Results for: dissent from supreme power

Around the World, Tyrants Ascendant
– Poland's Supreme Court ruled that a new law to restrict public demonstrations was unconstitutional. … But Ghana, an exemplary African democracy, carried out its third peaceful transfer of power since 1992. … Cuba's Fidel Castro died at 90, but the persecution of dissent has continued under brother Raul.…
The Terrifying Aftermath of Hillary’s Election Victory
– She added, “And now that Elizabeth Warren is heading to the Supreme Court, the gun nuts are in for a rude awakening. … It would also prevent people from writing books that spread dissent. … Xe promised to increase immigration from the Middle East ten-fold.…
President Trump Does His Job: “You’re Hired! You’re Fired!”
– Neil Gorsuch, nominee for the Supreme Court to replace Justice Scalia. … Yate’s disobedience was not courage, nor was it honest dissent. Yates’ insubordination was catty politicking. … The Obama Administration was routinely suppressing the power of border and immigration control.…
Beginning of the End for the Regulatory State?
– Political elites have centralized more and more power in a distant bureaucracy set up to rule without interference from voters. … The likely next Supreme Court Justice sees this as a fundamental problem. … federal power [is] more than a little difficult to square with the Constitution."…
The One-Man Rule
– "We claim them from a higher source -- from the King of Kings, and Lord of all the Earth," he said in a public letter he signed simply … They are born with us; exist with us; and cannot be taken from us by any human power, without taking our lives. … Justice Clarence Thomas, in dissent, accurately predicted: "Aside from undermining the political processes that protect our liberty…
An Open Letter to President Obama: Please Pick the Right Justice…er-to-president-obama-please-pick-the-right-justice-n2120790
– and judicial branches in opposition as a way to protect the citizenry from unrestrained power. … They not only portray a sharp legal mind, but a grasp of the Supreme Court’s place in the power structure of our nation. … Writing in his dissent to the King vs.…
What Antonin Scalia Foresaw
– "Why is this different from bigamy?" … In his dissent in Obergefell v. … But the court had usurped that power and more.…
Scalia Defended Democracy: Liberals Subvert It
– “I write separately to call attention to this Court’s threat to American democracy,” wrote Justice Scalia in his dissent from last … year’s Supreme Court decision, where five unelected judges imposed same-sex marriage on all 320 million citizens. … A liberal Supreme Court is not only a threat to democracy; it’s a threat to stability.…
Justice Scalia's Untimely Death Should Wake Up Congress…tice-scalias-untimely-death-should-wake-up-congress-n2119875
– Of course, senate Republicans should block President Obama from filling this Supreme Court vacancy in an election year, and they have … The Founders gave Congress everything necessary to take power away from this runaway federal judiciary. … One of the best was his stinging dissent from the same-sex marriage ruling called Obergefell v. Hodges.…
Will Trumpets the End of the GOP. Well.
– One of them had guns pointed at her if she did not go along with demands from local (mafia) interests. … For the longest time, the Democratic Party has not permitted open dissent, and yet in California it’s happening already. … They want to keep the money flowing in from the taxpayers to the federal coffers, protecting Big Business, or Big Labor, all while…
Don't Let Principals Censor the Internet
– A less generous view, one that Bell is asking the Supreme Court to consider, suggests they were doing something a bit less noble: punishing … In Dec. 2010, Bell heard from several friends at Itawamba Agricultural High School -- where a coach had been arrested the previous … Students will know that anything they say, no matter where, can be used against them by school administrators with the power to mess…
Geopolitical Journey: Iran at a Crossroads
– Iran is an emerging power seeking to exploit the vacuum created by the departure of U.S. troops from Iraq, which is scheduled to conclude … criticism from clerics and others for alleged moral laxity when it comes to female dress codes. … Even so, the supreme leader has not moved to challenge Ahmadinejad on this point.…
NEA’s Plan to Indoctrinate Schoolchildren
from so-called marriage equality, even for sincere religious reasons. … Supreme Court decision earlier this year, the U.S. … There can be no positive change in America’s public schools as long as teachers unions have the power to collect mandatory dues from
Supreme Court upholds health care law, disappointing pro-lifers
– Read comments on the ruling from around the nation at WASHINGTON (BP) -- The U.S. … Although Congress does not have the power under the Commerce Clause of the U.S. … Obama added he is "as confident as ever that when we look back five years from now or 10 years from now or 20 years from now, we'll…
This Is It: Last Thoughts Before SCOTUS Speaks on Healthcare
– Today's the day: the Supreme Court is mere hours away from issuing its most consequential ruling since Roe v. Wade. … So it seems noteworthy that his scathing dissent in Arizona v. … Federalism takes a backseat to the commerce power in regards to the mandate.…
A Government of Men, Not Laws
– And the easiest means to maximize federal power is to place unlimited power in the hands of the president of the United States.There … is a danger for liberals, however: What happens if a conservative gains the reins of power? … While conservatives worry about institutional power, liberals flit from position to position on the issue, depending who is in power
BREAKING: Decision Reached on Arizona's SB 1070
– I dissent." … "As a sovereign, Arizona has the inherent power to ex­ clude persons from its territory, subject only to those limitations expressed … Supreme Court is a victory for the rule of law.…
Supreme Court Disregards Constitutional Limits of Federal Power
– The shocking verdict to uphold the entire ObamaCare law is one of the worst Supreme Court decisions in recent history. … These taxes range from excise taxes on medical device manufacturers to hospital insurance taxes. … This Supreme Court ruling makes the IRS the enforcement arm of ObamaCare.…
The Vacuum of Leadership
– It was left to the Supreme Court of the United States last week to take on the immigration issue, since the other branches of the … is not within the power of Arizona, we should cease referring to it as a sovereign state." … Bush tried to address it, together with a senator from Arizona named John McCain and another from Massachusetts named Ted Kennedy.…
The Supreme Oxymorons
– With the Supreme Court’s decision in National Federation of Independent Business v. … “We are not worse off from a jurisprudential standpoint, and Congress gained no new power,” Jennifer Rubin argued online at the Washington … We are protected from abuse of the taxing power by public opinion (which generally opposes tax hikes).” Not exactly.…
ObamaCare Survives - Electing Romney Just Became Imperative
– The Supreme Court did not save us from ourselves, at least not entirely. … throats -- and we did find out how expensive, controlling, and coercive the legislation was -- a majority of Americans wanted the Supreme … to tax is the power to destroy been so apt, a portion of liberty being the direct object in this case.…
Obamacare Affirmed: The Aftermath
– The president's signature legislative "achievement" has been Constitutionally affirmed by a slim majority of the United States Supreme … These funds came from more than 47,000 individual donors.  … This ad from the RNC is an exquisite start:   Devastating. …
The Chief Justice of the United States
– Just about everyone in Washington was wrong about what the Supreme Court would do yesterday on the Obamacare case. … In case you were absent that day from Dr. … " and then follows with 18 things the Congress shall have the power to do.…
What Will You Say Next Year, in Two Years, and in Five?
– I have to think that the Chief Justice weighed the strength of the taxing power argument, other factors were added to the scale.  … Enormous change is coming to the Supreme Court and soon.  … Roberts may well have saved many nominees from endless Congressional limbo and 41-vote vetoes.…
Chief Justice John Roberts: Trojan Horse?
– Daniel Fisher at Forbes Magazine argues that Roberts was not actually ceding power to Congress, but amassing more power for the Court … Sebelius will go down as one of the most significant rulings coming from the Supreme Court. … Instead of continuing 200 years of lumping government expansion of power under the Commerce Clause, the Supreme Court has now turned…
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