Results for: illegal immigrants are bad

Trump Tweetstorm: Look, I'm in Charge, and All Unfavorable Polls Are 'Fake News'…m-in-charge-and-all-unfavorable-polls-are-fake-news-n2282178
– the issue back to "extreme vetting" of would-be refugees, where he has the upper hand on public opinion: Any negative polls are … The bungled rollout of his executive order barring immigrants from seven predominantly Muslim countries, a flurry of other miscues … They have gotten it wrong for two years, and now are making up stories & sources! — Donald J.…
Fake News: AP Blows It Badly on National Guard Deportation 'Scoop'…blows-it-badly-on-national-guard-deportation-scoop-n2287278
– BREAKING: Trump administration considers mobilizing as many as 100,000 National Guard troops to round up unauthorized immigrants … Four states that border on Mexico are included in the proposal — California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas — but it also encompasses … And is there any chance this was a set-up to make the media look bad?  …
ICE Agents Prefer Deporting Illegals To Changing Their Diapers…prefer-deporting-illegals-to-changing-their-diapers-n2292672
– Carlson blurted this out: "What is missing in this conversation is the fact that not all immigrants are the same. … Is it not mindless to say all immigrants are good? They are not. … It's just over a month into his presidency and the deportations of illegal immigrants are proceeding swimmingly.…
Trump’s Address to Congress: Highlights and Lowlights
– President Trump: --forcefully reiterated his resolve to construct a border wall and deport and ban criminal illegal immigrants. … --reminded the nation once more of the real-life victims of violent illegal immigrants by welcoming their loved ones—themselves victims—to … woman who he had invited to his speech and who served as a concrete illustration of the success that students can achieve if they are
Please Don’t Tell Me Trump’s Speech to Congress Was Racist…e-dont-tell-me-trumps-speech-to-congress-was-racist-n2292447
– And, “Over 43 million people are now living in poverty, and over 43 million Americans are on food stamps.” … As for the immigrants whom he is deporting, Trump said, “we are removing gang members, drug dealers and criminals that threaten our … Bad ones are going out as I speak tonight and as I have promised.”…
Immigration and How to Think About It
– "Bad dudes," as President Donald Trump phrases the matter, do come among us. … Not that we are aware. … Does this merely enlarge the problem of illegal entry? In a way.…
'Say it to My Face': Trump Challenges Media at CPAC to Use Names Instead of Anonymous Sources
– I want you all to know that we are fighting the fake news.” … “Those are the ones that go first. Basically all I’ve done is keep my promise.” … In addition to deporting criminal illegal immigrants, he promised the construction of a border wall, which will keep both illegals…
Illegal Immigrant Crime: The Real Story
– Deal with it, Democrats: illegal immigrants commit crime far more often than legal immigrants. … Their big story: ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS ARE HARDWORKING TAXPAYERS WHO RARELY COMMIT CRIMES. (Too bad it was also a big lie.) … Comparing the number of arrests made of illegal immigrants to total number of arrests, illegal immigrants represent 3.5% of all arrests…
A Day Without Idiots
– Democrats are taking to the streets…in waves. … First it was women (the day after the inauguration), then it was immigrants (conflating legal and illegal aliens in the hope of making … See, it’s not all bad.…
Immigrant Heroes Save American Lives
– Donald Trump may be sincere when he insists that immigrants, especially unauthorized immigrants, are a threat to public safety. … But immigrants are unusually law-abiding. … There are a few shockingly bad apples, yes.…
We're Against Emotionalism, Except When We're Not
– As a survey by the CATO Institute shows, immigrants -- both legal and illegal -- are less likely to be incarcerated than native-born … And when you exclude those illegal immigrants who are jailed for immigration offenses (i.e., just for being here illegally), the numbers … White native-born Americans are more likely to be imprisoned than black immigrants, legal or illegal.…
Liberals Prefer Illegal Aliens Over Your Kids
– A few weeks ago in this space I asked a simple question: How many victims of illegal alien crime will be enough to make Democrats … and the media care about illegal alien crime? … The Washington Post reported students were chanting, “No hate, no fear, immigrants are welcome here.”…
Deterrence and Human Nature
