Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

The Left's 'Democracy' Charade Is Exposed
– All of a sudden, they're outraged organizations like the Democratic Governor's Association and Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee … Not for candidates with a "D" next to their name, but instead, writing checks for Trump-endorsed Republicans. … Democratic Congressman Jamie Raskin, who is leading the J6 charge, objected to the certification of the 2016 presidential election…
Maybe Our Democracy Is OK
– The Democratic Party and the Democrats' propaganda arm known as the American political press were giddy. … Gibbs is an election conspiracist who believes the November 2020 presidential election was stolen. … They fund the very candidates they claim are threats to democracy.…
Harvard Poll Shows Who Would Win in a Trump/Biden and Trump/Harris 2024 Matchup
– Things have evidently gotten so rough under Biden and Harris that one data point — a question about a hypothetical presidential election … As the co-director of Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll survey explained to The Hill, "Biden is a very weak Democratic nominee and would lose … That disparity between Trump and the Biden administration's top two officials is also borne out in respondents wishes for candidates
Will Lisa Murkowski Be an Exception to the Fate Befalling Anti-Trump Republicans?
– One race to watch is surely to see whether or not former governor and former vice-presidential candidate, Sarah Palin, will once more … In Alaska's new and complex rank choice voting system, voters will also decide which of the 19 candidates will be on the ballot in … The top four candidates will head to the general election in November, regardless of party affiliation. …
Are We Headed for a Civil War?
– -- leading up to the 2012 presidential election was starting to look like what happened in the presidential election in 1860, which … There were presidential candidates in 1860 running on four different party tickets -- the newly formed Republican Party, the Constitutional … Union Party, and Northern and Southern parts of a split Democratic Party.…
Joe Biden Is Still Dragging His Party Down
– The generic ballot question is: If the election were held today, would you vote for the Republican or the Democratic candidate for … In the Senate, Democrats do have some reason for optimism about keeping their 50-50 tie, which, with the Democratic vice president, … Bush and voters were not in the mood to challenge presidential leadership. Bush's job approval at election time was 63%.…
Are We Headed for a Civil War?
– -- leading up to the 2012 presidential election was starting to look like what happened in the presidential election in 1860, which … There were presidential candidates in 1860 running on four different party tickets -- the newly formed Republican Party, the Constitutional … Union Party, and Northern and Southern parts of a split Democratic Party.…
Glenn Youngkin Looks to Bring His Winning Strategy to More States to Help Elect Republican Governors…the-rounds-to-help-elect-other-republican-governors-n2612133
– Another stop includes Oregon, where Republican nominee Christine Drazan is facing Democratic nominee Tina Kotek.  … , this hasn't stopped speculation that his events are a preview to a presidential run in 2024.  … Despite the race once being considered to favor Youngkin's Democratic opponent, former Gov.…
California Voters Prefer Newsom to Harris If Biden Doesn't Run in 2024: Poll…r-newsom-to-harris-if-biden-doesnt-run-in-2024-poll-n2612061
– Gavin Newsom (D) in the 2024 Democratic primary over current Vice President Kamala Harris.  … Bernie Sanders (D) as voters’ choice for the Democratic nomination if Biden does not run.  … Newsom pulls further ahead when respondents’ second-choice candidates are factored in.…
Democratic Senator Asks to 'Duck' Question on Whether Biden Should Run Again in 2024…question-on-whether-biden-should-run-again-in-2024-n2612007
– We're not just talking about Democratic voters who indicate as much in numerous polls, but office holders as well. … Biden handily won the 2020 presidential primary in the state with 76.7 percent of the vote. Sen. … Rhode Island is not the only state where Democratic voters don't want Biden to run.…
Democrats Don't Believe Their Own 'Democracy in Peril' Rhetoric
– And unless I'm mistaken, we're still waiting on a direct presidential condemnation of the left-wing assassination plot against a sitting … They want 'ultra MAGA' candidates to run against, believing them to be easier to defeat -- and to that end, they're putting big money … MURRAY: "I believe what Democratic supporters are doing is working to make sure that we have a Democratic majority in the United States…
Vulnerable Dem Depending on People Who Can't Vote for Her…exrepublicans-people-who-cant-vote-in-her-district-n2612732
– Mercer, is registered to vote in Virginia Beach and has voted for Democratic candidates since 2017. … The FEC has a long list of Mercer donating to Democratic campaigns going back several years, aside from a donation to John McCain's … presidential campaign in April of 2008.…
GOP Must Fight the Right Battle
