Results for: they are all going to jail

America's Cops: The Best in the World
– Oh, and I found out later I was correct about not having to carry my work permit at all times, but the cops rely on Russia’s overly … If I were badly hurt in an accident, I have no confidence that the cops are going to let me get medical attention without a payoff. … These are people with no appreciation for how important our cops are to keeping our streets and communities safe, and our society civilized…
Conservatives Like Me Are Not The Stereotypes Liberals Say We Are…like-me-are-not-the-stereotypes-liberals-say-we-are-n1955194
– or Mother Gaia is going to barf us into space. … I quit going because I couldn’t afford to buy one. That turned me off to politics for years. … That’s why they have to convince you conservatives are bad people.…
Perfect Democrat Crime: Feelings...They Get Them, You Do Not
They get to have as much as they want while criticizing others for having too much. Now if they could just tax it. … Oh, and if they don’t cheer up maybe we can get the IRS to put them in jail for the second offense. … Again they are feelings.…
“American Sniper" Trial Blasts Holes in Insanity Defense
– Both were able to convince juries that they were not to be held criminally responsible. … Are all killers with a history of instability forever entitled to throw up their hands, and say, “Sorry! Couldn’t stop myself?” … behaviors are not even recalled, to a litany of events in which a defendant did lesser things without knowing they were wrong or knowing…
A Judge Prays For Ex-Con in Court, and He is Heard
All some men want, really, is work and something to eat and maybe to drink and the chance of meeting a woman once in a while. … They like being in a crew, they like routine. All they need is work and structure. They don't ask for much. … "I told them nothing's going to happen.…
The West vs Putin
– makes a point of going to church on Christmas Day. … The punishment for “gay propaganda” is a fine up to $3000, but in the case of foreigners, it could lead to a jail term up to fifteen … Unfortunately, more Russians and Ukrainians are going to die, because even those who are not seduced by media propaganda refuse to
Destroying Jobs with Innumerate Compassion
They demand more labor when wages are low. … Starting April 1, all businesses must begin to phase in the wage increase: Small employers have seven years to pay all employees … Shifting to a different topic, I’m not quite sure this guy deserves to be in the Moocher Hall of Fame, but I’m glad he’s going to jail
Obama and the Clinton Emails
– when she ended her work that she had returned all records to the government. … The legal issues in Clinton's case are all the more curious when one hears Obama's tepid reaction to this latest scandal. … Does the White House not know where the president's emails are coming from and where they are going?…
International Bureaucracy with Tax-Free Employees Is Pushing a Big Energy Tax on American Consumers…s-is-pushing-a-big-energy-tax-on-american-consumers-n1975249
– Here are just a few examples of statist policies that are directly contrary to the interests of the American people. … This means looking at all policy measures to assess if they are effective in reducing CO2 emissions and in line with governments’ climate … I guess the bureaucrats are more relaxed now than they were back in 2001, when the OECD threatened to cancel an entire conference simply…
A Right to Discriminate
– Bake me a cake, or go to jail! Sadly, that is the new message from "inclusive" America. … But forcing everyone to act as if they think that way is just wrong. We have moved from "inclusion" to totalitarianism. … Tolerance is revealed by how people behave when they are free.…
Creating $200 Million Super Fund to End Careers of Obama & Hillary…million-super-fund-to-end-careers-of-obama--hillary-n1978881
– Democrats claim all rich people are Republicans. Not true. … - willing to play both sides, or sell out either party to get what they want. … The words on those emails would not only end her political career, they could send Hillary to jail.…
MLK and BLM Extremism
All of these seem pretty innocuous. But sadly, some contemporary protest movements tend to strip Rev. … Martin Luther King Jr., they are going to have to change their ways. … They will need to remember that his radicalism was shaped by his Christian faith.…
Shocker: NBC News Segment On 'Ghost Guns' Is Riddled With Inaccuracies…segment-on-ghost-guns-is-riddled-with-inaccuracies-n2288484
they know that if they went to a gun store, they wouldn't be able to pass a background check." … "We are going to try to pass legislation," said Schumer. … In the chance that felons try to buy and manufacture a rifle from these kits, they’re breaking the law and could go to jail.…
Snoop Dogg "Assassinates" A Clown Version of Trump In Latest Music Video
– Many of his complaints about Trump, however, are not exclusive to Trump's presidency. … ; police being able to kill motherf--kers and get away with it; people being in jail for weed for 20, 30 years and motherf--kers that … It’s a lot of clown sh-t going on that we could just sit and talk on the phone all day about, but it’s a few issues that we really…
Sorry, Liberals, There Are No Oppressed Americans
– It doesn’t matter if things are going well or you have success; you’re going to be angry. You’re going to feel mistreated. … You’re going to nurse grievances. You’re going to be unhappy. … Black Americans aren’t going to jail in higher numbers because they’re committing more crimes percentage-wise; it’s racism!…
Trump Tremors Will Cause Cracks in California’s Blue Wall…tremors-will-cause-cracks-in-californias-blue-wall-n2300539
– Trump’s election: “The reason you’re seeing this push now is that us leaders ... want to tell them they are going to be protected. … If they [the feds] are going to come for them [illegal immigrants], they have to come through us [the city council] first.” … Add to the equation the fact that people “sanctuary city” status is designed to protect are not high propensity voters - or don’t vote…
PBS: 'Learning' to Love Suicide Bombers?
