Results for: they are all going to jail

Bernie Sanders’ Army of Deadbeats Can Bring Conservatives Together Again…of-deadbeats-can-bring-conservatives-together-again-n2149638
– However, while the world can go on without analyses of novels by Latin American she-males, even hipsters are always going to need help … We’ve all heard Sanders’ limp legions talking about how they are morally entitled take our money – and it is our money they’re talking … And it’s one that is never going to be, largely because we have all the guns and they have all the White Stripes albums on vinyl.…
ESPN Fires Curt Schilling -- What About Liberal Offenders?
– I don't care what they are, who they sleep with, men's room was designed for the penis, women's not so much. … Asked if the tea party was racist, Jackson said, "It's pretty obvious what they are." … 'Screw the country, we're going to do ... whatever we can to get this black man out of here.' ... It is a racist thing."…
Ted and John Driving Off the Cliff in a GOP Convertible
– And Trump, bellowing that his enemies are colluding against him, says it's all so "sad." … They were props for politics, and then President Bill Clinton appealed to them to win the White House, before abandoning them to trade … Now that their economic frustration drives them to Trump, they are ridiculed.…
ICYMI: OSU Administrators Put Protesters in Their Place: Leave or Be Arrested, Expelled…esters-in-their-place-leave-or-be-arrested-expelled-n2151455
– With so many colleges and universities around the country caving to the demands of protesters, it’s refreshing to see some sanity … He added, “We will give you the opportunity to go to jail for your beliefs.” “What do you mean by ‘clear the building?’” … If you’re still here at 5:00, our current philosophy is, we are going to take you out — escort you out of the building and arrest you…
Donald Trump Jr Goes Off: "When the American People Get to Vote, We Win"…rump-jr-when-the-american-people-get-to-vote-we-win-n2151451
– He went on to acknowledge how his father has empowered the people with a voice that they have not had before. … Trump Jr. continued to bash the GOP primary process when he brought up the lucrative dealings that some claim is going on behind the … If we did that in business, you'd go to jail.  The American people are coming on to it.  …
Kardashians do Cuba--The World’s Coolest Place
– So let us briefly peruse the societal and political characteristics that the cool and beautiful people (all liberals, needless to add … Do not even jail blacks if they are convicted (by an independent jury during an internationally monitored trail) of being communist … These “rights”—we’ve recently been given to understand by the ultra-cool Sandra Fluke –are extremely far-reaching and should include…
Muy Malo: Outrage Over "Insensitive" Language Used in Cinco De Mayo DUI Memo, Cops Apologize…on-cino-de-mayo-because-its-racist-against-mexicans-n2158554
They also send out notices to the community as a warning. Cue the outrage.  … Some fiesta-goers think they can play it by ear and wait until after the party has started to decide whether they’re ‘okay to drive … Going out for a night of drinking without a plan to get home safely is a recipe for disaster.…
Looking Back On How Donald Trump Beat Hillary Clinton
– And if she’s scared of me, how is she going to stand up to the very bad people out there and protect America? … they learn about it it’s going to be very bad for you because you were very bad to the women. … if they don’t stop me then I will remember and there will be a very heavy price they will have to pay if they interfere, believe me…
Climate and Environmental Propaganda
– Global temperatures are the hottest ever recorded. Melting ice caps are raising seas to dangerous levels. … “It keeps going until they create this perception that there’s real concern over an issue, and it bubbles up to top liberal sites like … That’s why Climate Crisis, Inc. already wants to silence and jail us.…
A History Of Katie Couric's Assault On The Second Amendment
– I know how you all are going to answer this, but I'm asking anyway. … to read a transcript than to listen to some audio. … And if they did read the transcript, the last thing they read, with Katie’s edit, sounds like the group isn’t firing on all its cylinders…
CBS News: What Exactly Was The Point Of That AR-15 Segment? UPDATE: Illegal Straw Purchase?