– Take illegal immigration. … So his proposed wall on the border with Mexico and beefed-up patrols are a sort of insurance policy in case immigrants do not heed … Past approaches to illegal immigration were largely therapeutic.…
The First 100 Days to Securing America
Illegal immigrants are being sent home. … And preventing those who are not eligible from voting. Illegal ballots negate the political voice of citizens. … Its actions exposed an agenda to encourage illegal voting. The Democrats obviously know who their friends are.…
Taking Trump Seriously and Literally
– When the media wolves bayed at Trump's description of illegal immigrants as criminals, drug dealers and rapists, the scolds' outrage … Now Gallup has bad news for Trump. … President Trump now says the Chinese are not currency manipulators. Candidate Trump wanted to terminate the Export-Import Bank.…
The 10 Best Things About Trump’s First 100 Days in Office
– Trump’s reforms ARE NOT going to fix all these problems, but they are a step in the right direction. 8) Trump’s Pro-Life Surge … it clear that there’s no longer a welcome mat for illegal aliens in the United States. … The fewer illegal immigrants in America, the better and Trump’s off to a good start. 2) Hillary Not Being President: There’s…
Trump And His Administration Are Backing Away From His Chief Campaign Promises…are-backing--away-from-his-chief-campaign-promises-n2319400
– In recent weeks, Trump and his advisers have abandoned key components of his plan to deport millions of illegal Hispanic immigrants … Many are now nearing their 20s and some are either attending colleges or expecting to enter soon. … We’re looking for bad men and women.”…
In Maryland County, A Sanctuary City Bill Was Torpedoed By Legal immigrants, Some Of Whom Supported Clinton…ry-city-bill-was-torpedoed-by-legal-immigrants-some-n2323896
– Legal immigrants and illegal immigrants should pretty much be together on this issue, right? Wrong. … “Do we really want more illegal immigrants in our country?” he said. “I don’t think the answer is yes.” Mr. … And the reason they can’t is because sanctuary cities are very, very bad aspects of social policy.…
Surprise: California's Single-Payer Healthcare Plan Would Cost $400 Billion...Per Year…ayer-healthcare-plan-would-cost-400-billionper-year-n2330456
– Healthcare for everyone, including illegal immigrants, paid for by mumble-mumble "broad-based revenue" mumble-mumble. … Almost 600,000 Swedes now use private insurance, though they are "guaranteed" public health care. … That looks bad.  …
Tim Allen's Hit Gets Canceled
– Allen tweeted that he was "stunned and blindsided" by the bad news. Why was Allen fired? … These surviving shows with mediocre ratings are owned by ABC. … immigrants," meaning the Pilgrims landing at Plymouth Rock.…
– Ironically, government's grown so much since 1776 that fireworks might be illegal in your town. … He could have written about the desire to replace a bad king with a good king, but he didn't. … The population grew quickly as opportunity attracted immigrants.…
The 'Poor Illegal' Media Narrative and Why It's Not Working…oor-illegal-media-narrative-and-why-its-not-working-n2368158
– It is not compassionate to Americans or immigrants to allow illegal aliens to ignore our laws. … are actually illegal aliens. … Why is the media driven to bully Americans with this “illegal alien good; immigration enforcement bad” narrative?…
Here is The Full RNC Convention Schedule
– Our immigration system is broken, leaving our country open to security threats and the negative consequences of illegal immigration … Prime-Time Speakers Please note: The speakers below are part of the prime-time program, which will follow Monday afternoon’s Convention … Unfortunately, years of bad policies and poor leadership have weakened our position in the world.…
Trump Accepts Republican Nomination: "I'm With You–The American People"
– Adding to the sense of lawlessness, Trump warned that 180,000 illegal immigrants with criminal records are running free. … Nearly 180,000 illegal immigrants with criminal records, ordered deported from our country, are tonight roaming free to threaten peaceful … Her bad instincts and her bad judgment – something pointed out by Bernie Sanders – are what caused the disasters unfolding today.…
Donald Trump's Opportunity Cost
– Voters don't want to see all 11 million immigrants here illegally deported immediately. … The media now are buzzing with speculation that that Trump backers like Newt Gingrich and Rudy Giuliani are plotting an intervention … Even free-market economists admit there are market failures in the real world.…
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