They travel all over the world. They go to America and Britain. We can't even leave Palestine." … Teachers are told: "Check for understanding by asking students to respond to the focus question. … Teachers are then tasked to explore "how Majdi and Mohanned's opinions differ from one another, even though they are both Palestinians…
The Real Jesus
– Moreover, Jesus Now is largely indifferent to whether people even believe in him—just so long as they are “good” people.  … Capernaum, the city in which Jesus spent no small share of His time, is going to have it just as badly. … Jesus is unequivocal: If anyone loves any of their family members more than they love Him, they are unworthy of Him.…
Sessions: The Border is Not Open, Do Not Come
– Starting today, federal prosecutors are now required to consider for prosecution all of the following offenses: The transportation … We are going to shut down and jail those who have been profiting off this lawlessness — people smuggling gang members across the border … such offenses, especially where indicators of gang affiliation, a risk to public safety or criminal history are present.…
BREAKING: Sessions Announces Illegal Aliens Who Illegally Re-Enter The U.S. Will Be Charged With a Felony…the-country-will-be-referred-for-felony-prosecution-n2312043
– Here are the details (bolding is mine):  Starting today, federal prosecutors are now required to consider for prosecution all of the … We are going to shut down and jail those who have been profiting off this lawlessness — people smuggling gang members across the … "If someone dares to assault one of our folks in the line of duty, they will do federal time for it," Sessions said.…
The Green Guillotine
– The first thing they do is come for your carbon. They want you to stop burning it. Immediately. … to combat global warming in jail? … The last two, symbolism and government coercion, are to environmentalism what fuel and oxygen are to fire.…
What the Politicians Won't Say About Drugs
– Some people have a predisposition to addiction, but they can decide not to touch drugs. … In special "drug courts" throughout the nation, defendants get the option to stay clean to avoid jail time. … Hospitals recruit volunteers to cuddle the newborns while they are going through painful withdrawal.…
Film Review: "Awake: A Dream From Standing Rock," is Full Scaremongering Claims and No Evidence…rock-is-full-scaremongering-claims-and-no-evidence-n2317169
– He chose not to let us in on these facts. Maybe they weren't relevant. … I wanted to know how they squared the circle of using gas-guzzling cars and planes to come to protest an oil pipeline. … I wanted to know if they felt hypocritical protesting fossil fuels while using natural gas to heat their tents.…
Liberals Want To Kill Free Speech, So We Patriots Must Fight Back…to-kill-free-speech-so-we-patriots-must-fight-back-n2317165
– After 2016, there’s no way they are going to take a chance on another electoral rejection by us normals, so they don’t even pretend … Yes, they want to be able to ban books. … is going to end.…
Desperate to Stop New Eye Care Technology, Lobbyists Fight State by State…eye-care-technology-lobbyists-fight-state-by-state-n2322295
– We are used to 24/7 access to information, to our friends, and the digital world. … The prescription is then signed off on by a board-certified ophthalmologist and they are good to go. … front door without going into the eye doctor to accomplish this commerce.…
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