Results for: republicans holding opposing views

Flashback: That Time When Pelosi Said Town Hall Protests Were Un-American Because Democrats Were Targeted…sts-were-unamerican-because-democrats-were-targeted-n2292023
– Drowning out opposing views is simply un-American. Drowning out the facts is how we failed at this task for decades. … Ed Morrissey added that Pelosi’s 2009 views on town halls shows how Democrats act when they’re in the majority. … Some Republicans are canceling town hall events, or they’re holding phone town halls, to avoid protesters. That’s wrong.…
NYT: Oh My God–Trump Picked A Conservative For The Supreme Court…odtrump-picked-a-conservative-for-the-supreme-court-n2279675
– They also noted how Republicans blocking Garland was outrageous, despite Sen. … A wiser president faced with such circumstances would govern with humility and a respect for the views of all Americans. … opposing views.…
Republican Votes to Punish Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Does Not Bode Well for the GOP…rjorie-taylor-greene-does-not-bode-well-for-the-gop-n2584492
– Many Republicans understandably were upset that 10 GOP House members broke ranks and voted to impeach Trump during his final days in … Congressional Democrats, constantly on the prowl for pounds of flesh to extract from anyone holding views similar to or in support … The 11 Republicans who sided with Pelosi and against their own party in punishing Rep.…
Social Conservatives Finally Find an Activist Judge They Can Embrace…ves-finally-find-an-activist-judge-they-can-embrace-n2405624
– For quite some time now conservative Republicans have been screaming about activist judges who put their own political opinions above … two opposing thoughts in their head at the same time. … For the sanctimonious on the other side, it's virtually impossible to believe that while white supremacists hold horrid views they…
Democrats’ Record of Failure
– In a recent Politico op-ed as detached from reality as her political views, DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz wrote, “Come November … If Wasserman Schultz wants to criticize Republicans for opposing ObamaCare, then she’s criticizing us for standing with the American … In other words, Republicans are standing with the American people, not “standing in our way.”…
Democrats Decry the Hatch Act --Oh My!!
– Democrats and mainstream media folks once held far different views about the Hatch Act and routinely went to great lengths to justify … With Democrats holding the White House and holding only a very slim majority in the Senate, they have become concerned about the Hatch … Members of the Bush Administration can affirm--it is possible for the Special Counsel and the opposing political party's pursuit of…
Analysis: President Trump Can Help Cement His Legacy on Day One With Excellent SCOTUS Pick
– In any case, most policy battles can be launched and waged over a span of months, and it bears repeating that Republicans would be … Ferociously opposing his candidacy was everyone's right; I did so myself, particularly during the GOP primary.   … Democrats and the media and holding fast on the 'Biden Rule.'  …
Can You Date a Democrat Without Shame or Bring Home a Republican Without Fear?…thout-shame-or-bring-home-a-republican-without-fear-n2355935
– And letting politics divert you from staring into her eyes and holding her hand is unnatural. … Some say that almost half of America wouldn't date someone with opposing political views. … Others say that young Democrats don't want young Republicans in the same college dorm.…
WaPo's 'Conservative Blogger Got Slapped Down Hard For Mocking Trump's Legal Team…olicy-analyst-wrecks-wapos-conservative-blogger-for-n2560356
– At National Review, Charles Cooke had a lengthy and brutal post that took Rubin to the woodshed for now opposing positions she had … have agreed to subordinate their true views to whatever expediency is required to sustain Donald Trump’s ego. … Congress has repeatedly recognized” and lauded the Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995 as the concrete on which Republicans should walk.…
The Worst May Be Yet To Come From Obama's Labor Board
– The rule will limit the ability of employers to express their views on unionization and deprive employees of their right to hear those … views and make an informed choice. … The NLRB cited a “delay” in holding elections as a reason for the rule even though its own Acting General Counsel reported that Board…
