Results for: Trump grabbing a woman by her

Kellyanne Conway Opens Up For First Time About Alleged Assault by 'Unhinged Woman' in October
– an “unhinged” woman at a restaurant in Bethesda, Maryland with her daughter. … First on CNN: Kellyanne Conway describes alleged assault by “out of control” woman at a restaurant in October. … a police report of the incident obtained by CNN. …
There's No Way This Happened to a Former Dem Senator
– Was Claire McCaskill a notable Democratic senator? She had a fortunate career in public life. McCaskill squeaked by Sen. … her and grabbing Ms. … This woman is a lunatic.…
Transgender 'Fact' and Fantasy
– "Medical experts typically agree that a transgender woman is a woman who identifies differently from her assigned sex at birth, though … In short, a transgender woman is a woman and not "a grown man pretending to be a woman." … woman is a woman."…
VA Nurse Refused to Get a Veteran in Severe Pain a Bed, So He Laid On The Cold Floor
A woman who witnesses the incident detailed what happened on her Facebook page, saying she had to alert a nurse about the man's situation … No one paid him any attention until I approached a nurse to please check on him. … "The man then asked multiple times for a place to lean back or lay down, and was completely disregarded by the nurse.…
Al Franken, Groping 'Giant of the Senate'
– The woman, KABC radio anchor Leeann Tweeden, added that he forced his tongue down her throat during a rehearsal of a skit for the soldiers … MSNBC anchor Stephanie Ruhle lectured Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway, saying: "You're a mother. You're a woman. … Are you more offended by the phrase 'average Americans' or 'grabbing a woman's genitals'?…
He Went There: Sen. Leahy Asks Sessions If Grabbing A Woman's Genitals Is Sexual Assault…ons-if-grabbing-a-womans-genitals-is-sexual-assault-n2269694
– @SenatorLeahy: "Is grabbing a woman by her genitals without her consent sexual assault?" Yup, he went there. … In the recording, Trump said he could grab women "by the pussy" and that he would sometimes "just start kissing them." … "Is grabbing a woman by her genitals, without consent, is that sexual assault?" Leahy asked during the hearing.…
Twas The Night Before Mueller
– producers with care In hopes that team Mueller would confirm a Red Scare The Democrats confident dirt had been found by the Feds … held tight in her teeth Native Americans call her an identity thief Klobachar had a stern face, and callous demeanor If you work … for this woman, better not be a bleeder Joe Biden’s still out there, a right jolly old veep But the ladies of #MeToo now says he…
Here's Another Joe Biden Senior Moment For the Books
– President Joe Biden is closing out his week overseas by embracing the Pope in a rather intimate and strange way. …  To begin, the senile president wandered away from a group, turning around in circles, and looked confused until a woman helped …  In comparison, in 2020, Trump held a thin lead (50 percent) over Biden (49 percent) among Catholic voters.…
WaPo Column From 'Feminist:' We Must Save Franken Because He's a Democrat Who Votes the Right Way…we-must-save-franken-because-he-votes-the-right-way-n2410919
– With liberal Minnesota Senator Al Franken under fire for alleged sexual misconduct on a USO tour, including groping a sleeping woman … This woman criticizes President Trump (she's written a whole book blasting him, apparently), and I'm confident she's horrified by Roy … Maybe Trump groped a bunch of women and bragged about it, but think of the Supreme Court.  …
The Violence Against Constitutional Rights Act
– Robert Mueller might need to be recalled into service to do a new investigation into tweeting by Trump and his supporters. … Recall how late-night comedian David Letterman discovered in 2005 that a woman in Sante Fe had obtained a restraining order against … She said Letterman had been mentally cruel to her and caused her to endure sleep deprivation for more than a decade.…
Sex Vigilantes Trash Due Process
– One accuser, Jessica Leeds, said that more than 30 years ago Trump groped her on a plane. … One accuser says when "we posed for the shot he immediately put his hand on my waist, grabbing a handful of flesh. I froze. … A fair penalty?…
The Absolute Shamelessness of Les Moonves
– Phyllis Golden-Gottlieb not only alleged that Moonves had thrown her into a wall and forced her to perform oral sex in the 1980s; she … some woman grabbing of his own. … "Be careful," he wrote her in a text message. "There are people who lost their jobs trying to harm me."…
Bill Clinton, the Nobody Nobody Sent
– Yet little more than a year ago, when then-Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump was accused of sexual assault, or at least … raped a woman as Arkansas attorney general (and told her afterward to fix her face), anywhere near 2018. … And no man should be allowed to make public policy after allegedly battering a woman, as Rob Porter, staff secretary at the Trump White…
Making the World a Worse Place, One Twitter Mob at a Time
