Results for: voted to

A Vote for Kasich Is a Vote for Trump
– The other lesson is relevant to those planning to vote in the 18 Republican primaries and one caucus between now and June 7. … Trump needs about 59 percent of these to win. … to a candidate who could actually be nominated.…
Sanity Prevails: NC Lawmakers Vote to Stop Laws Allowing Men in Women’s Restrooms…votes-to-stop-laws-allowing-men-in-womens-restrooms-n2138455
– rules that would’ve allowed transgender people to use restrooms depending on their gender identity. … Senate leader Phil Berger of Eden said the Democrats' decision to leave was a "serious breach of their obligation to the citizens that … voted to elect them."…
Could This Pastor’s VP Pick for Trump Help Defeat America’s Jezebel?…tors-vp-pick-for-trump-help-defeat-americas-jezebel-n2138350
– Instead of reaching out to evangelicals he tried to keep them at arms length. … I reached out to many pastors nationwide to find out if they agreed. … Pastor of TCM International explained, “Let me be clear, up to this point I have not voted for Trump or promoted him whatsoever.…
Quite a Tuesday
– "I got up to pee and made the mistake of turning on the TV to check the news." … named ISIS) to visit on innocent people trying to get to work or get onto an airplane. … Kasich to the plate to be their nominee. Two words: No chance.…
John Kasich Came in Fourth in Arizona
– Thus, a whole lot of people voted for Marco Rubio before he suspended his campaign last Tuesday--enough to propel him to a third-place…
The Perils of Merrick Garland's Moderation
– Although that label is supposed to be reassuring, in politics, it usually refers to people who combine the worst aspects of the left … He has repeatedly done so in Freedom of Information Act cases (although he voted to uphold the government's decision against releasing … the choice of testifying or going to jail."…
No Confirmation of Supreme Court Nominee
– However, in two cases he voted against the individual right to keep and bear arms, which means the landmark Heller decision written … Encourage your senators to do the same. … In addition to controlling the size of the Supreme Court, Congress could also authorize the President to nominate new Justices on a…
The Rule-or-Ruin Republicans
– It is absurd to think Gov. … of their fellow Republicans have voted to strip away from them? … The Beltway has to come to terms with reality. It has not only lost the country; it has lost the party.…
Gold, The Federal Reserve and the Candidates
– Congressman Paul did convince the Republican Party to include in the 2012 party platform a commitment to audit the Federal Reserve. … Ted Cruz Gold Cruz On the Gold Standard Texas Senator Ted Cruz has indicated a desire to return to the gold standard … and monetary stability, ideally tied to gold."…
Black and White, Left and Right
– You can cherry-pick the evidence to reach that conclusion. … In academia, there were 376 courses devoted to eugenics in 1920. … The biggest difference between the left and right today, when it comes to racial issues, is that liberals tend to take the side of…
Supreme Court Rejects Lawsuit Challenging Colorado's Marijuana Laws…ejects-lawsuit-challenging-colorados-marijuana-laws-n2137363
– Colorado voted in 2012 to legalize marijuana for recreational use. … to, law experts say. … The justices voted 6-2 to refuse the suit.…
Focus Group On Clinton: 'Worst Liar I Think I've Ever Seen'
– There were voters who had voted Republican in the last three to four decades who could not support Donald Trump if he were to win the … for leadership in the world–it’s down to two mediocre choices. … For those of us who like to see policy being talked about on the campaign trail, don’t hold your breath.…
Sex Is Etched in Our DNA, But Race Is All in Our Heads
– The student government voted this month to move beyond what the council's cochairman refers to as the "archaic norms" of male and female … To which I say: Out of the mouth of babes. … When research in West Africa requires her to fly from California to France to Senegal, she told Harvard Magazine in a 2008 interview…
Friday Document Dump: Benghazi Committee Finally Gets Work-Related Emails From Clinton’s Inner Circle…gets-workrelated-emails-from-clintons-inner-circle-n2145627
