Results for: voted to

UMass Caves to Snowflakes' Demands, Agrees To Fossil Fuel Divestment…snowflakes-demands-agrees-to-fossil-fuel-divestment-n2170298
– holdings, making it the first major public university to do so. … Last year, the Foundation voted to divest from direct holdings in coal companies in response to a petition from the UMass Fossil Fuel … Meanwhile, other college campuses haven’t been so receptive to students’ demands.…
A Swiss Village Will Pay A Fine Rather Than Take In Refugees…ss-village-paid-a-fine-rather-than-take-in-refugees-n2170231
– The residents of the village voted against accepting any refugees in a close 52 to 48 percent vote. … make the dangerous journey trying to reach Europe. … “They are not likely to be able to speak the language and if some of the refugees have children they will have to go into the local…
Russian Track Team Banned From Rio
– The IAAF voted unanimously to uphold the ban on Russian athletes competing in international competitions. … The ban was first announced after massive doping allegations came to light in November. … the governing body for track and field, announced the decision Friday, ruling in a unanimous vote that Russia had not done enough to
Professor Obama Said He Doesn’t Care About The Politics Of Gun Violence But Got Political Anyway…e-politics-of-gun-violence-but-got-political-anyway-n2179681
– The notion that the answer to this tragedy would be to make sure that more people in a nightclub are similarly armed to the killer … to do something on gun control. … to do with this attack.…
Watch: Pelosi Refuses to Support DWS As DNC Chair
– “I was on the DNC for a long time before I came to Congress, and we took great pride in being the ones who voted for who would be the … So if you want to know who is going to be the chair of DNC, I think you should look to the membership of the Democratic National Committee … In addition to Sanders, some Democratic lawmakers believe Wasserman Schultz has become too divisive a figure to unify the party ahead…
Senate Democrats’ Filibuster Ends With An Agreement With GOP To Hold Votes On Gun Control Amendments…nt-on-gun-control-but-nobody-knows-what-that-is-yet-n2179194
– UPDATE: Washington Post has reported that GOP leaders have agreed to vote on amendments relating to expanded background checks and … But there was no way to keep him on the nix list or keep him off the gun-buy list, there was no way to do that. … had still not announced any agreement on what gun control measures would be voted on as amendments to a spending bill pending on the…
BREAKING: Oversight Committee Votes to Censure IRS Commissioner John Koskinen
– In a 23-15 vote, the House Oversight Committee has voted to censure IRS commissioner John Koskinen over stonewalling and false statements…
Be a Greater Generation
– Like many men of his generation, he wanted to serve. My Grandfather wanted to be a Marine. … They held fast to their values, and they took the initiative to solve much of what was wrong or to meet any need. … The president did not want to do anything to fight terrorism in the beginning, and he is not going to do anything now.…
Switzerland Withdraws EU Application
– The Swiss parliament voted to essentially render the application moot. … The Senate voted on Wednesday to approve a motion from the House of Representatives that essentially calls the old application meaningless … It now falls to the cabinet to communicate this to the EU.…
How Gender Confusion will Raise the Bar for Title IX
To the surprise of no mentally stable person ever, women like Bruce Jenner will prove virtually impossible to beat when it comes to … Meanwhile, the International Olympic Committee has voted to allow men to compete as women, so long as the men lower their testosterone … Whether more men than women have wanted to play sports has never mattered to rabid Title IX supporters.…
How Much Do Mitt & John Love Their Country?
– The signature requirements to get on the various state ballots would not be difficult to overcome with, for example, Ohio requiring … To win in the electoral college, one candidate has to achieve 270 electoral votes. … Clinton appears to be over the top.…
WATCH: Hillary Slams Terrorism-Abetting Arab Regimes...Who've Donated to her Foundation…porting-arab-regimeswhove-donated-to-her-foundation-n2177759
– As soon as Hillary singled out these three Arab regimes in her Ohio speech yesterday afternoon, the internet went to work. … Surprise: HRC says it is "long past time" for Saudis, Qataris & Kuwaitis "to stop their citizens from funding extremist organizations … a (lame) pro-Hillary defense: Defenders of the Clintons may be tempted to point out the Clinton Foundation is, at least…
Possible Errors in Exit Polls Suggest More Election Surprises Ahead…in-exit-polls-suggest-more-election-surprises-ahead-n2177624
– As he points out, they are designed not to accurately represent the proportions of each demographic group, but to indicate the actual … Many non-voters tell the Census Bureau they voted. Voter records are often erroneous or out of date. … Primary turnout proved a harbinger of the heavy turnout favorable to Democrats in November 2008.…
So What Difference Does It Make?
