win. Ironically, they're endorsing a suggestion from an attorney for Team Trump, who's accusing Republican officeholders in Georgia of not doing enough to back his side's floundering legal efforts to overturn the election results. The attorney's threatening proposal involves Trump fans "punishing" the GOP by handing the majority of the US Senate -- and therefore control of the full federal government -- over to the Left. The scheme would place pieces of President Trump's legacy of achievement in jeopardy, make Chuck Schumer majority leader, and anoint Kamala Harris as the tie-breaking vote. And as National Review's Dan McLaughlin notes, 'The Lincoln Project' leader Rick Wilson (whose group, enjoyably, has thus far been swept in Senate races this cycle) is fully in support of the boycott, for obvious reasons:


The Trump-hating obsessives at The Lincoln Project actively want Democrats to run the show and dismantle everything they possibly can, so they understandably love the idea of Trump voters sitting on their hands while Democrats turn out and boost Jon Ossoff (an unqualified Schumer puppet who's trashed Trump supporters) and Raphael Warnock (an unfit radical). This pair is tied at the hip and pitching themselves as a package deal:

Incidentally, the "boycott the runoffs" concept, embraced by Trump haters, is the brainchild of the same Trump lawyer who filed an affidavit about alleged voter fraud in Michigan (MI) that accidentally used data from Minnesota (MN), a devastatingly embarrassing mistake that blew up the whole legal analysis -- via the conservative site, Powerline:

The townships and precincts listed in paragraphs 11 and 17 of the affidavit are not in Michigan. They are in Minnesota. Monticello, Albertville, Lake Lillian, Houston, Brownsville, Runeberg, Wolf Lake, Height of Land, Detroit Lakes, Frazee, Kandiyohi–these are all towns in Minnesota. I haven’t checked them all, but I checked a lot of them, and all locations listed in paragraphs 11 and 17 that I looked up are in Minnesota, with no corresponding township in Michigan. This would have been obvious to someone from this state, but Mr. Ramsland is a Texan and the lawyers are probably not natives of either Minnesota or Michigan...This is a catastrophic error, the kind of thing that causes a legal position to crash and burn. Trump’s lawyers are fighting an uphill battle, to put it mildly, and confusing Michigan with Minnesota will at best make the hill steeper.


Another Trump lawyer, Sidney Powell, has baselessly suggested that other political candidates (Republicans and Democrats alike) may have paid to have votes rigged in their own elections this year. She also floated the claim that the GOP governor and secretary of state in Georgia are somehow in on this massive conspiracy -- which she can't prove, but perhaps includes thousands of co-conspirators. Powell has evidently been dismissed from Team Trump, which she has now acknowledged. Meanwhile, I'll leave you with Vice President Pence actively and passionately campaigning for Senators Perdue and Loeffler, the latter of whom is in isolation after a possible COVID infection:

Regardless of one's opinions on the Trump campaign's electoral legal challenges, one unifying battle cry needs to be hold the line. Senate control is hugely consequential, and turning a GOP Senate into a Schumer/Harris Senate should be anathema to anyone claiming to be even slightly right of center -- except, of course, among the spiteful Trump-fixated Democratic operatives at The Lincoln Project. That organization is batting 0-for-7 in Senate races this cycle -- 0-for-9 has a nice ring to it, don't you think? It's hard to argue with this:


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