– be produced to our committee, and that our Democrat colleagues never lifted a finger to help us get them. … Louise Slaughter (D-NY) to put forward an amendment to dissolve it in the Rules Committee. It failed. … She then tried to put forward a privileged motion to House members to dismantle the Benghazi Committee; that too was voted down along…
BREAKING: President Obama Turns Over Thousands of Fast and Furious Documents…turns-over-thousands-of-fast-and-furious-documents-n2145604
– Holder was held in contempt for stonewalling and failing to turn over the documents to the House Oversight Committee. … From POLITICO:  Four years after asserting executive privilege to block Congress from obtaining documents relating to a controversial … They are critical to the Committee’s efforts to complete meaningful oversight.…
No, Presidents Obama and Kennedy, “Greedy” Americans Did Not “Exploit” Pre-Castro Cubans…y-greedy-americans-did-not-exploit-precastro-cubans-n2145456
– “a nice place to visit but they certainly wouldn’t want to live there.” … In 1958 the Cuban Embassy in Rome had a backlog of 12,000 applications for immigrant visas from Italians clamoring to immigrate to … "A simple way to take measure of a country is to look at how many want in--and how many want out," famously quipped Tony Blair.…
Pennsylvania Q-Poll: Toomey Up in Senate Race, Unpopular Hillary Leads Trump
– Quinnipiac is out with a new poll of Pennsylvania -- a state that hasn't voted Republican in a presidential election since 1988. … I'd wager that it's a relatively safe bet to assume that these numbers are slightly inflated; Kasich's lead isn't quite that large, … (3) The best line item out of this survey for Republicans pertains to the US Senate race, which has been rated a toss-up by many…
In Calls For Crackdown, Hillary Clinton is Lying About Gun Industry Immunity Again…linton-is-lying-about-gun-manufacter-immunity-again-n2144948
– She also has to lie about the gun industry, specifically manufacturers, in order to state her position.  … the logical, fair thing to do. … they know will use them to carry out a crime.…
War of Words Escalates Between Clinton, Sanders
– "I don't think you are qualified if you have voted for the disastrous war in Iraq. … But he did say people should be able to sue dealers and manufacturers who sell when they know "guns are going to the hands of wrong … Sanders also didn’t let this one go, telling CBS News on Wednesday that “Maybe Secretary Clinton might want to apologize to the families…
A Tragic Night
– great distances to commit crimes. … In fact, when it comes to where you choose to live, free choice is being extinguished. … It is a shame he had to die.…
While Cruz Trounced Trump In Wisconsin, Conservatives Clinched Another Critical Badger Win Last Night
– Good — some of you really need to wake up." … " ¦ "This brings me to my next point — why is a student government on a Catholic campus attempting to bring legitimacy to an abnormal … it wasn’t enough to sink her.…
Democrats’ Broadside On Senate Republicans Over SCOTUS Nominee Yields Next To Nothing…ublicans-over-scotus-nominee-yields-next-to-nothing-n2143882
– have turned out to be just that–an appearance. … For President Obama, the first president to have voted to filibuster a Supreme Court nominee, to claim he is not playing politics with … No amount of spin or gimmicks is going to change this.…
Are Trump Voters Really Victims?
– agreements that have sent their jobs to Mexico or China. … Victims of a Republican establishment that promised to get rid of lots of things they don't like and then failed to deliver. … Economist Gordon Hanson writes that without the ability to move lower-wage jobs to Mexico after NAFTA was ratified in 1993, "there…
Dangerous Donald Trump
– This leverage might enable Trump to gain a majority of the delegates needed to become the party's nominee. … Delegates get their first opportunity to choose a candidate by voting according to the way their respective primary voters voted. … We cannot afford to repeat that mistake.…
The Real Difficulty with Filling Scalia's Seat
– Scalia responded, “I would not like to be replaced by someone who immediately sets about undoing everything that I’ve tried to do for … criminal justice to Obamacare in order to show how his views honor the Constitution drafted by our nation’s founders. … He steadfastly defended the constitutional rights of criminal defendants and even voted to protect a flag-burning protestor from prosecution…
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