Results for: Republican Party presidential candidates, 2016

Fate and the End of an Era
– It’s time for the Republican Party to embrace this fact, and in embracing fate move beyond it to bigger and better things. … The Republican Party must avoid falling into this trap at all costs. … The Republican Party is in dire need of such a person.…
The GOP's 20 Car Pile-up
– Who will you vote for in 2016? Cast your choices here. … And in 2016, that will count for much. … Who will you vote for in 2016? Cast your choices here.…
Paul Ryan to Decline White House Run in 2016
– Paul Ryan, the Republican Party's vice presidential nominee in 2012, told NBC News in an interview Monday that he will not seek the … presidency in 2016. … And yet, looking ahead to 2016, the presidential sweepstakes seems wholly different from the last election cycle.…
Romney Leads Nascent Iowa Field With 21%, Bush at 14%, Walker 10%
– Jan. 5-7 among 404 registered Republican voters queried. … Mitt Romney has never left the hearts and minds of Republican voters and he will hold the dominant position in the race for the 2016presidential nomination until the other candidates spin up their own campaigns, said Doug Kaplan, the managing partner of Gravis Marketing…
Polls: Is 'Ready for Hillary' Narrative a Mirage?
– Clinton wide leads over several potential Republican opponents, but Democratic firm PPP (which has a spotty reputation) has published … Over in Republican land, the major news of the day, obviously, is Mitt Romney's decision to bow out of the 2016 sweepstakes, which … Oh, and just for good measure, CNN's Jake Tapper isn't fully persuaded that Romney has comprehensively pulled the plug on 2016:…
My Mistakes About 2016 Presidential Race
– I don't, but as this January has rolled on, it's become clear I've made many about the 2016 presidential race. … The lesson, I think, is that potential presidential candidates make a calculation. … Congressional Republicans are far from consensus and aren't getting much guidance from the would-be presidential candidates.…
Blue State Chaos: California Senate Seat Up For Grabs…onsidering-running-for-californias-open-senate-seat-n1947388
– start with some good news; Tom Steyer, the billionaire global warming crusader, has decided not to run for Barbara Boxer’s seat in 2016 … Gavin Newsom also decided not to run in 2016, possibly looking towards moving into the Governor’s mansion in 2018. … Yet, there are A LOT of potential candidates that have yet to make their intention known.…
Rubio's Gamble
– His seat is up in 2016, and it'll be a battle either way.   … In a presidential year, he would be the favorite, but not a shoo-in, to win a second term.   … Let's say he were to sit out the 2016 race, and a different Republican won.  …
Early Presidential Prospects
– will need in her second attempt to get the nomination as the Democrats' presidential candidate in 2016. … We can certainly hope that the country has learned that lesson -- and that Republican rookie Senators get eliminated early in the 2016 … If Republicans choose a governor as their presidential candidate in 2016, someone like canny Senator Sessions could make a very valuable…
It's Easy as ABC: Anybody but Bush or Christie
– With 21 months until the 2016 presidential race, the GOP field of candidates is large and impressive. … If the Republican Party wants to win the White House again, a conservative needs to be nominated for President. … Hopefully, a majority of Republican Party voters will come to this realization in time to save their party and, more importantly, save…
Waiting For Walker: Governor Is Building His National Donor Network…ker-governor-is-building-his-national-donor-network-n1952748
– In all, Walker could build one of the largest fundraising networks in the Republican Party. … Sheldon Adelson gave $650,000 to the Republican Party of Wisconsin in October to help Walker’s reelection. … Over at National Review, Michael Auslin reminds us that Scott Walker–if he should become the 2016 Republican nominee–shouldn’t ignore…
Poll: Walker Takes the Lead in...New Hampshire
Candidates in this 24/7 media age quite simply need to be compelling. Call it the “charisma threshold.” … has boosted Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker's chances with Republican voters in New Hampshire, home to the first presidential primary … in the state's presidential nominating primary said they would vote for Walker.…
It’s the “Waffle House Primary,” not the “SEC Primary”
– Georgia and Tennessee have already set their 2016 Presidential Primaries for March 1st. … But the Waffle House Primary moniker may have implications beyond the candidates’ waistlines. … We’re supposed to think of them as a collective bellwether for who the Republican Party should nominate?…
The Race Is Already On for Republican Hopefuls
