Results for: dissent from supreme power

The Left Officially Declares War on God
– After previously lying…err...claiming that they’d never do anything to stop you from practicing your religion in your church “where … Supreme Court still believing in the First Amendment, it’s obvious to them that ENDA in its current form wasn’t heinous enough. … They are ready to use the coercive power of the state to trample the religious consciences of their countrymen.…
It's Over: Wisconsin Supreme Court Upholds Walker's Collective Bargaining Reforms…ds-walkers-collective-bargaining-reforms-for-unions-n1873003
– Scott Walker of Wisconsin has been vindicated in his efforts to curb union power in the state. … The Wisconsin Supreme Court upheld his collective bargaining reforms he enacted in 2011, ruling them constitutional (via Associated … … The 5-2 state Supreme Court ruling is another major victory for Walker as he heads…
Defending American Principles Is Now a Revolutionary Act…ding-american-principles-is-now-a-revolutionary-act-n1644675
– were designed to replace the strict adherence to law and the rules of evidence that for a thousand years have protected the accused from … Don’t think they would not happily give the power to bureaucrats to decide who can and cannot say what. … In fact, in their dissent in Citizens United they argued hard that the First Amendment should come with an asterisk.…
Some Silver Linings From Obamacare Ruling
Supreme Court sending Liberty’s challenge to Obamacare back to the U.S. … That’s the clause in the 1942 Supreme Court ruling in Wickard v. … House of Representatives ample incentive to use its power of the purse to defund Obamacare.…
The End of the Filibuster: Another American Institution Abandoned…e-filibuster-another-american-institution-abandoned-n1752911
– Overturning old precedents only establishes new ones, and now power has replaced deliberation as the governing principle of the body … As when Huey Long used it against FDR's attempt to resurrect his National Recovery Act after the Supreme Court had unanimously -- … One of the most prescient defenses of the filibuster over the years came from an eloquent young senator from Illinois back in 2005…
These People Are Nuts
– It never ceases to amaze me just how disconnected from reality some liberals are. … In each of these cases there is no dissent from the left on how the federal government is supreme. … Yet the Supreme Court that decided Roe v. Wade was all male.…
Justice Stevens Reveals The 'Worst Decision' SCOTUS Came To During His Tenure…rk-pro-2a-case-was-the-worst-decision-during-my-ten-n2546424
– In his new memoir, “The Making of a Justice,” former Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens reveals what case he believes was the … It prohibited states from denying life, liberty, or property without due process of law. … Wade from being overruled in Planned Parenthood v. Casey.…
Democrats Are Remaking the Federal Courts at a Record-Breaking Pace…emaking-the-federal-courts-at-a-recordbreaking-pace-n2595032
– But while the Supreme Court struck down the CDC’s moratorium as “unlawful,” the three Democrat appointees on the court didn’t see a … Note that the Act Breyer quotes from is for the Surgeon General and not even the CDC. … One can only imagine what else the CDC would do with unlimited power.  …
Liberal Law Professor: Texas Abortion Ruling Doesn't Really Harm Roe v. Wade...It Could Harm Democrats…uling-does-harm-democratsdue-to-their-overreactions-n2595373
– It’s a heartbeat bill that the Supreme Court refused to block. … It also is untrue that the court’s decision prevents the law from being challenged. … It was designed to force a new review by the Supreme Court, the only body that can set aside or reverse its prior rulings.…
Hypocrite Dallet’s Boat Ride to Freedom
– The far left Dallet, in fact, issued a snide dissent. … Was Dallet worried about the “consequences” of ending Evers’ lockdown, as her dissent so direly expresses? … “Now we need to focus on getting our economy back from the brink after the disastrous shutdown.”  Illinois Gov.…
The Elites Are Revolting
from them in 2016. … The other component is the soft power corporate/media/cultural conspiracy to silence dissent and enforce fearful conformity to their … And once they retake power, that’s it – they will never give up power again. …
Is There a Connection Between the Left's Enthusiasm for Protest-related Violence and for Voting By Mail?…for-protestrelated-violence-and-for-voting-by-mail-n2571595
– In recent years, leftists have enjoyed numerous successes in exerting power over academia. … The slightest deviation from the party line of cringing subservience to the agenda and rhetoric of Black Lives Matter has earned those … Surely, the ultimate prize for the Left is the permanent and total conquest of political power.…
Unlike Chief Justice Roberts, Amy Coney Barrett Won’t Politicize Healthcare…oberts-amy-coney-barrett-wont-politicize-healthcare-n2577169
Supreme Court. … There is nothing in the Constitution that gives such power to the federal government. … In a 2017 Notre Dame Law Journal article, Judge Barrett quotes from Justice Scalia’s dissent in the ACA case.…
What is The Antidote to ‘Wokeness’?
