Results for: illegal immigrants are bad

TX AG Paxton: The Biden Administration Has a 'Partnership' with the Mexican Cartels…tration-have-a-partnership-with-the-mexican-cartels-n2591084
– "The consequences to the country, the cost of this [surge] both socially and economically are all bad, so the only beneficiary from … Paxton said illegal immigrants who are caught interfering with the state property will have to be prosecuted by the individual district … Both from the standpoint of those who are coming across the border are now beholden to the cartels and those who are victims of some…
Let's Face It: Kamala Harris Just Isn't Very Good At This
– She's inauthentic, has bad instincts, lacks gravitas, and rubs many people -- even allies -- the wrong way.   … an incentive for illegal immigration.Biden and Harris both pledged to provide free healthcare to illegal immigrants. … immigrants during the campaign.  …
Why a Bunch of Illegals Decided to Block the NJ Turnpike Yesterday During Rush Hour…to-block-the-nj-turnpike-yesterday-during-rush-hour-n2591778
– Phil Murphy decided to allocate tens of millions of dollars to help these illegal aliens due to COVID, but that’s not enough, they … And people wonder why migrants are flocking here. … Yes, it still revolves around those seeking a better life, but it also includes the bad hombres who are bringing crime with them.…
The Questions Liberals Never Have to Answer
Are their violence and threats acceptable? … * How many Americans are out of work because illegal aliens have taken their jobs? … about what liberals are doing to America.…
Piers Morgan: Let's Face It, We Should Take Trump More Seriously On Terrorism…it-we-should-take-trump-more-seriously-on-terrorism-n2138337
– He told me America must make it far harder for illegal immigrants to enter the U.S. and thinks European countries should follow suit … He told me he believes there are now areas of many major European cities which have become poisonous breeding grounds for radicalized … There is something bad going on.” Warming to his theme, he added that Brussels was in a particularly dire state.…
Will Bernie Sanders Please Explain Why Outsourcing Jobs is Bad, but Insourcing Workers is Good?…sourcing-jobs-is-bad-but-insourcing-workers-is-good-n2141702
– Sanders’ campaign website promises that he will advocate for amnesty for virtually all illegal immigrants who are here, including an … estimated 8 million who are currently filling American jobs. … He would exercise (questionable) presidential power to allow illegal immigrants who, in his opinion, were “unjustly” deported from…
Clinton's Phony Health Care Fixes…s-is-off-the-following-column-is-by-betsy-mccaughey-n2141104
– Clinton's remedies are bad medicine. Some are so preposterous she can't possibly believe they'd work. … UnitedHealthcare, Aetna, Cigna and other large insurers are already bleeding red ink trying to sell Obamacare plans, and are signaling … Not to mention that she wants illegal immigrants to be eligible for Obamacare, adding between $22.5 billion and $37.5 billion a year…
Another Libertarian Moment?
– "Incentivize legal immigration so that we can cut down on illegal immigration," said Libertarian candidate Austin Petersen. … Republicans like Trump talk about illegal immigrants as if they're bad people who are bound to break other laws because they climbed … Donald Trump shouts about bad effects of global trade, but his destructive bans and tariffs would do much more harm.…
Immigration and Trade: It Is a Shrinking World – Deal with It…ion-and-trade-it-is-a-shrinking-world--deal-with-it-n2154549
– As bad as China is -- and I have been there and seen it -- they are a whole lot better because of the opening up of their markets and … The illegal immigrants create a negative view by many toward all immigrants which is understandable, but it is distorted. … Both political parties have policies that are unrealistic. Ms.…
The Talk Around Town Has Become Deafening
– We didn’t get to talk about that nearly enough (and it really was quite an epic moment…quite revealing of why we are where we are as … being spent to rebuild Middle-Eastern mosques; despite all the talk of a wall, illegal immigrants are inundating the southern border … I think my generation (I am 52) is just now getting an inkling of what tough times are like.…
Compulsion isn't Compassion
– These are individual traits, not institutional ones. … How many trans people are there in the U.S.? … Remember those buses filled with illegal immigrants that irate townspeople refused to let stop in Murrieta, California two years ago…
Associated Press Hides Democrats’ Hatred of African Americans…d-press-hides-democrats-hatred-of-african-americans-n2186271
– presumptive Republican presidential nominee, alleging, “other Klan leaders say Donald Trump's ascendancy in the GOP is a sign things areimmigrants from coming in.” … The history of the Ku Klux Klan and its inherent racism are inexorably linked to the Democratic Party.…
America Opposes Amnesty…Will the GOP Listen?
