Results for: Donald Trump Transparent

Egos & Options
– Hillary Clinton, ironically, has been unwittingly transparent about her King Kong self-image. Leaked emails tell the ego story. … Then, we come to Donald J. Trump, looking more and more like this cycle’s patsy for the biggest progressive power grab yet. … Others and the incumbent have bracketed, dissembled, and outright lied, but with Trump you get splinters and the knots that have not…
The #TrumpGropeGate Selective Outrage is Hilarious, But on the Other Hand……elective-outrage-is-hilarious-but-on-the-other-hand-n2233069
– The next day President Obama laid into Trump as well. … Locker Room” and the picture is a locker room, with photo shopped-in images of Jared Fogle, Bill Cosby, Brock Turner, and Donald Trump … But on the other hand… Trump asked for this. Big time.…
Florida GOP Prepares Lawsuit Against Alleged Voter Fraud in Democratic County
– "Florida's voters must have confidence that the election process is fair, open, and transparent.   … Fox News interviewed Florida GOP Chairman Blaise Ingoglia at a Donald Trump rally on Wednesday, who insisted the election officials…
A Presidency From Hell?
– Should Donald Trump surge from behind to win, he would likely bring in with him both houses of Congress. … Trump is right: Hillary Clinton is tough as a $2 steak. … The reason: her credibility, or rather her transparent lack of it. Consider.…
Priority: Rebuilding Our US Navy
– One issue on which all Republican candidates were united, on which room exists for swift agreement between the Trump Administration … Trump and Pence must already know this. … The counter-arguments are that Donald Trump will make the world safer through a predictable foreign policy, which will necessitate…
What Will TrumpCare Look Like?
– President-elect Donald Trump made repealing Obamacare the cornerstone of his campaign. … Trump has already indicated he supports expanded use of HSAs. … Trump supports allowing a tax deduction for those who lack access to health coverage at work.…
Is Obama's World a Utopian Myth?
– But in this day of Brexit and president-elect Donald Trump new questions arise. Is Obama's vision a utopian myth? … To do that is to deny history, human nature and the transparent evidence of one's own eyes. … we Americans hold in common when Obama spoke in Germany of "darker forces" opposing his trade policies, and Hillary Clinton calls Trump
NBC News, Are You Kidding Me With This Trump Headline?
– President-elect Donald J. Trump had a steak dinner with his family at the 21 Club in Manhattan. … (@NBCNews) November 16, 2016 In a highly unusual move, President-elect Donald Trump on Tuesday night left his Manhattan residence … Trump was elected on Tuesday, reporters have been stationed inside the lobby of Trump Tower, where Mr.…
Sore Losers? Clinton Campaign Joins Green Party Recount Effort…s-clinton-campaign-joins-green-party-recount-effort-n2251118
– Jill Stein (@DrJillStein) November 26, 2016 Why would Hillary Clinton—who conceded the election to Donald Trump—want #Recount2016 … Clinton performed badly in the urban areas, while Trump dominated the rural counties. … In Milwaukee, Clinton got a little over 39,000 fewer votes than Obama; Trump won the state by 27,257.…
The Russians Are Coming!
– The beauty of the paranoid vein of conspiracy theory Democrats are employing to discredit President-elect Donald Trump is there’s no … In other words, they made Democrats as transparent as they’d always claimed to be. I’m no advocate of hacking. … Her argument for leading the country consisted of not being Donald Trump.…
Lies or Irrationality? Dems’ Excuses Debunked
– The election of Donald J. … Trump outperformed Romney in 2,728 counties. Trump won 2600 counties compared to Clinton’s 500. … “Fake news” got Trump elected.…
Politicizing FISA Memo Distracts From The Real Issue…oliticizing-fisa-memo-distracts-from-the-real-issue-n2441266
– And if that failed, why did they believe it was ethical to destroy the legitimacy of then President-elect Donald Trump by giving his … Trust is a good thing, but there is nothing wrong with asking government to be transparent.…
The Missed Opportunities of the Women’s March
– The result was a massive wasted effort that came off as ongoing bitterness towards President Donald J. … Trump, and lacking in actionable directives for helping women suffering in other countries. … We already know Democrats hate Trump.  So why not replace the “Trump is _______” signs with “Free Women from Sharia Law” signs?…
Laura Ingraham: Hey Lebron, 'I'm an Equal-Opportunity Critic'
Trump. … Millions elected Trump to be their coach. … Don’t think you’re not going to get criticized if all you do is a drive-by hit on Trump and say he’s no leader.”…
Demoted DOJ Official Didn't Disclose That His Wife Was Paid By Firm That Compiled Trump Dossier…isclose-that-his-wife-was-paid-by-firm-that-compile-n2449499
– Then, it was revealed that he had met with the author of the Trump dossier, Christopher Steele, and the founder of the firm that hired … Trump during the 2016 election. … Yes, this is related to the overall Trump-Russia investigation by DOJ, which is headed up by Special Counsel Robert Mueller.…
Who's Really Winning The North Korea Standoff?
