Results for: Republican National Committee

'Unconstitutional': Conservatives Torch Senate Gun Control Bill
– bill negotiated entirely behind closed doors, released only an hour ago, that no one has had time to fully read, that ignores the national … NO — Josh Hawley (@HawleyMO) June 22, 2022 Republican Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas, who also voted no, released a statement explaining … The Republican members voting "yes" were Sens.…
Kevin McCarthy Endorses Matthew Foldi in Key Midterm Race…y-makes-an-endorsement-in-key-maryland-primary-race-n2609128
– On Tuesday night, Foldi's Twitter account also touted that he had been endorsed by the Montgomery County Republican Club.  … With national Republicans already naming this one of their top targeted races to flip, I need your support as well. … Despite his young age, Foldi has held political office before, as the 5th Ward Republican Committeeman of Cook County in Chicago's…
Progressive San Fran DA Ousted —Which Other Soft-On-Crime Prosecutors Could Be Next?
– Philadelphia's persisting crime problem made national headlines when Rep. … The financier of left-wing causes donated over $1 million to Bragg's campaign through the Color of Change political action committee … The first campaign was started by Stand Up Virginia in April 2021 and supported by the Fairfax County Republican Committee.…
ABC News Buries the Lede with Jan. 6 Hearing Poll
– On Sunday, ABC News/Ipsos released the findings of their latest poll, which specifically focused on the January 6 select committee … The poll was conducted June 17-18, with a random national sample of 545 adults and a margin of sampling error of 4.5 points. … The Republican Party has also consistently led on those issues in various polls. …
There’s Something Seriously Wrong With These People
– They are desperate to replace DeJoy with a left-wing drone of their own so they can actually do the things to disenfranchise Republican … The National Democratic Training Committee had their own, reading, “Look – Post Offices are one of the most essential parts of our … So when the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee sends an email declaring, “For months, Trump’s hand-picked Postmaster General…
RSLC Effort to Make Gains in Blue States Paying Off, Polls Show
– In March, the Republican State Leadership Committee (RSLC) released a memo indicating it was looking to make "meaningful gains" in … Voters are ready for change and this November will be turning to Republican candidates who are laser-focused on commonsense policies … to bring down the cost of living for their constituents," said RSLC National Press Secretary Stephanie Rivera in a statement. …
CNN Admits It's Not Looking Too Good for Liz Cheney
– This lines up with what more recent internal polling of the August Republican primary for Cheney's at-large House seat in Wyoming is … Further, national polls seem to confirm the bad data in Wyoming for Cheney. … That means "[v]oters who are already affiliated with a political party- Republican, Democrat or minor party- can vote only in that…
Funding to Prevent Future Pandemics Important for National Security…nt-future-pandemics-important-for-national-security-n2609518
– get one very important thing done before the fall elections - fully fund pandemic response and prevention plans in the name of national … Unfortunately, pandemic prevention is a national security issue in need of far more resources as Congress is only now realizing the … Barbara Comstock, Virginia Republican, and Rodney Blum, Iowa Republican.…
Democrats Burned Money to Meddle in Republican Primaries in Colorado, and It Backfired Terribly…can-primaries-in-colorado-and-it-backfired-terribly-n2609614
– The mailers even had a logo that made it look as if they were coming from the Colorado Republican Party. … Rick Scott of Florida, the chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC), further highlighted the role Democrats … Further, as Brown pointed out, there's polling showing only a point between Bennett and a generic Republican. …
'We're All Going to Die': Joe Manchin Triggered Another Democratic Party Meltdown
– For national Democrats, it's over. The legislative agenda of the Biden administration is over. … The Republican Party will retake the House in November, ending Build Back Better and several other left-wing proposals. … Martin Heinrich, D-N.M., openly questioned if Manchin should keep his gavel as chairman of the Senate energy committee. [...]…
Of Course, That's Why Nevada Dems Want to Vote First in 2024
Committee to abandon tradition and refocus on voters of color … The DNC's Rules and Bylaws Committee met over the weekend to consider any significant 2024 calendar changes before members take an … Mayra Flores (R-TX), the first Mexican-born member of Congress, retook a district that hadn't elected a Republican in 150 years.…
The Radical Left Fully Rejects American Principles
– Paris Dennard is the National Spokesperson and Director of Black Media Affairs for the Republican National Committee.…
Trump Was Listening to People as Crazy as Democrats!…trump-was-listening-to-people-as-crazy-as-democrats-n2610224
