Results for: voted to

Why Is Fingerprinting Such a Sticky Point for Uber?
– First I had to make enough money to pay off my cab lease, then work many more hours to generate income. … Emancipation hit a wall in Austin, Texas recently when the city voted to keep city council-imposed regulations, which would have required … to do).…
BREAKING: The UK Has Voted to Leave the EU
– It seemed improbable - but it now appears to be official. … The United Kingdom has voted to leave the European Union and become an independent state once again, the BBC is reporting. … Prime Minister David Cameron urged Brits to vote to remain in the EU, while former London mayor Boris Johnson and UK Independence Party…
It Only Took Eight Years For This Innocent Woman To Get Off The No-Fly List…nnocent-woman-eight-years-to-get-off-the-nofly-list-n2182845
– Many of the names on these lists, if not the majority, belong to people who have no ties to terrorism at all.  … and receive reimbursement to attorney fees if they won their case, was also voted down due to a lack of protection for due process … It took her eight years to get off.…
Republican Senator's Gun Control Measure Survives...For Now
– As she wrote, we’re going to empower the attorney general to decide who and who is not a terrorist when it comes to guns; the AG also … measure to the floor and adopt it as an amendment to a spending bill. … It’s also unclear as to who will crossover to pass this amendment.…
BREAKING: Supreme Court Strikes Down Obama Executive Action on Illegal Immigration
– The Supreme Court voted in a 4-4 tie on United States v. … If the Democratic candidate wins (and nominates a fellow left-leaning person to the Supreme Court), this means that the policy will … The court system took the President’s own words into account that such an action would ‘violate our laws’ and be ‘very difficult to
As Dems Continue Sit-in, Republicans Start Recess Early
– The House ended up adjourning in the early hours of Thursday morning after GOP lawmakers voted to pass an emergency funding package … to fight Zika. … The House adjourned for the Independence Day recess shortly after Republicans voted to pass an emergency funding package to combat…
As House Republicans Move To End Sit-In Over Gun Control, Democrats Reportedly Chow Down On Some Chick-fil-A…r-gun-control-democrats-chow-down-on-some-chickfila-n2182433
– Such displays would normally be prohibited but Ryan, sensitive to the attention being paid to the sit-in, declined to enforce the traditional … : Get dozens of members to go on the floor and refuse to leave. … Second, this isn’t going to be successful.…
The Susan Collins Gun Control Amendment is a Nightmare For Innocent Americans…control-bill-is-a-nightmare-for-innocent-americans-n2182134
to appeal this denial to a federal court." … "To ensure appropriate oversight and transparency, the Attorney General would be required to report to the Intelligence and Judiciary … Protects ongoing FBI counter-terrorism investigations by giving the AG the discretion to allow gun sales to go forward to individuals…
Former Friend Who Reported Mateen to FBI: He Was a Hillary Supporter…who-reported-him-to-fbi-he-was-a-hillary-supporter-n2181842
– Republicans were willing to link the terrorism watch list to a gun sales ban, as Democrats have demanded. …  federal officials to delay approval for up to three days in order to allow prosecutors to present probable cause arguments before … This was not good enough for Democrats, who voted in near-lockstep to ensure the bill's defeat.  …
#NeverTrump Needs a Name Change
– But try asking many of these so-called “Never-Trumpers” why they persist when they have to know that failing to elect Trump will result … They know full well that their petulant behavior and unwillingness to accept the will of the millions of people who voted for Trump … This game of pretending that to be Never Trump doesn’t lead to a President Hillary Clinton has to end.…
Award-Winning Metals Market Report: June 2016 - Week 4 Edition…ning-metals-market-report-june-2016--week-4-edition-n2181848
– Parliament would still have to vote to confirm any future exit from the EU. … to leave the EU. … Such an exit would likely lead to the collapse of the British Pound, and then the Euro, as more and more nations decided to vote to
Oh Joy: Senate Republican Leadership To Allow A Vote On Another Gun Control Bill…dership-to-allow-a-vote-on-another-gun-control-bill-n2181917
– She was expected on Tuesday to introduce a measure that would curb weapons sales to people on a narrow terrorism watch list. … Democrats' efforts to pass a broader prohibition failed on Monday. … The legislation would allow the decision to be appealed.…
Justin Amash Has Harsh Words for Senate Democrats Following Gun Control Vote…rds-for-senate-democrats-following-gun-control-vote-n2181616
