Results for: is the us at war with iran

A Liberal Magazine Got Blunt About Ukraine
The war machine budget just for 2024 is $842 billion. … At the same time, Washington is openly preparing for a war with China over Taiwan. … Two-thirds of the world’s countries trade more with China than with the US. We run chronic trade and fiscal deficits.…
America Led by Perhaps the Dullest Knife in the Presidential Drawer…erhaps-the-dullest-knife-in-the-presidential-drawer-n2622076
– Rivals like China, North Korea, Iran and the Soviet Union no longer respect or fear us. … at the throne of wokeism. … Biden in a “your secret’s safe with us” manner is the overarching influence federal and state media have on what gets reported publicly…
Iran’s Mullahs Use Ramadan to Crush Dissent
– As the uprising in Iran continues to gain momentum and the chants of “down with the dictator” and “down with Khamenei” can be heard … in the streets, it is time for the US, the EU and the UK to take concrete steps to show their support for the Iranian people and their … Struan Stevenson is the Coordinator of the Campaign for Iran Change (CiC).…
Election Integrity Is the Core of America’s Hope and Strength…integrity-is-the-core-of-americas-hope-and-strength-n2621771
The United States is the only country in the entire history of mankind that was specifically founded on the recognition and principles … A failure to pursue diplomacy with Ukraine and Russia has left us on the brink of World War and an unthinkable nuclear missile exchange … Biden has so offended Saudi’s crown prince that Saudi Arabia has done an about face on the Abraham Accords and is following Iran in…
The 13 Jobs Joe Biden Shouldn’t Have the Chance to Finish…3-jobs-joe-biden-shouldnt-have-the-chance-to-finish-n2622482
The economy’s growth is expected to continue petering out in the next year with contraction expected to worsen for some time before … One thing is clear: if Biden continues in office to “finish the job,” his policies will delay a recovery — if one happens at all — … They prove that Biden's reelection pitch to "finish the job" is more of a threat than it is a promise.…
Donald Trump Savages Joe Biden Ahead of His Reelection Announcement With Blistering Statement…s-reelection-announcement-with-blistering-statement-n2622368
– "Biden has totally humiliated our Nation on the world stage—starting with the Afghanistan disaster, perhaps the most embarrassing event … Russia is teaming up with China," Trump writes. "Iran is days away from a nuclear bomb—not even thinkable. … Trump's statement not only references his claims about the 2020 election results, but also goes deeper with the contrast of the two…
Democratic Fantasyland
The US is the only world superpower. … , do not give the world notice that the US is folding its tent and going home? … No, the Democrats believe that the US is feared and is the one calling the shots around the world.…
Things to Be Thankful For
– and the pharmaceutical companies lied to us over the past two-plus years about the origins of COVID-19, the relative risks of the … This is just the beginning. No. 5: Corporations with "woke" policies are taking a long-overdue hit. … This, too, is just the beginning.…
If You Really Wanted to Destroy the U.S., Then...
– Cut back production at precisely the time the world is emerging from a two-year lockdown with pent-up consumer demand. … Appease the theocracy to reenter the Iran nuclear deal. … He is a classicist and historian at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University, and the author of "The Second World Wars: How the
Will Smith Allows You to Not Watch His Movie…as-and-will-smith-allows-you-to-not-watch-his-movie-n2616514
– "Riffed from the Headlines" is Townhall's daily VIP feature with coverage of the deeply flawed aspects of journalism in the nation. … This is claimed to be a violation of FIFA rules and the severity of the offense being cause for the US to be removed from the World … Just to underscore exactly how devoted Tasnim is toward the sanctity of national flags, take a look at the header photo on the outlet's…
'Prep-Fire' for the 118th Congress
The Republican Party, such as it is, will run the U.S. House of Representatives until, at least, 2024. … Since the GOP is a "coalition" of disparate "hearts and minds," we proffer advice on how the 118th Congress can hit the ground running … Protecting our homeland requires our military to be able to deter war and, if we must fight, win as fast as possible and at the lowest…
Iranian Regime Resorts to Public Hanging of Protesters as It Tries to Crush Opposition…nging-of-protesters-as-it-tries-to-crush-opposition-n2617130
– of Iran is an important aspect of the insurrection. … The mullahs’ regime is at its weakest point and its demise is imminent. … The West must show their support for the people of Iran, together with their courageous MEK Resistance Units, who are spearheading…
It's Official: Congress Introduces Bill to Ban TikTok