– That was Biden’s entire Thursday Presidential Address.  However republicans shouldn’t take the bait! … GOP candidates must stand for closing the border and must stop incentivizing illegal immigration.  … Their candidates must do everything they can to ensure that when you do the crime, you do the time.…
NYT Hurls Cold Water on Senate Democrats' 2022 Hopes
– As we head into Labor Day weekend, the 2022 midterm season is winding down, though a lot of time remains on the clock for candidates … And that is keeping some Democratic strategists up at night. … The elites wonder how someone like Donald Trump could secure a major party’s nomination and win a presidential race.…
Pre-Labor Day Analysis: Are the GOP's Prospects in the Midterms Brightening or Dimming?…prospects-for-the-midterms-strengthening-or-dimming-n2612531
– Republicans have nominated a number of first-time candidates with serious vulnerabilities in significant statewide races, some of whom … Trump has once again been at the center of much of the national political discourse for weeks, further reigniting Democratic enthusiasm … Yes, Democrats are favored if the polls aren’t overestimating Democratic support. Which they did in 2016. And in 2020.…
GOP Leadership Needs to Get Off Their A**es
– The Republican Party has everything going for them to have a midterm cycle marked by total domination of the Democratic Party. … Some posit it is his next move at some point, given past presidential runs by former NRSC chairs. … House in November, ending the Biden agenda until the next presidential election.…
New Poll Shows Who Would Win in a Trump vs. Biden 2024 Election…ows-who-would-win-in-a-trump-vs-biden-2024-election-n2612544
– A recent poll showed that California voters would prefer Democratic Gov. … Gavin Newsom over Vice President Kamala Harris as the Democratic nominee in 2024 if Biden does not run again. … In the poll, the respondents were asked, “if the 2024 election for President were held today and the candidates were Joe Biden, the…
Charlie Crist Unhinged
– When Rubio smoked him and the Democrat in the subsequent general election, Crist then switched to the Democratic Party.   … Ron DeSantis as a presidential aspirant who's not really interested doing his current gig.   … DeAngelis also notes that DeSantis has continued to put education front and center, to great electoral success: "DeSantis-backed candidates
Trump Is Bigger Factor Than Ever in Midterms. How Did That Happen?…er-factor-than-ever-in-midterms-how-did-that-happen-n2612481
– getting a search warrant and raiding Trump's winter home in Florida as part of a possible prosecution over alleged mishandling of presidential … Most of the pieces emphasize that the return of Trump -- through the January 6 Committee, the fringe candidates he's backing and the … A "Trump-centered election" -- that is music to a Democratic strategist's ears.…
Democratic Candidates in Red States Double Down on Extremist Pro-Abortion Policies…tates-double-down-on-extremist-proabortion-policies-n2612397
– With such a narrative, little attention is spent on how radical, extreme, and out of touch Democratic politicians are when they won't … This even includes Democratic candidates in red states, despite such a pro-abortion position being unpopular.  … RYAN: "Well..." — RNC Research (@RNCResearch) August 28, 2022 During the exchange, Ryan parroted the Democratic
After 'Semi-Fascism' Remarks Against GOP, Biden to Deliver Speech on 'Continued Battle for Soul of Nation'
– While mainstream media outlets tout what travel appearances Biden has made, it's nevertheless telling that Democratic candidates are … This includes in Pennsylvania, where Biden was born, and where he narrowly won in the 2020 presidential election.…
The Republicans Look Ahead
– It seems as likely as anything in politics can be that the Democratic candidate for president in 2012 will be President Obama, … He probably deserves to be listed as a moderate among possible Republican presidential nominees. Then there is Gov. … Another possible source of presidential candidates is, of course, the Congress, and the current one doesn't lack for possibilities.…
Interview With Bobby Jindal
– Quite simply put, if the other party had been guilty of some of the things we were accused of doing ... the week before this presidential … What voters are looking for are candidates who are honest and tell them what they truly believe, stick to those beliefs. … We did it with thousands of Democratic votes.…
Smoke Signals to Watch for the RNC Race Tomorrow
– Race watchers say the first two ballots are only a test of support for each of the candidates. … that candidates plan and solicit votes for the second, third ballots and beyond to remain competitive. … "We believe that candidates in placements 2-5 will be separated by a relatively small number of votes.…
Dr. King's Dream or the Cult of Obama?
– Obama pursued and subsequently received the endorsement of the New Party, a socialist group that was created by members of the Democratic … Why was Obama never questioned as to why he used ACORN, a leftist group that apparently cheats in order to elect their candidates, … in order to “get out the vote” for his presidential election?…
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