– But the American people are waking up. … immigrants in this country. … Obama’s Progressive government is already busing illegal immigrants into cities without warning local governments, and border states…
Divesting from America—The Latest Political Correctness Trend…from-americathe-latest-political-correctness-trend-n1954936
– The rationale, America engages in human rights violations through “drone strikes,” “deportation of illegal immigrants,” and of course … “Free speech zones” are designated small areas on campuses where students are allowed to speak freely, but the catch is that students … Students, particularly conservatives, are made to feel uncomfortable in these hostile environments where only some opinions are acknowledged…
Three Generations Of Imbeciles Are Enough
– I wonder if amnesty operates as a magnet for illegal immigrants ... hey, does anyone know if there have there been any measles outbreaks … Newt Gingrich was for amnestying all illegal immigrants except felons, which he planned to accomplish with a review board to consider … the individual case of every illegal immigrant in the country.…
5 Ways the Middle Class Is Getting Screwed
– (legal and illegal). … The results are easy to see, but the “why” is harder to fathom. Are immigrants displacing younger Americans from the work force? … Would there be anything wrong with slowing down the number of immigrants coming here for awhile to try to help the people who are already…
There Is No Bottom For The Left’s Hypocrisy
– While decrying the uncertain fate of poor, sweet, nourishing illegal aliens, The New York Times whined, “President Obama surely knew … You’re just too damned stupid to understand how smart these progressives are. … Too bad it’s in the same way with which the captain and crew of the Titanic resolved to go down with the ship.…
The Costly Asylum Racket
– We've had a lot of media comment about the bad effects of Obama's executive orders admitting millions (yes, millions) of illegal immigrants … These lucky immigrants are mostly selected by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. … The contractors who bring in these immigrants are paid by the head with U.S. taxpayers' money.…
"Tolerant Liberal" Lists 28 Reasons to Hate Conservatives…nt-liberal-lists-28-reasons-she-hates-conservatives-n1957006
– Well… They’re immigrants (identified technically as “aliens”) who are here illegally… But if it makes you feel better, I’ll change … How about “criminal immigrants” since they committed a crime by immigrating illegally? They are human beings. … They are undocumented immigrants. Right… And all those people who sell coke are just “undocumented” pharmacists.…
In Other News: IRS Commissioner: Illegals Who Don't Pay Taxes Will Still Get Refunds…illegals-who-dont-pay-taxes-will-still-get-refunds-n1956695
– Here are some other highlights and headlines that I noticed over at Ransom Notes Radio: The IRS has said it will issue tax refunds … to illegal immigrants. … (After all, that whole apartheid thingy was only bad when the British did it.)…
CPAC's Curiously Skewed Poll and Other Oddities
– During his appearance, he refused to back down on his support for Common Core and a path to legal status for illegal immigrants, irking … One seminar addressed the false perception that Republicans are are unfriendly to minorities. … The Millennials are hip, plentiful and lean libertarian. The music is loud and modern and the parties are bigger than ever.…
Obama's Immigration Nightmare: Exponential Executive Lawlessness…gration-nightmare-exponential-executive-lawlessness-n1971522
– Under Obama's executive fiats, these immigrants will receive new Social Security numbers. … immigrants are largely older, lower-wage and lower-skilled and will draw billions more in benefits than they will pay in." … Again, their words are wholly at odds with the facts.…
America-phobic Bullies Target Old Glory
– Some wonder why conservatives get the impression that many leftists are not patriotic. … She speculated that one motivation for the student bill was to prevent "illegal citizens" from feeling bad. … leftists -- they are projecting.…
Should Christians Get On the 'We Welcome Refugees' Bandwagon?
– We’ve done an awful job at caring for the people who are already here. Our vets quickly come to mind. … Are people flooding the streets rioting over our horrible treatment of them? Nope.  … Being American Means SomethingIf we let folks in on a permanent basis, they should be let in to become Americans; but are immigrants
Trump Tweetstorm: Look, I'm in Charge, and All Unfavorable Polls Are 'Fake News'…m-in-charge-and-all-unfavorable-polls-are-fake-news-n2282178
– the issue back to "extreme vetting" of would-be refugees, where he has the upper hand on public opinion: Any negative polls are … The bungled rollout of his executive order barring immigrants from seven predominantly Muslim countries, a flurry of other miscues … They have gotten it wrong for two years, and now are making up stories & sources! — Donald J.…
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