– She was walking her dog without a leash in the Ramble section of Central Park when she was confronted by a black man named Christian … While grabbing her dog by its collar, she informed him she would call the cops. … The outcome: Amy was labeled a racist and fired from her job, and had to surrender her dog. Her life was effectively ruined.…
Things Fall Apart: NYT Delivers Another Kill Shot To Kavanaugh Sexual Misconduct Fiasco…rs-another-kill-shot-to-kavanaugh-sexual-misconduct-n2522947
– She alleges that a then-drunken 17-year-old Kavanagh tried to sexually assault her at a high school party. … a drug placed in her drink without her consent and was unable to fight off her attackers. … Reports say she wanted to remain anonymous, but she retained the services of an anti-Trump lawyer, and a former FBI agent gave her
Sen. Franken Should Take a Long Walk
– There's that photo of Franken smiling and grabbing at her breasts as Tweeden, a former model, slept on the way home from a USO tour … Franken leered and posed, fingers spread on her, like some cartoon of a sex-crazed sixth-grade boy. … She detailed Franken's behavior, his grabbing and groping and stuffing his tongue down her mouth during a USO tour before he was elected…
The Cassidy Hutchinson Testimony Brings Down Two Targets – The J-6 Committee and the Press…gs-down-two-targets--the-j6-committee-and-the-press-n2609530
Trump grabbing the wheel of the limo does not prove an insurrection was in play. … Say this is nitpicking if you like, but this is a woman giving a third-hand account from over a year prior and getting a significant … Now, the press is raising a woman to mythic status who has no firsthand knowledge of the details and is being disputed by the agents…
Crackdown: Trump Imposes Russian Sanctions, Haley Blasts Kremlin Over Brazen London Assassination…haley-torches-russia-over-poisoning-exspy-in-london-n2461295
– This is yet more moral clarity from a woman whose representation of the United States at Turtle Bay has been defined by unapologetic … Her assignment of blame echoes the British government's conclusion, which comes on the heels of a stunning near-admission from the … efforts -- via the New York Times: The Trump administration on Thursday imposed sanctions on a series of Russian organizations and…
Guess Who Embarrasses a Majority of American Voters
– Gallup has President Trump with only a 36 percent job approval rating -- and a 60 percent disapproval number. … President Trump does have a 76 percent favorable rating among Republicans in the Quinnipiac poll, but while that looks good by comparison … That was a good move by the president.…
Cheapening The Holocaust Is A Political Atrocity
– An elderly Jewish woman held her cooing grandbaby inside a Ukraine death camp minutes before they were to be “liquidated.” … Trump a fascist.   … audiences by spreading her legs and grabbing her crotch.  …
Gloves Come Off: Far Left Democrat Insinuates Black And Hispanic Lawmakers Who Side With Pelosi Are Race Traitors…ic-lawmakers-who-side-with-pelosi-are-race-traitors-n2550010
– Who is this guy and why is he explicitly singling out a Native American woman of color? … Her name is Congresswoman Davids, not Sharice.She is a phenomenal new member who flipped a red seat blue.Keep????Her????Name???? … We don’t need black faces that don’t want to be a black voice. We don’t need Muslims that don’t want to be a Muslim voice.…
Dems in Disarray: Interest Groups Clash, Officials Warn of Violence at Convention…off-as-dems-warn-of-violence-from-bernie-supporters-n2164360
– Indeed, this is a party that is about to nominate a woman who may well have considered selling corporate ad space on her ubiquitous … This consternation could open a window of opportunity for Donald Trump to exploit heading into the fall. … The question is whether Trump can continue to cut into Clinton's advantage, overtake her, and sustain any meaningful edge in swing…
Defensive Gun Uses Far Outnumber Firearm Homicides, But Gun-Grabbers Still Want You Left Defenseless…des-but-gungrabbers-still-want-you-left-defenseless-n2498421
a waitress who had apparently fallen short of his lofty service expectations in some way, he was driven away by a quick-acting co-worker … who immediately pulled her conceal-carry pistol out of her pocket. … There’s a reason.…
Collusion? Coincidence? The First and Third Kavanaugh Accusers Have Something in Common…irst-and-third-kavanaugh-accusers-have-something-in-n2523002
a drug placed in her drink without her consent and was unable to fight off her attackers. … She didn’t list her work there on a résumé posted online. A spokeswoman for Ms. Katz declined to comment. … Her ex-boyfriend filed a restraining order against her (via Politico): A Miami-Dade County court docket shows a petition for injunction…
Who Is on a Bigger Bender in Our Country: Voters or Elected Officials?…r-bender-in-our-country-voters-or-elected-officials-n2629602
– John Fetterman, D-Pa., posted about a congresswoman misbehaving with her date by "grabbing his hog," and his spokesman Joe Calvello … We are currently in a place where we either shrug at a near-naked photo of a woman who wants to lead Allegheny County forward, applaud … Or Hallam or one of her crew wishing a gruesome death for a black jail warden she took umbrage with.…