Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

Only a Handful Show up to Democratic Presidential Event…a-handful-show-up-to-democratic-presidential-event-n2556207
– On Friday, six Democratic presidential candidates spoke to a handful of people at the first-ever "Presidential Forum on Environmental … According to a press release from the event organizers, the forum gave "candidates an opportunity to share their policies and visions … Pictures of the event reveal how poorly attended the forum was, and maybe that's why all the other Democratic candidates decided to…
Bloomberg Launches a Bold, Unique Strategy for Clenching the Democratic Nomination…ue-strategy-for-clenching-the-democratic-nomination-n2556199
– It was announced on Friday that he will be on the ballot in Alabama, which launched the billionaire's official presidential campaign … Bloomberg has repeatedly said he would not run for president but, after looking at the crop of candidates, decided to enter the race … “I don’t think you can just hopscotch around the calendar to suit your own political purposes,” Democratic strategist Bill Carrick…
The 2 Parties' Very Different Fields of Candidates
– Six of these candidates came from politically marginal states and four from heavily Democratic states. … That's a vivid contrast with the group of 2019-20 Democratic candidates. … Six Democratic candidates are current or former mayors.…
Will 'Sexist' White Males Derail Warren's Campaign?
– in the Democratic presidential primary race -- Joe Biden and Pete Buttigieg -- have escalated separate lines of attack as they attempt … The Democratic Party today defines itself as an inclusive party of women, gays, Hispanics, African Americans and other people of color … When one looks at the Democrats' agenda and field of candidates, the odds of Trump's re-election seem a good deal better.…
Michael Bloomberg Is Preparing To Enter The Democratic Presidential Race…preparing-to-enter-the-democratic-presidential-race-n2556141
– Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is preparing to enter the 2020 Democrat presidential primary race, according to The New … Bloomberg is actively preparing to enter the Democratic presidential primary and is expected to file paperwork this week designating … Though Alabama does not hold an early primary, it has a Friday deadline for candidates to formally enter the race.…
Seeing Ghosts: What the Republican Party and the New York Jets Have in Common…publican-party-and-the-new-york-jets-have-in-common-n2555832
– Those who answered prefer a Democratic Congress that will check Mr. … In 2018, Democratic candidates outspent Republican candidates in 59 of the 75 most competitive races, in some cases by 2-to-1 or 3- … Republicans argue 2020 will be different because Democratic House candidates will be competing against presidential contenders for…
AP: Democratic Candidate's Top Aide Offered Local Iowa Politicians Money in Exchange for Endorsements…ocal-iowa-politicians-money-in-exchange-for-support-n2556116
– The Associated Press reports that "1 percent-er" -- both in the polls and his bank account -- Tom Steyer's top aide on his 2020 Democraticpresidential primary campaign has been offering local Iowa politicians campaign contributions in exchange for endorsements for Steyer's … presidential bid. …
Impeaching America's Future
– republic that will be vouchsafed us by the congressgirls from what is called "the Squad" and from the most foulmouthed field of Democraticcandidates ever to run for the presidency. … Already the Democratic National Committee has asked the candidates to avoid crude back-alley language in their debates, and NBC News…
Plans by Warren and Sanders Neglect Logic, Math and Honesty…y-warren-and-sanders-neglect-logic-math-and-honesty-n2556034
– The more I follow the Democratic presidential campaign, the more I see how little I understand some people. … To be fair, Warren and Sanders aren't the first candidates to make promises they can't deliver.…
Adam Schiff’s Impeachment Antics Are Pushing This Key Battleground State Out of Reach for Democrats…s-key-battleground-state-out-of-reach-for-democrats-n2557118
– election  For example, Trump holds small leads over each of four top Democratic candidates for president in head-to-head matchups … While the shifts in opinion on both impeachment and presidential preferences are not large, they are consistent across multiple questions … — Dave Wasserman (@Redistrict) November 20, 2019 The economy remains Trump’s biggest accomplishment and Democratic
Democrats Giveth, Democrats Taketh Away
– It’s not normal for a presidential field to grow over time, especially as filing deadlines have passed and voting is only a few months … But the real problem Democrats face isn’t their weak roster, it’s the issues their candidates have chosen to run on. … Some candidates are embracing full-blown socialism, while others are only embracing socialism – something for everyone!…