– Yet its new nuclear missile strategy is pretty transparent. … Fifth, Donald Trump's approval ratings are up somewhat. … And with an improving economy, the Trump administration is gaining clout at home and abroad.…
Well, The Whole Notion Of Texas Turning Blue Got Shot To Hell Last Night
– Texas could turn blue in the Trump era. Well, almost all of that was false. … Now, for Republicans, they’ve been trying to nab Pennsylvania since 1988, which was finally done under Donald J. Trump. … But the DCCC’s attacks on Moser 10 days before the primary—a broadside so clumsy and transparent it drew criticism from DNC chair Tom…
Disaster: Obama's 'Smart Power' Syria Policy Was a Catastrophe, and Trump is Trying to Clean Up the Mess…me-that-assad-had-been-disarmed-of-chemical-weapons-n2469173
– The Times' story notes that the Syrian regime's action, bolstered by Assad's backers in Moscow and Tehran, places President Trump in … Big price... — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 8, 2018 What's the "big price"?   … People are speculating about additional sanctions against Russia (the Trump administration just recently expelled dozens of Russian…
CNN Host To Parkland Anti-Gun Activist: What 'Dumba** Colleges' Don't Want You…ti-gun-activist-what-dumbass-colleges-dont-want-you-n2467225
Donald Trump is tossed in there as well. … This agenda is as transparent as the clear backpacks you wear to school now, the only backpacks that are permitted on campus.…
The Story Mitt Romney Should Have Read Before He Betrayed the GOP on Impeachment…ssibly-undercut-this-whole-trump-impeachment-circus-n2560929
– Still, we all knew Democrats were fishing for reasons to impeach Trump. … It was about the Left’s hatred of Trump.  It’s a story that maybe Sen. … Helen Keller could’ve figured this out as well: Via RealClearInvestigations: Barely two weeks after Donald Trump took office…the…
Impeachment Dies in Desperation
– As the impeachment effort against President Donald Trump inevitably burns out on the ash heap of history, Democrats are being left … If Trump isn't removed, the congressman from Hollywood feverishly imagined, Trump "could offer Alaska to the Russians in exchange for … The left somehow feels Trump is unaccountable because this tsunami of scandal coverage isn't damaging his public standing.…
China’s Coronavirus Cover-Up Carries Lessons for U.S.
– we to believe ourselves immune from governmental disfunction and abuse simply because we live in a society far more open and transparent … When a President-elect Donald Trump dared question the authority of the “Deep State,” and it, in turn, reacted by targeting him using…
Quit Fighting Bernie, Democrats. Embrace Him.
– He’s socialist Trump in a nutshell. Republicans have been through this already. … While Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders are promoting wildly different solutions for America’s future, they both fit the bill of outsider … Yes, it's true there are still many Never-Trump Republicans who can’t and won’t see fit to vote for President Trump this fall.…
Democrats Trapped in Twitter-Fed Echo Chamber
– Nancy Pelosi stood behind President Donald Trump at the conclusion of the State of the Union address and childishly ripped his speech … It represented the party’s final break with reality -- its shamelessness exceeded only by its transparent desperation for relevancy … Rather than crafting a populist message like that which helped elevate Trump to the White House in 2016, Democrats climb over themselves…
Chuck Schumer's Despicable Attack on the Supreme Court
– Moreover, Schumer's thuggish attack on Kavanaugh and Gorsuch is a transparent attempt to intimidate justices. … When Donald Trump, rather absurdly, demanded that Sonia Sotomayor and Ruth Bader Ginsburg recuse themselves from "Trump-related" Supreme … Schumer said, while remaining silent when President Trump attacked Justices Sotomayor and Ginsburg last week, shows Justice Roberts…
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