Results for: illegal immigrants are bad

Why President Trump Keeps Winning on the Immigration Issue…sident-trump-keeps-winning-on-the-immigration-issue-n2544976
– That's a great place to be in a nation where 79% of voters believe that illegal immigration is bad for America. … Eighty-six percent of white voters believe illegal immigration is bad for America. … There are plenty of ideas with strong popular support: 84% want to deport illegal immigrants with criminal records, 69% of voters favor…
Immigrant Heroes Save American Lives
– Donald Trump may be sincere when he insists that immigrants, especially unauthorized immigrants, are a threat to public safety. … But immigrants are unusually law-abiding. … There are a few shockingly bad apples, yes.…
Illegal Immigrant Crime: The Real Story
– Deal with it, Democrats: illegal immigrants commit crime far more often than legal immigrants. … Their big story: ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS ARE HARDWORKING TAXPAYERS WHO RARELY COMMIT CRIMES. (Too bad it was also a big lie.) … Comparing the number of arrests made of illegal immigrants to total number of arrests, illegal immigrants represent 3.5% of all arrests…
How Biden Responded When Asked About Plan to Give $450K to Illegal Immigrants
– President Biden on Sunday was asked about the administration’s plan to pay illegal immigrants who had been separated from their families … WOW: Asked if the administration is planning to offer illegal immigrants $450,000 for breaking the law, Biden just stares confusedly … Biden wants to pay illegal immigrants $450,000 for their hardship while breaking our laws.For perspective, if a service member is killed…
Chicago Democrat Introduces Ordinance to Threaten Deportation to Deter Illegal Immigrant Crime…rat-chicago-alderman-wants-to-increase-deportations-n2627708
– This started when the city began welcoming swarms of illegal immigrants. … Since then, crimes committed by illegal immigrants have been on the rise, specifically in areas where there are shelters for illegal … Townhall previously reported how Lightfoot boasted that Chicago is a “sanctuary city” for illegal immigrants.…
We're Against Emotionalism, Except When We're Not
– As a survey by the CATO Institute shows, immigrants -- both legal and illegal -- are less likely to be incarcerated than native-born … And when you exclude those illegal immigrants who are jailed for immigration offenses (i.e., just for being here illegally), the numbers … White native-born Americans are more likely to be imprisoned than black immigrants, legal or illegal.…
Children, 'Animals' and Immigrants
– So, does that mean all illegal immigrants are heroes? … Obviously not, no more than the crimes of MS-13 or the murder of Kate Steinle prove that all illegal immigrants are criminals. … illegal immigrants are the most law-abiding of all.…
Look at the Data: Why Trump’s Insistence on a Wall Is the Right Choice for Public Safety…nce-on-a-wall-is-the-right-choice-for-public-safety-n2538999
– Legal permanent resident immigrants are extremely law-abiding.    … Unfortunately, Hispanics get a bad reputation because they are combined with Hispanics who are illegal aliens. … The most likely victims of illegal aliens are other illegal aliens, and there is evidence that these victims are particularly reticent…
Good vs. Bad Immigrants: More Than a Matter of Legal Status
– Though most legal immigrants are no doubt law-abiding, America-loving newcomers, some of them are gangsters and goldbricks, welfare … illegal immigrants. … Every group of illegal immigrants, like every category of legal immigrants, includes some combination of the good, the bad and ugly…
The Sound of One Hand Clapping
– This bill, if passed, would effectively grant amnesty to illegal immigrants currently in the country. … Lamar Smith, Texas Republican, says, "Millions of Americans are struggling to find work, while an estimated 7 million illegal immigrants … fully secured and something is done about those illegal immigrants already here.…
Biden Policies, Not House Republicans, Destroyed Border Security
– It's gotten so bad that even Democrat mayors are throwing the kitchen sink at courts trying to stop the surge of migrants into their … immigrant children, reduced requirements for background checks, released tens of thousands of illegal immigrants without notices to … number of illegal immigrants are having their identities flagged in terrorist databases. …
What's Going on Inside This Border Processing Center? Biden Apparently Doesn't Want the Media to Know.…townhall-entry-to-kids-in-cages-processing-facility-n2633957
– The 55,000-square-foot facility is where illegal immigrant family units or unaccompanied children are housed. … "I think if people saw what was going on and see how [illegal immigrants are] being treated and seeing the way our agents interact … "Sometimes," Cabrera adds, illegal immigrants are sent from the CPC to "other states" or "released to the custody of a parent or a…
Indiana Should Avoid Arizona’s Immigration Mistakes
