Results for: is the us at war with iran

Obamacare victims and Israel
– Maybe Obama is telling Netanyahu that if he fails to keep faith with the fake talks, Obama will tip Iran off to an impending Israeli … assessment that Israel’s strategic alliance with the US is unbreakable. … But then again, Obama’s weakening of the US alliance with Israel – and with Saudi Arabia and Egypt – is well-known.…
Obama: The World’s Disneyland Dad
The price of peace, it seems-- at least the Nobel variety of peace that Obama brings—is humiliation and decay; a dislodgement of American … In the Middle East you need a scorecard to tell which bad guys the US is supporting on which battlefield because it varies from day-to-day … And picking amongst the evils that we face, the brand of Islam that the Saudis represent is preferable to the brand of Islam that Iran
The Latest From Glitches R Us
The president's assurance may prove as solid as his grammar, but at least he's acknowledged the mess Obamacare is in. … At the moment, as he tries to explain away Obamacare's more-than-technical failures, our president is showing an almost Republican … The fault here may lie not with one party or the other, or even both, but with our species, which is given to pride -- the kind that…
Terrorists From Pakistan Step Up Violence Against Nato Troops in Afghanistan…step-up-violence-against-nato-troops-in-afghanistan-n1747446
– According to the press accounts, Afghan and US sources claimed the truck belonged to the Haqqani network which is responsible for almost … The formation of trained reserves is a contingency military preparation only required in anticipation of war at some time in the future … Egypt was considering replacing the US with Russia, as its major military benefactor.…
The Demise of Pax Americana
The developments in the six-party nuclear talks with Iran in Geneva last week signaled the end of American world leadership. … Even without the deal, the US paid the price of appeasing Iran and surrendering leadership of the free world to France and Israel. … The third interest was an essential foundation of US deterrence of the Soviets during the Cold War, and of the Chinese over the past…
“Salvation is from the Jews” -- Even in a Worldly Sense
– Christians are certainly familiar with Jesus’ words to the woman at the well. … Can it be that salvation—at least in this temporal sense—is once more to come from the Jews? … We are forever being told that the Israelis depend on us. In truth, it is the other way around.…
America Jumps Off The Tiger's Back
The United States has ridden -- and tamed -- the wild global tiger since the end of World War II. … than at any time during the immediate postwar period .That dismal fact is known to both allies and enemies who expect the U.S. military … The world now wants someone to get back on -- but is unsure about who, when, how and at what cost.…
Iran Nuclear Talks Ignore Concerns of Israel and Middle East Allies…ks-ignore-concerns-of-israel-and-middle-east-allies-n1743363
– Hardline leaders often are the only ones capable of negotiating with credibility. But that is for the future. … The implications are that Iran is giving little in return for a wholesale compromise of the US' and other powers' position. … The backdrop of the article is the diluted US position in the Geneva talks with Iran.…
The Jihad According to Rand Paul
The senator was careful not to paint all Muslims with the brush of fanaticism. … The brutality of the dictator’s response sparked a civil war that was led by nationalists — not jihadists. … Senator Paul is to be commended for speaking out about the plight of Christians in Muslim-dominated lands at a time when so many other…
Cyprus Joins the Middle East
The current estimate of 5 trillion cubic feet (tcf) as well as some oil has a value estimated at US$800 billion, a huge sum amount … Strained relations with Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Israel, the Palestinian Authority, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and … This is where the brutal civil war underway in Syria, just 70 miles (110 km) away, enters the equation.…
Iranian Nuke Deal: They can't both be right
At best, the deal is a time-out that greatly advantages Iran. … Anxiety in the Persian Gulf, seemingly at a perpetual fever pitch, is once again on the rise with renewed expectations that the Geneva … Indeed, the White House now insists this preliminary, short-term deal with Iran is a path to a "more secure world".…
Putin, Iran Find Obama Really Flexible After Election
– , the consequences of which will travel far with us along our road. – Winston S. … “A Sunni-Shiite war is brewing across the region with the U.S.' … At the same time the U.S. is relinquishing its role in the Middle East to Russia much to the consternation of Saudi Arabia and Israel…
The Goal of Obama's Foreign Policy