– Success comes from slowly subverting the culture rather than destroying it. … Enforcement of top-down government requires tyrannical control, and tremendous energy, to impose a Woke supremacy from which there … can be no dissent or even debate.…
How to Prepare for a Contested Election
Supreme Court. Perhaps, like in Bush v. Gore, it might even be decided by a bare 5-to-4 Court majority. … As Wilkinson wrote, the Constitution "clearly and explicitly delegates" the power over managing and regulating state elections not … Rather, the exclusive source of power for managing and regulating the "manner of holding elections" is the plenary power that resides…
It's Trump or Bust, America!
– If Biden wins: Our Supreme Court will be packed, and it will thus cease to serve its intended function as a check on executive and … legislative power. … “Assault weapons” will be banned and confiscated, and before we know it everything from air rifles to flare guns will be redefined…
Biden’s Veiled Threat to Pack the Supreme Court Should Disqualify Him from Being President…me-court-should-disqualify-him-from-being-president-n2579243
– It places numerous restraints on the power of government and protects the people from the government. … The separation of powers has protected us from any dictator or powerful group consolidating all power in one place. … This separation of the power to make laws from the power to judge conformity to the laws is essential to preserving our existence as…
BREAKING: Supreme Court Decides NC Absentee Ballot Deadline
– The Supreme Court of the United States on Wednesday decided to uphold the North Carolina State Board of Elections' decision to extend … the state's mail-in ballot deadline from three to nine days. … surrounding the case was whether or not the State Board of Elections had the authority to make deadline changes without consent from
The Assault on Religious Freedom During COVID-19
– These decisions reflect the values and priorities of those with power who are making them. … Justice Brett Kavanaugh got to the heart of the matter in his dissent. … But government-mandated lockdown is all about giving politicians enormous arbitrary power.…
Why America Is in Real Danger
Supreme Court ruled that school prayer was unconstitutional. … From Lenin on, wherever the left has come to power, it has suppressed liberty, beginning with free speech. … People are booted from internet platforms, fired from their jobs or have their reputations smeared and their businesses ruined for…
Maybe Try Winning
– Democrats assailed the Republicans on the Supreme Court as activists for not taking power for the Court. … the power by which they could draw congressional districts. … It makes it easier for them to both presume the worst about those who dissent from progressivism and rail on the unfairness of a system…
Can Government Punish Twice for the Same Crime?
– Both laws prohibit convicted felons from owning or possessing firearms for life. … The Supreme Court should be in the business of protecting our rights, not upending them. … Power is whatever the government wants it to be.…
Stop The Socialist Power Grab, Deal with Supreme Court Disappointments Later…grab-deal-with-supreme-court-disappointments-later-n2585858
– And Trump was right to say that the Supreme Court let us down by failing to hear any of the appeals from lawsuits in states were judges … To the battle at hand, if the Supreme Court had shined a spotlight on those state-law problems from November it would have helped inform … The Court needs justices who will never flinch from controversy, and never run from an assault on the Constitution.…
People Convicted of Felonies Give SCOTUS a Chance to Rectify Its Neglect of the Second Amendment…ance-to-rectify-its-neglect-of-the-second-amendment-n2580901
– While history "demonstrates that legislatures have the power to prohibit dangerous people from possessing guns," she wrote in a 37- … page dissent, "that power extends only to people who are dangerous." … Bibas, who drew on Barrett's historical research in his dissent, made the same point.…
Oaks: America Is Emulating Mao’s Cultural Revolution
– Communist Party exhibits over its populace, is using Maoist tactics to undo the “inalienable rights” of life, liberty, and property born from … Like Mao, Deng, and Xi, these globalists favor an atheistic, amoral power structure to which all humanity must bow in worship. … Just as in China since Mao, the government works with these institutions to silence dissent by redefining all dissent as “disinformation…
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