– Justin Amash (R-MI) didn't hold back on Twitter about the Senate Democrats who voted in favor of the (failed) gun control amendments … Democratic senators now refer to constitutional due process as "the terror gap." — Justin Amash (@justinamash) June 20, 2016 Last … The lists are not perfect by any means, and the government does not have to provide a reason to put someone on them.…
Trolling for War with Russia
– Does State consider the Constitution to be purely advisory when it grants Congress the sole power to declare war? … According to CIA Director John Brennan, ISIS is spreading and coming to Europe and America. … The European Union also just voted to extend sanctions on Russia for annexing Crimea and supporting separatists in Ukraine.…
Watch: Senate Voting On Pro-Gun Control Amendments; UPDATE: All Amendments Rejected
– #Breakint Senate fails to get 60 votes on Grassley plan for background check system. 53 yeas to 47 nays. … #BREAKING Senate fails to advance Murphy's plan to close gunshow loophole. Needed 60 yeas. Only got 44. … As for the terror watch list narrative, are we willing to set the Constitution on fire to curb gun rights?…
Brexit Campaign Falters After MP Murder
– LONDON, United Kingdom - The campaign to get Britain out of the European Union has fallen behind according to the latest poll. … This led a number of national newspapers to suggest the murder was linked to Mrs Cox's pro-European stance. … Today parliament was recalled to pay tribute to the murdered MP, with many of the speakers suggesting a link to Brexit.…
Brexit Fall Out: Switzerland Withdraws EU Application/Netherlands Wants Vote to Leave EU…ws-eu-applicationnetherlands-wants-vote-to-leave-eu-n2180133
– Denmark – To Stay or Not To Stay? Danes also have expressed a high level of Eurosceptism. … Last week the Swiss Parliament voted to withdraw its EU application. The vote was 27 to 13. … Do we want to continue to be a part of the EU?…
Massachusetts Likely Voting on Legal Marijuana This November…etts-likely-voting-on-legal-marijuana-this-november-n2189280
to make the question easier to understand. … Massachusetts voted to decriminalize possession of up to one ounce of marijuana in 2008. … Instead of a criminal penalty, people caught with up to one ounce are subject to a maximum fine of $100.…
A Walk With the Demonstrators
– That is to say they voted against leaving the EU. They lost 52 percent to 48 percent. … Frankly, I hope the majority who voted to leave the EU grant these sore losers a second vote. … They would resort to the bureaucracy, to the courts, to the media, to academe. They are the bien-pensants of the left.…
GOP Blue-Collar Heroes Laud Trump
– In 2012, Santorum, who as a member of Congress voted against NAFTA and urged George W. … "I've read it and re-read it, and I found it hard to believe at times -- but there were echoes of my youth there." … "And Donald Trump is saying this has led us to disaster."…
What Are We Celebrating?
– Surely that Justice Department official knew that the courts were not likely to violate people's right to free speech. … A generation that owes so much to the past acts as if they owe nothing to anybody. … The Fourth of July is a good day to ponder that question.…
Associated Press Hides Democrats’ Hatred of African Americans…d-press-hides-democrats-hatred-of-african-americans-n2186271
– As recently as November, she touted her record on the issue to voters in New Hampshire, saying she, “voted numerous times when I was … a senator to spend money to build a barrier to try to prevent illegal immigrants from coming in.” … When the 14th Amendment to the Constitution was being debated in Congress in 1866, not one Democrat in the House or Senate voted for…
Brexit: Where The Media Thinks That Declarations Of Freedom Are Signs Of Racist Xenophobia…ing-you-want-freedom-means-youre-a-racist-xenophobe-n2187036
– There’s no doubt that some people voted to leave the European Union due to xenophobic overtones, yet the majority of the “Leave” camp … It was time to reclaim British sovereignty over its own laws and regulations. … The UK is still going to allow immigration, they’re still going to trade with the nations of Europe, and they’re still going to deal…
Why Is Hillary Still a Hawk?
– She voted for the Iraq War. As secretary of state, she urged President Obama to escalate the war in Afghanistan. … Obama needs a compelling reason to use force. Clinton needs a compelling reason not to. … Other reasons come to mind.…
Brexit Due to Failure of Elites, Not Bigotry of Masses
– And it's incoherent to claim, as some do, that it's undemocratic for voters to decide. … That amounts to saying that ordinary people should be content to be ruled by their betters. … They're laments of their own failure to persuade them to do so.…
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