– activity in the United States is bipartisan. … There is no more time to waste on meaningless negotiations with a CCP-puppet company," Rubio said of the Biden administration's attempts … , and major broadcast networks during the Cold War," Gallagher explained.…
Listing Off the Lowest Members in Journalism for 2022: THE TOP (Bottom?) 10…st-members-in-journalism-for-2022-the-top-bottom-10-n2617966
The arduous task of cataloging who ranks among the worst in the pundit class is a daunting one, and imprecise. … figure at the network, in a very grating fashion. … Florida at this point is basically Gilead with palm trees and bikinis.…
Twitter Thread Highlights Why Dems Gloating Over McCarthy's Speakership Troubles Is Disturbing…g-over-mccarthys-speakership-troubles-is-disturbing-n2617927
– Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) over the top is embarrassing. … It’s an authoritarian ethos that keeps liberals in line, which is fine, but more in keeping with the governments in Iran and North … Lmao. — Shant Mesrobian (@ShantMM) January 3, 2023 The only issue with the rebels’ plan is that they don’t have anyone who can get…
Antisemitism Is Not Going Anywhere
The Nazis blew up on Kristallnacht the synagogue in the small Franconian town of Forchheim and with it the apartment in which my father … Could one forget right-wing militias in the US talking incessantly about ZOG—the Zionist Occupation Government that runs the US?  … The same is true for antisemitism.…
100 Years After the Collapse of the Weimar Republican, the Islamic Republic of Iran Faces a Similar Fate…n-the-islamic-republic-of-iran-faces-a-similar-fate-n2617936
The new year has dawned with the unfolding revolution in Iran entering its most critical stage. … , the exact opposite is happening in the Islamic Republic of Iran, where an era of fascist, theocratic tyranny and repression is about … Struan Stevenson is the Coordinator of the Campaign for Iran Change (CiC).…
Sick: Palestinians Enjoy Fireworks, Candy to Celebrate Cold-Blooded Murder of Jews at Israeli Synagogue…te-cold-blooded-murder-of-jews-at-israeli-synagogue-n2618887
The other side of the conflict is dominated by those who revel in innocent deaths and reject peace at every turn, insisting that Israel … The Israeli military said it had responded with live rounds after coming under fire during the raid, which it said was aimed at apprehending … a US Congresswoman, after innocent civilian Jews were brutally murdered at a Synagogue, is the *Jewish lives don't matter* tweet from…
Threats and Menaces as Iran Tries to Stop Blacklisting of Revolutionary Guards…tries-to-stop-blacklisting-of-revolutionary-guards-n2618629
– and on behalf of 500 million European citizens to tell you that we are with you … That the women, men, students standing up in Iran … on the people on the streets of Iran. … It is responsible for the country’s ballistic missile and nuclear programs and together with its extraterritorial Quds Force, seeks…
Bombshell Report Alleges US Behind Sabotage of Nord Stream Pipeline
– Now, with Russian troops massing on the Ukrainian border and the bloodiest war in Europe since 1945 looming, President Joseph Biden … , the US plotted blowing up the Nord Stream 2, an obstacle to its proxy war plans: — Aaron Maté (@aaronjmate … Iran/Nevada story is real and was published in the New Yorker -- but I guess we're supposed to believe that outfit is overrun with
Examine Michael Rubin’s Motives
The comedy: Rubin is Johnny One Note, rebroadcasting the same show tunes against the MEK. … Rubin is cagy about his Iran visits. … Rubin is silent about his dealings with Ahmad Chalabi, who acted as an Iranian intelligence agent to pull the US into the Iraq War
What Good Was John Kerry?
– Example: Kerry first made his name as a leader of Vietnam Veterans Against the War. At 27, and a former U.S. … the only alternative to war.  … Iran, which showed little interest in re-entering the 2015 agreement, now reportedly has enough enriched uranium for at least one nuclear…
Appointment of New Ruthless Police Chief Will Not Crush Iran's Protesters…thless-police-chief-will-not-crush-irans-protesters-n2619232
– His ruthlessness and steadfast dedication to the Supreme Leader saw him rise rapidly through the ranks during the Iran-Iraq war. … (SSF) as commander of one of the districts in Tehran, when the war ended. … an interview at the time, he threatened to arrest and punish boys with “perverted hairstyles”.…
Keep the Change
The US thought that it could import democracy, but the country was financially better off under its dictator than it is in the post-warwar, the Taliban found itself ruling more land than it had prior to the US invasion. … Syria is still a broken country and Assad has overcome most of the opposition with the strong aid of Iran and Hezbollah.…
Vilifying Iran Opposition Serves the Ruling Tyrants
At the very least, he has a similar track record with the UAE, Iraq, and Turkey. … A few years before the Iraq War, he visited Iran twice. … It is undisputed that the MEK defended the country when Iraq invaded Iran in 1980.…
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