– WASHINGTON -- The grueling political marathon for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination has begun, with three contenders out … But based on the relatively weak polling numbers in the early caucus/primary state surveys, it's clear that the 2016 GOP presidential … Americans are ready for a change in 2016. Let's hope they choose wisely and well.…
Jeb Bush Makes A Grand Supply Side Entrance
– The Republican Party has an embarrassment of riches in good prospective presidential contenders for next year's race. Thus Gov. … used it in 1980 to blow past Governor Bush’s father to secure the Republican presidential nomination. … Jeb Bush entered the presidential primary cycle impressively.…
Democrats' 'Blue Wall' Not Impregnable to Republicans -- If They're Smart…all-not-impregnable-to-republicans--if-theyre-smart-n1958122
– Likewise, a Republican strategist looking ahead to 2016 has 12 states where Mitt Romney won 43 to 49 percent of the vote in 2012. … Critics might ask whether a 2016 Republican nominee can count on all the Romney states. … Certainly not, if the party is as unpopular as it was in 2008.…
Friday Filibuster: The Tall Tale Edition
– Campaigns & Elections Potential GOP and Democratic presidential candidates continued dropping hints this week that a run is all … Regardless of who’s crowned the Democratic nominee, the party should be very worried about 2016, Van Jones warned. … Anthony List, who explained why supporting life might be a winning strategy for presidential candidates on either side of the aisle…
Bobby Jindal for President?
– Bobby Jindal's name is not first on most people's list of candidates for the Republican presidential nomination in 2016, but maybe … be principled, conservative, not just a cheaper version of the Democratic Party." … is thinking about running doesn't need to define himself against particular candidates.…
Rubio and Bolton Poised To Enter The GOP Field As National Security Hawks…d-to-enter-the-gop-field-as-national-security-hawks-n1955372
– field of would-be presidential nominees. … It may be that one or more elected politicians will step forward in the Republican Party. I don’t discount that prospect. … That appropriations bill is in fact the keystone to the GOP's defense policy from now until the next presidential election.…
The Democratic Majority That Emerged -- And Disappeared
– His title: "The Emerging Republican Advantage." … The Republican Party has always been built around a demographic core of people considered by themselves and others to be typical Americans … When they split apart, the party is a disorderly rabble. During most of George W.…
Analysis: How Potential 2016 Contenders Fared at CPAC
– A brief review of CPAC speeches with potential 2016 implications, listed in chronological order: Ben Carson: A good choice to … National Review's Charles Cooke summed up the case for Rubio, calling him the best communicator in the Republican Party, who's also … Less likely 2016 entrants Mike Pence, Sarah Palin, Donald Trump also addressed the conference. …
With Friends Like These
– That is, in large part, why the 2016 Republican primaries for president will be so crucial. … But with the exception of Jindal, a lot of conservatives are muttering that the potential presidential candidates are failing to do … It is a difficult task because the candidates need local party leaders in the various states to support them.…
CPAC 2015 Kicks Off With Heavy 2016 Presidential Speaking Line-Up…ks-off-with-heavy-2016-presidential-speaking-lineup-n1962262
– This year's conference will no doubt determine the future of the Republican Party and possibly the country as potential 2016 presidential … "The American Conservative Union has an important role to play as the Republican presidential nominating process begins at CPAC 2015 … Potential 2016 GOP candidates slated to hit the CPAC stage over the next three days include Carly Fiorina, Ted Cruz, Rick Santorum,…
Quinnipiac Poll: Walker Significantly Leading GOP Candidates in Iowa
– As Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker's profile continues to rise, so does his momentum with GOP voters all over the country in the 2016 … An early look at likely Iowa Republican Caucus participants shows a strong conservative tilt as Wisconsin Gov. … Tea Party supporters make up 32 percent of likely caucus-goers and Walker gets 33 percent of that Tea Party vote.There is a horse race…
Exciting News Out of Salem Media Groupñoz/2015/02/24/salem-n…a-to-partner-with-cnn-during-presidential-primaries-n1961332
– primary debates during the 2016 cycle. … Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus stated, "I'm thrilled that Salem will partner with three of our Republican primary … Salem will help the Republican Party have meaningful debates about new ideas for the future, while Democrats simply coronate Hillary…
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