– But they won’t do because it’s against the law—and I’m sure no convicted felon wants to risk going back to jail for the sake for a … If it was to prove that Virginia has a multi-tiered process to buying a long gun, you succeeded. … When you knowingly attempt to purchase a firearm with the intent of giving it to another person, you are trying to bypass the legal…
Update: Effects, New Evidence of Brock Turner Verdict Continue To Surface
– The "Brock Turner Family Support" community Facebook page's description reads, "They are dealing with a monumental life-changing and … A post on June 10 stated Turner "was going to bring OLYMPIC GOLD medals home to America and that's a lot more important than some party … The comments on this post reach almost 20,000 and the shares are up to more than 8,000. These responses are almost all negative.…
A Real Conversation About Race In America
are suspected of breaking the law because they are white or because they are doing something police regard as suspicious based on … I have nothing in common with them other than skin color, but they are the reason something really bad could have happened to me that … It just didn’t have anything to do with distrusting people simply because they are cops or anything else.…
The Mainstream Media Chose a Side and Now It’s Paying the Price…eam-media-chose-a-side-and-now-its-paying-the-price-n2179451
– Except most of them are really partisan hacks who lie endlessly for the liberal politicians they suck up to. … who lie about him because the MSM feels the First Amendment should allow them to lie about him with impunity (and on that they are … right, but they are still terrible).…
The Speech James Comey Should Have Given
– if they did what she did, but she is going to walk. … There is no need to detail those actions here, as they are well known by most Americans at this point. … My support for amnesty has nothing to do with caring about illegals. These people are going to vote Democratic by the millions.…
Hillary Clinton Paves the Way For Easy Treason Against America…nton-paves-the-way-for-easy-treason-against-america-n2189489
– really all that any mole or spy would have to do to sell or profit from revealing U.S. secrets. … or make it their own and certainly they are not allowed to put it on an unsecured servers where the enemies of America can come and … If to take classified information and place it on an unsecured server is all that a spy needs to do to complete a dead drop, how are
Comey Could Be Telling us Something
– There is no doubt that many are not surprised that the former secretary of state is not going to be indicted – yet. … In the report, Comey states that it is "likely that there are other work-related e-mails that they did not produce to State and that … we did not find elsewhere, and that are now gone because they deleted all e-mails they did not return to State, and the lawyers cleaned…
You Owe Them Nothing - Not Respect, Not Loyalty, Not Obedience…them-nothing--not-respect-not-loyalty-not-obedience-n2186865
– These people are so used to the good life that a society’s reflexive reliance on the principle of the rule of law brings that they … The last words of some of these people to their radical Muslim killers before they are beheaded will be, “Please remember me as not … We are not all equal before the law. Our constitutional rights are not being upheld.…
Convicted and Unemployed
– Just got out of jail? Odds are that within five years, you'll get caught doing something illegal and go back to jail. … They are more likely to stay straight if they find work. Work gives people purpose. … Rasmussen says, "You went to jail, you paid your debt to society. Coming out, how are we going to treat you?…
There Are some Bad Cops, but the Real Problem Is Bad Laws…are-some-bad-cops-but-the-real-problem-is-bad-laws-n1940580
They lied to a judge and told him I had hostages in my apartment and they needed to enter,” said Chadwick. … And there are two reasons they deserve defending. … A young boy noticed all their weapons and asked “Are you guys cops?”…
What Freedom of Speech?
– It also presumes that all ideas are equal, and none is worthy of hatred. … You can also go to jail for using speech to defy the government. … Might it be because our spies are listening to us, rather than to those who pose real dangers?…
Despite Charlie Hebdo Attacks, Politically-Correct Censorship Thrives…hebdo-attacks-politicallycorrect-censorship-thrives-n1942584
– Charbonnier, and the staff knew they might one day be victims of terrorism to silence them, but they refused to surrender their rights … “Je Suis Charlie” bandwagon; to pound their chests and declare how much in favor of free speech they are. … Today, people are going to jail for composing rap music on social media as a means to cope with a divorce (a case currently being decided…
An Egyptian Crackdown in South Dakota
– It’s worth noting that the 37 signatures in question have all been verified to be those of duly registered South Dakota voters, who … Virtually all of the now-controversial 37 signers are people she knows; they are mostly patients. One is her sister. … Bosworth’s crimes are “serious, deliberate and must be addressed in order to preserve the integrity of our elections.”…
The Need for Social Security Reform, as Illustrated by Cartoons…r-social-security-reform-as-illustrated-by-cartoons-n1947803
– Today, we’re going to try something different. … Heck, there are people sitting in jail right now for such scams. … and more over time, yet they are promised rather meager benefits.…
The State Of Our Union
– money to pay for a lifestyle you can’t afford, you are overpaid and deserve to be fired. … But heroin is hard to kick. If your dealer goes to jail, that’s one thing. … She and Ben are working as hard as ever but have to forego vacations and a new car so they can pay off student loans and save for retirement…
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