– Delph’s law would scare away some entrepreneurs but not many illegal immigrants. … As a result, E-Verify falsely identifies some Americans as illegal immigrants who are never invited for interviews yet don’t know why … States are rightly frustrated with illegal immigration.…
CIS Director Explains How the Wall Will Pay For Itself…ill-pay-for-itself-with-illegal-aliens-it-keeps-out-n2434845
– The calculations, he explained, are based on the research the National Academy of Sciences conducted on the cost of the average illegal … Annually, that would mean Americans are spending $135 billion for the illegal immigrants in America. … (CIS) “That’s not bad for a government program,” he said. .…
'It's a Sh*tshow': Arizona Law Enforcement Overwhelmed with Illegal Immigrant Smuggling On One Highway…law-enforcement-overwhelmed-illegal-aliens-smuggled-n2596962
– A Border Patrol agent later arrived at the scene and confirmed the three men were illegal immigrants. … One main issue at the moment is there are "no consequences" for the U.S. citizens who are caught attempting to smuggle illegal immigrants … Williams guessed for every car with a load of illegal immigrants they manage to pull over, about ten smugglers are able to slip past…
DC Mayor Declares 'Public Emergency' Over Illegal Immigrants in Her Sanctuary City…gency-over-illegal-immigrants-in-her-sanctuary-city-n2612824
– Meanwhile "7,000 to 8,000 immigrants" are illegally crossing into Texas from Mexico each day, according to Texas DPS.  … Now, under Biden's dangerous border policy, illegal immigrants are testing Bowser's commitment to her previous words — and she's failing … Apparently, illegal immigrants are proving too overwhelming for her "sanctuary" to handle.…
Trump Towers in 'First Debate'
– The debate Trump won was the one dealing with illegal immigrants from Mexico that he started three weeks ago when he officially announced … Most - not " some" - of the 5.9 million illegal immigrants from Mexico who live in the USA are good people. … Because of him calling attention to criminality among illegal Mexican immigrants, the issue has become a hot media topic.…
The Biden Admin 'Watered Down' Vetting Process for a Certain Group of Migrants, Email Shows
– It has been reported for months that illegal immigrants entering through the southern border are coming from countries all over the … Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to “radically reduce” the amount of questions to ask illegal immigrants from one country. … “The final result is that dangerous Chinese illegal immigrants will still be released into the U.S.”…
Report: Businesses Will Receive $3,000 Per Employee For Hiring Illegal Immigrants…to-receive-incentive-for-hiring-illegal-immigrants-n1924265
immigrants. … President Obama’s temporary amnesty, which lasts three years, declares up to 5 million illegal immigrants to be lawfully in the country … “Immigrants are good for the economy,” he said in Chicago on Tuesday.…
The Middle Class Built America. They Now Take a Backseat to Illegal Immigrants.…rica-they-now-take-a-backseat-to-illegal-immigrants-n2640497
–  There are several examples of the prioritization of illegal immigrants over American citizens for valuable benefits that citizens … Doe that illegal immigrants couldn’t be excluded from public schools. The U.S. … The sole purpose of these offices is to expend an increasing amount of American taxpayer money to ensure that illegal immigrants are
The Deplorables vs. The Deportables
– They claim "illegal immigrants are a net positive for America." … We are told day and night that Hispanic immigrants are hard-working. I agree. We are told they take the jobs no Americans want. … Not only are these millions of illegal aliens taking away American jobs; suppressing our middle class wages because they are desperate…
Killing Fields
– These make-shift communities serve as safe havens for illegal immigrants, with sometimes tragic results. … Illegal immigrants should not have a right to stay in America illegally. … Not only are San Francisco officials not turning over illegal immigrants as federal law requires, but they are spending tax payer dollars…
Deporting all illegals unrealistic, Land says,_land_says
– WASHINGTON (BP)--America's borders should be secured, illegal immigrants should be penalized and the rule of law should be upheld, … Referring to a study by the Council on Foreign Relations, Land said moving illegal immigrants toward legal standing would help. … Edwards recommended three actions -- holding employers accountable for hiring illegal immigrants, instituting employment verification…
Rep. Scalise Explains Why Pelosi Was Never Serious About COVID Relief…ins-why-pelosi-was-never-serious-about-covid-relief-n2577630
– The media are painting President Trump as the bad guy for stopping the negotiations over the next COVID relief bill. … Her latest "compromise" COVID relief package included billions of dollars for illegal immigrants, granting them $1,200 stimulus checks … Those funds are depleted, but the deal still fully funds illegal immigrants. "That makes no sense," Scalise said.…
When Words Lose Their Meaning
– Immigrant to describe illegal immigrants. … is to say, illegal and immigrants. … The way illegal immigrants do?…