– Also, one of the computer software engineers who tested the software "had given $25,000 to the Republican National Committee in 2000 … being pushovers and shut down all mail-in balloting, all early voting, all drop boxes, and pass a federal law requiring ONE DAY, a NATIONAL
This Is How Dems Sell Us on the Concept of the Jan. 6 Hearings Being a Serious Affair?…ll-concept-of-jan-6-hearings-being-a-serious-affair-n2610216
– For over a year, the press has been insisting on what a vital and historic political event this January 6 Committee has been. … Here the committee provides some gripping footage of meetings taking place among administration officials.  … Not all reporters were flippant about the committee hearing – but that does not mean they were taking their job seriously. …
Report: Dems Fret as GOP Goes 'On Offense' to Court Hispanic Voters…ret-as-gop-goes-on-offense-to-court-hispanic-voters-n2610108
– Like the other community centers, it offers a variety of events and services and gives insight into Republican Party beliefs. … “At the end of the day, we know that Hispanics belong in the Republican Party,” said Macarena Martinez, the RNC’s Texas communications … The Republican National Committee has even opened a Hispanic community center in the county that hosts activities such as movies and…
When Dick Durbin Defended the Right to Life
– Right to Life Committee. … Now, as chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Durbin takes exactly the opposite position. … "We know the Republican plan: win control of Congress and impose a federal ban on abortion," Durbin said.…
DCCC Is Laughably Delusional About Upcoming 'Doomsday' Midterms
Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) said in a statement for Townhall.  … Elise Stefanik (R-NY), who serves as the House Republican Conference Chair.  … Rob Portman, a Republican.…
Noonan and French Swoon For Jan 6 Stooge Cassidy Hutchinson…nd-french-swoon-for-jan-6-stooge-cassidy-hutchinson-n2610075
– The farcical January 6th Committee gives them the perfect platform from which to hawk Trump Derangement Syndrome tropes.  … Both Engle and the limo driver have stated they’d testify before the Jan 6th committee. … He is ascendent, while the tired Mitch McConnell/Lindsay Graham wing of the Republican Party wanes.…
Lawless West Coast States Create 'Safe Haven' for Out-of-State Abortion Seekers, Not Their Own Residents
– A dozen of Republican-led states had enacted trigger laws in the event Roe got struck down that immediately, or pending action, would … Gavin Newsom instead used alarmist language when he alleged that the Supreme Court and Republican-led states want to "turn back the … @OHAOregon makes a candid admission in its presentation to the House Interim Committee on Behavioral Health about its BM 110 rollout…
Yes, There Is an Invasion on Our Southern Border
– “The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against … Meanwhile, the Biden administration undermines state and national security by punishing 60,000 National Guard members who have not … We affirm that this is an invasion on our southern border, as do the veterans who are part of our Committee to Support and Defend who…
Donald Trump Broke These People
– People in media who made their careers or got their TV contracts because of their willingness to be “a Republican who doesn’t like … The former chairman of the Republican National Committee is on MSNBC regularly whining like a 9-year-old girl with a skinned knee about … As for the Republican Party and conservative world: Go already, we still don’t need you.…
Biden's Poll Numbers in Virginia Could Spell Trouble for Particularly Vulnerable House Members…l-trouble-for-particularly-vulnerable-house-members-n2610998
– The poll, released on Thursday, was quickly noticed by the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC), which warned that such … Luria and Spanberger and were among the first members added to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) frontline program … Glenn Youngkin, a Republican who beat former Gov.…
There's a Serious Problem With the DOJ Investigation Into Hunter Biden…roblem-with-the-doj-investigation-into-hunter-biden-n2610966
– If Hunter were the son of a Republican, this would be the top story for months.  … Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, the ranking member of the Judiciary Committee, and Ron Johnson, R-Wis., the top Republican on the Permanent … USAA, Bank of America, TD Bank, JPMorgan Chase, PNC, Morgan Stanley, Citibank, Bank of New York Mellon, Bank of China and First National
The New Age of Orwellianism
– Back in 2008, President Joe Biden's current National Economic Council director, Brian Deese, stated: "Of course economists have a technical … A recession is defined as two consecutive quarters of negative GDP growth if a Republican is president. … In March, then-Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, during her Senate Judiciary Committee confirmation hearing to replace the retiring Justice…
Liz Cheney 2024
– Her disgusting and evil participation in the corrupt kongressional committee, which takes a giant Schiff on the constitutional rights … this doofus pretends to defend, disqualifies her not only from the Republican Party but from polite society. … She could be the Republican who hates Republicans, which is the media’s favorite kind.…
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