Did You Catch the Irony of Jennifer Lawrence's Story About Her Family's Rift Over Trump?…jennifer-lawrences-story-about-her-familys-rift-ov-n2612710
– The situation isn’t unique—there are scores of American families with members with differing political views. … She had the notion that there were two teams and that the Republicans were her team. … She shouldn’t be censored or told to shut up, but the 2016 election, the Dobbs decision, and people holding opposing views don’t constitute…
The Left's Militant, Proactive Intolerance
– The American left -- actually, it's a global phenomenon -- is increasingly intolerant of opposing viewpoints, while holding itself … Far from tolerating certain Christian views, the Obama left obliterates the conscience rights of Christian health care providers. … Besides, Republicans will never muster a winning coalition by relegating pro-life Christian conservatives to the back of the GOP bus…
Washington Post’s ‘Conservative’ Writer Is Now Just Beyond Parody After Her Last Tweet About Trump…vative-writer-is-now-just-beyond-parody-after-her-l-n2566681
– And this goes double for the Republicans who voted for Hillary Clinton, the ultimate traitors to the cause. … have agreed to subordinate their true views to whatever expediency is required to sustain Donald Trump’s ego. … Congress has repeatedly recognized” and lauded the Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995 as the concrete on which Republicans should walk.…
'Victory:' SF Leftists Celebrate Cancellation of 'Patriot Prayer' Rally, Antifa Riots in Berkeley…brate-cancellation-of-protrump-patriot-prayer-rally-n2373810
– Vile, loathsome views are covered by the First Amendment, as are gatherings of disgusting bigots.   … I'll be the first to say that the SPLC is not responsible for the acts of extreme violence carried out by its supporters, but opposing … If Republicans are routinely asked to unequivocally denounce the views and conduct of despicable elements of the far-Right (and they…
If You Want To Know Why Political Anger Is Becoming A Unifying Force, Point The Finger At Democrats…ical-anger-is-becoming-a-unifying-force-point-the-f-n2511813
– It is a battle between Democrats (what’s left of them) and Republicans. I don't see this as a bad thing. … Storey had identified the culprit: Republicans. … Only 13 percent of Republicans said that of a friend’s vote for Hillary Clinton.…
Kinzinger-Approved False Flags…cist-cartoons-and-another-insensitive-sports-mascot-n2625015
– 06.26.23 Gilded Reframe – CNN So, the problem is opposing the feds who were crashing the event incognito?! … It’s sad that this is how the MSM views Republicans. … For one, the assumption of racists in the crowd means there is prejudice against Republicans, in a piece allegedly against prejudice…
The Gospel According to Comrades: Hark! Ye Mental Health Exams Coveredth Now…comrades-hark-ye-mental-health-exams-coveredth-now-n1732297
– And Republicans who see Obamacare's problems as a path to success in 2014 won't even think about expanding Medicaid. … Not to worry, even now I am holding up one finger and shouting “You’re number one.” Guess which finger? … From Opposing Views: The University of Colorado Boulder has instructed its students not to wear "offensive" Halloween costumes…
Let Me Be Clear, Read My Lips, I Am Not A Crook and Marilyn Who?
– As most Republicans the Devil has made his deals with for there great power over others and blind them to reality and fact, there comes … Not to worry, even now I am holding up one finger and shouting “You’re number one.” … From Opposing Views: The University of Colorado Boulder has instructed its students not to wear "offensive" Halloween costumes…
Books Are for Reading Not Just Banning Liberals
– And Republicans who see Obamacare's problems as a path to success in 2014 won't even think about expanding Medicaid. … Not to worry, even now I am holding up one finger and shouting “You’re number one.” Guess which finger? … From Opposing Views: The University of Colorado Boulder has instructed its students not to wear "offensive" Halloween costumes…
RNC Chair Candidates Respond to Morton Blackwell's Questionnaire
– There is room in our tent for many views; indeed, the divergence of views is one of our strengths. … That's not how Republicans ought to do business. … This insulted and offended many Republicans.  …