– It isn’t surprising that the US and the other five powers signed a deal with Iran on Saturday. … With the US and its allies far more eager to reach an accord with Iran on its illicit nuclear weapons program than Iran was, it was … The US has also weakened Israel’s capacity to take steps short of war to prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear weapons possessing state…
US "Arbitary and Capricious" Iran Policy on Nukes
The story is that North Korean security authorities took into custody an 85-year old US Korean War veteran from a passenger aircraft … The man is a pawn whose purpose is to draw US attention away from Iran, Afghanistan, Israel and Syria and back to North Korea. … For the world powers, a major issue is consistency. Iran is exploiting the recent weakening of the US position.…
Nuclear Ambitions Are Clear Sign Dear Leader Obama Losing Grip…itions-are-clear-sign-dear-leader-obama-losing-grip-n1751640
– What’s at stake is the thin veneer of civility-- perhaps the last civility left in our Republic-- that allows consensus to built even … Long live the tyrannies of the Majority... with nukes! … While the rest of us worried about Iran going nuclear, Obama went nuclear instead.…
The Iranian Rapprochement Fantasy
– And they vehemently oppose a new sanctions bill that passed in the House — with strong bipartisan support — and is now stalled in the … to the Mideast equivalent of ending the Cold War with the Soviet Union.” … Friedman goes on to impugn the motives of those concerned that Iran is about to defeat America at the negotiating table — just as North…
Another Ceasefire Awaits Failure in Ukraine
– Kazakhstan-Turkmenistan-IranThe presidents of Iran, Turkmenistan, and Kazakhstan attended a ceremony at Etrek on the Iran-Turkmenistan … The line is 1520mm-gauge as far as Etrek, with the Iranian section of the route being standard gauge. … According to the professional railroad blogs, this is Kazakhstan's first direct rail link to Iran and, ultimately, the Persian Gulf…
Diplomacy Failed in Iran: Fund Missile Defense
The US and several other nations have been in “talks” in hopes of negotiating with Iran to stop its nuclear program in exchange for … Even if Iran were to agree to something, there is virtually no chance that the Mullahcracy will keep its promise when they are so close … If Congress funds Patriot modernization, it would be taking concrete steps to counter Iran and at the same time make sure a proven…
The Neo-Ottoman
The problem, of course, is the spread of jihadism throughout the Middle East, North Africa and beyond. … of Syria and Iraq into killing fields; the Islamic Republic of Iran, still ranked by the US government as the world’s leading sponsor … Stolen oil is moving in the other direction, sold to raise cash for the IS. Inside Turkey, as well, Mr. Schanzer and Ms.…
How Russia Rolled America
– Damascus is a longtime partner of Moscow’s, going back to the Cold War. … with the Medvedev-Putin regime, the approach came across as weakness, a major fault in dealing with the Russians who, more than anything … Indeed, weakness is the last thing you want to show when dealing with a foreign leader like Putin, who prides himself on being the
Oil's Slippery Slope
– However, the pace of this sell-off is mind-boggling.  … Experts say the goal is to derail the US fracing miracle; others say our Saudi friends are helping America humble the Russian bear, … On Friday, Stephen Schork of The Schork Report shared his theory with me on how Sunni Saudi is looking to punish Shia Iran.…
Giving Thanks For The Atom Bomb
– For the liberal (progressive) history and politics are relative; America is no more exceptional than Russia, Iran, or the Palestinian … What is lost on the irrational left is that it is a naturally occurring substance. … It is the terror of tyranny and the guarantor of the civil society’s liberty.…
Iran Nuclear Talks Resume: Is it Jaw-Jaw or War-War? (Part One)…uclear-talks-resume-is-it-jawjaw-or-warwar-part-one-n1932654
– But with Iran, the mullahs have made War-War while engaging us in Jaw-Jaw. They have played us along with these nuclear talks. … I met and talked with her for the first time this past June in Paris. This extended transcript is worth the time to study. … The slogan chanted by millions of Iranians during the 2009 uprisings is still relevant today: "Obama, you are either with the mullahs…
Fact-Finding in the Middle East
– It is the first trip there for the Carsons and it is truly a privilege to escort them through this remarkable country. … of the many complex forces at play in the Middle East. … Perched along Israel’s border with Lebanon is Hezbollah, a terrorist organization supported spiritually and financially the Islamic…
Cruz: "Our Friends No Longer Trust Us and Our Enemies No Longer Fear Us"
– Ted Cruz (R-TX) spoke at the 9th Margaret Thatcher Freedom Lecture at the Heritage Foundation. … “One of the sad legacies we’ve seen over the last six years is the fraying of friendships and alliances across the world,” he continued … “Today, the consequences of the Obama/Clinton foreign policy is that our friends no longer trust us and our enemies no longer fear…
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