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Video: Cancer Patient Rips Democrats' Attacks in New Ad

Single mother and cancer patient Julie Boonstra isn't taking Democrats' mean-spirited and misleading attacks on her credibility lying down -- but we already knew that, didn't we? Boonstra, whose life was turned upside-down when Obamacare stripped her of her existing coverage, has teamed up with Americans for Prosperity to produce a second television ad targeting Democratic Senate candidate Rep. Gary Peters (D-MI). It was Peters' lawyers who pressured television stations not to run the original spot, citing a MSM fact check to which Boonstra has responded in detail. In response to his attorneys' machinations and his ongoing refusal to meet with her face-to-face, Boonstra is calling Peters out:


The Democrats picked a very risky fight here, and Boonstra isn't backing down. She is rightly focusing on the race her in own backyard, but this message could just as easily be directed at Harry Reid, who impugned her credibility from the Senate floor. Because AFP receives substantial financial backing from David and Charles Koch, Reid has continued to blast away at them, calling them "un-American" and lacking any conscience. Reid delivered another a conspiratorial and whiny Koch brothers harangue just yesterday:

Reid curiously has zero problem with billionaires "rigging elections" or whatever when they're named Soros or Steyer. Weird, right? He and his party have also been more than happy to accept the cascade of Big Labor's special interest dollars, much of which is extracted from rank-and-file working Americans who have no say in the matter. And the Senate Majority Leader, who perpetrated 2013's "lie of the year" on the American people, has the stones to accuse others of "making up facts." Take heart, conservatives. Reid's mendacious whinging is leading journalists to an inescapable conclusion:


Indeed, we've seen this movie before:

It’s not as if Democrats haven’t tried this before. The last time Koch-rage reached such hysterical levels was 2010, a year that began with President Obama chastising the Supreme Court justices—in unprecedented fashion—to their faces during his State of the Union address, and then culminated in the most lopsided midterm “shellacking” since 1938. Back in 2010, despite all the caterwauling from Democrats and the press about “the billionaires bankrolling the Tea Party,” the “Tea Party puppetmasters,” and the “billionaire brothers who are waging a war against Obama,” independent voters were unfazed. In fact, they voted for Republicans by a 55-40 percent margin, in large part due to their dissatisfaction over Obamacare. And that was before the American people found out what was in the law, which currently has an average approval rating of 39 percent.

What was especially ironic about that line of attack is that Democrats vastly outspent Republicans in 2010, and still got blasted at the polls. Are desperate Democrats on track for another shellacking?


The Post-ABC survey affirms those projections, showing Republicans in a stronger position than Democrats in the states with Senate races this fall and more than holding their own in the battle for control of the House. In the 34 states with Senate races, 50 percent of voters say they favor Republicans and 42 percent favor Democrats. That is the case despite the Republican Party’s poor image nationally.

Voters don't love Republicans. But they appear to be tired of Democrats spending their money, botching their own policies, and lying to them.

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