– Americans killed and lying to not only their families’ faces but to our faces about it. … Isn’t he the one who ostentatiously voted to confirm the “wise Latina?” … And you expect us to keep dancing to your tune, ready to be outraged on cue?…
Identity Politics: Krugman Gets One Right
– She taught me how to make a kite out of newspaper and ply wood and she often took me to the movies. … But they voted for the candidate they identified with. This makes sense to me. … black voters to the polls.…
Flashback: Oh, That Time Obama Said Hillary Would 'Say Anything To Get Elected' and 'Change Nothing'…obama-said-hillary-say-anything-and-change-nothing-n2176394
– , want to jump into the 2016 to help your fellow party member beat Donald Trump in the fall. … There’s also the issue over her transcripts from speeches she gave to Wall Street banks; she’s refused to release them. … Yet, it doesn’t negate the fact that even Obama thought Clinton wasn’t trustworthy to do what needs to be done and yesterday’s news…
Why Trump Must Not Apologize
To do so would be to submit to extortion, to recant, to confess to a sin he does not believe he committed. … It would be to capitulate to pressure, to tell a lie to stop the beating, to grovel before the Inquisition of Political Correctness … Back to Jowett.…
Bernie Sanders Wins, Even While Losing
– She came close to matching Sanders' promise of free college. … or dared to do before. … too young to have any living memory of the collapse of communism and to have been taught a history that emphasizes the iniquities…
D.C. Minimum Wage Hike: Liberals Feel Dandy, Low-Income Kids Get Hurt…ge-hike-liberals-feel-dandy-lowincome-kids-get-hurt-n2176146
– City Council has voted unanimously to adopt a measure to increase local unemployment, especially among minority youths, who are most … Entry-level jobs introduce people to the habits required in the workplace and allow them to gain the skills to move up. … to the inferior workers!…
Amid its Failures, Latin America is Rejecting Socialism
– What’s happening in Peru seems to be part of a bigger trend taking place in Latin America. … A few weeks ago, the Brazilian Senate voted to temporarily remove Dilma Rousseff from the presidency, along with her Worker’s Party … What’s more to look at is the growing chaos in Venezuela.…
No, Threatening To Kill a U.S. Senator Isn't How You Start A Conversation On Gun Control…or-isnt-how-you-start-a-conversation-on-gun-control-n2185120
– Capitol Police, however, argue in a court filing that Schmitz intended to make a “direct threat” to a U.S. senator, according to WRC … It’s to start conservations on gun control. … “And he went right back to Washington – one of the few times he actually showed up for work – and voted against sensible gun legislation…
The Democrats' Radical New Stance On Abortion
– the new Democratic Party platform calls for repealing the Hyde Amendment and Helms Amendment, a move that would allow tax dollars to … press release published on Saturday, the Democratic Platform Committee released a list of key progressive policies that will be voted … Democratic platforms on women’s reproductive rights,” supporting the repeal of “harmful restrictions that obstruct women’s access to
Senate Poised To Debate Puerto Rico Bailout Bill
– Robert Mendez, one of the most critical opponents of the bills, said that he plans to propose several amendments to the bill. … enough to satisfy me," said Sen. … Some believe the Senate vote is a response to a letter Treasury Secretary Jack Lew sent to McConnell urging action to stop Puerto Rico…
Rebellion: Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn Loses No Confidence Vote
to leave in the privacy of the voting booth. … “I am very concerned that Jeremy Corbyn has no plan to reunite the Labour movement, no plan to respond to the deep and serious issues … Bridget Phillipson, Houghton and Sunderland South “You’re not fit to be prime minister and you’ve got to resign.”…
About Independence
to “dissolve the connection” with Great Britain. … to secure freedom, whether they were hanged separately or together. … were ready to tear it asunder.…
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