House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has some nerve trying to take credit for the $2 trillion relief bill the Senate just passed, GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy fumed at his Thursday press conference.
"Last night, as you know, the Senate passed important legislation," Pelosi said Thursday on Capitol Hill. "We're very proud of the product...We did jiu jitsu on it."
McCarthy upended that narrative when it was his turn at the podium.
"A few minutes ago the speaker stood at this podium and claimed that House Democrats did what she called a jiu jitsu to change the bill. That is an outright lie," he said. "The fundamental portions of this bill have not changed since Sunday."
For instance, he explained, four months for unemployment was already decided on Sunday, as was the grant to keep employees hired under small business.
But he did give the Democrats credit for a few things. The additions of things "that had nothing to do with the coronavirus."
Speaker Pelosi just claimed she did "jiu jitsu" to change the coronavirus legislation. That is an outright lie.
— Kevin McCarthy (@GOPLeader) March 26, 2020
The fundamental parts of the bill have not changed since Sunday, including:
• 4 months for unemployment insurance
• Forgiveness for small business loans
McCarthy says Pelosi claimed she executed “a jujitsu” to change the coronavirus bill. McCarthy: “That is an outright lie.” Says Pelosi made “superficial” claims about Democratic “wins” in the bill. McCarthy contends the legislation didn’t change much
— Chad Pergram (@ChadPergram) March 26, 2020
McCarthy making case they Dems didn’t really alter the coronavirus bill and didn’t achieve wins for their side. This is an effort to calm GOPers who are afraid they got rolled and could cause problems on the floor tomorrow
— Chad Pergram (@ChadPergram) March 26, 2020
Even though the House has yet to vote on Phase Three of their coronavirus relief effort, Pelosi said that she wants to see Congress get to work on Phase Four.
Again, McCarthy disagreed.
“I wouldn’t be so quick to say you have to write something else," he said Thursday. "Let’s let this bill work.”
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