Polling Tailspin: After Public Hearings, Support for Impeachment Falls, and Democrats Fret…arings-support-for-impeachment-falls-democrats-fret-n2556993
– relented and given this drama the green light, only to fall short of the votes she needs to pass articles of impeachment in a Democratic … But it may be a tight vote, with a significant number of Democratic defectors, with only ex-GOP Congressman Justin Amash quasi-crossing … electorate, and is availing himself of the lower ad rates for candidates).  …
Suburban Voters Have Fled the GOP, but These Bastions Will Be Key for Trump's 2020 Re-election…voters-on-trumpid-vote-for-him-again-in-a-heartbeat-n2557007
– We have a Democratic Party that is making 2020 a year about destroying hundreds of millions of private health insurance plans, giving … Oh, and beheading those evil billionaires because envy is such an appealing characteristic in candidates. … It’s one of the few places in America so Democratic it supported landslide loser George McGovern in 1972.…
Attempt to Shame Trump Supporter on Daily Show Panel Completely Backfires
– Central host Roy Wood Jr. sat down with a panel of African-American voters to get their take on what black voters want in a presidential … “Do you honestly think any of these Democratic candidates can beat Trump?” he followed up.  … “So, we all need to agree on who that one candidate is and then all the other candidates support them.…
WaPo Claims Obama Is a Conservative
– his piece, “Barack Obama, Conservative,” that the difference between Obama’s “steady approach and the seeming radicalism of his Democratic … Perspective: Democratic presidential candidates still can’t figure out how to talk about the most popular figure in their party, @Swerdlick…
Bloomberg News Will Not Investigate Democratic Candidates, Only Trump…ll-not-investigate-democratic-candidates-only-trump-n2556995
– Following Bloomberg's official entry into the 2020 Democratic presidential primary race, Bloomberg News Editor-in-Chief John Micklethwait … candidates seeking the party's nomination.  … "If Mike is chosen as the Democratic presidential candidate (and Donald Trump emerges as the Republican one), we will reassess how…
Impeachment Is Destroying Democrats
– Democrats are not only suffering from poor fundraising totals, but their presidential candidates are not creating much enthusiasm among … According to the Nielsen ratings, only 6.6 million Americans watched the fifth Democratic presidential debate. … The American people are tiring of the Democratic Party’s political antics.…
Yang Boycotts MSNBC Over Speaking Time At Debate, Demands On-Air Apology…over-speaking-time-at-debate-demands-onair-apology-n2556982
– Of all the candidates at Wednesday night's MSNBC Democratic presidential debate, Andrew Yang spoke the least. … on-air, discuss and include our campaign consistent with our polling, and allow surrogates from our campaign as they do other candidates … called me John Yang on air, and given me a fraction of the speaking time over 2 debates despite my polling higher than other candidates
On This Thanksgiving, Thanks to a President Who Has Given Us Peace and Prosperity…o-a-president-who-has-given-us-peace-and-prosperity-n2556935
– Many presidential candidates, including George H. W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. … Will a future president, Democratic or Republican, refund the $100 billion he raised from NATO nations?…
Warren's Scheme to Replace Your Private Health Insurance With Her 'Medicare For All' Plan
– The crowded Democratic presidential nomination contest can only be described as a mess, with its candidates offering irresponsible … Not all of the Democratic candidates support Medicare for All, but Warren “has faced criticism from her moderate rivals,” including … Biden and several moderate Democratic candidates, (if any Democrat can be called “moderate,”) are including a “public option” which…
California Loses Court Battle to Keep Trump Off Ballot
– Earlier this year, Democratic lawmakers passed a bill requiring presidential candidates to release five years of tax returns in order … Gavin Newsom signed the "Presidential Tax Transparency and Accountability Act" into law back in June, stating that he agrees "with…
MSNBC Contributor Warns Dems Against Embracing Socialism…warns-dems-about-the-effect-of-embracing-socialism-n2556850
– An MSNBC contributor warned Democratic presidential candidates ahead of Wednesday’s debate about the effect of embracing socialism … Steve Schmidt, fresh off being a paid consultant to Howard Schultz, says before the Democratic debate that "a sociopath will beat a…
Maddow Presses Warren On Whether There's Room For Pro-Life Dems in the Party
– During Wednesday night's Democratic debate, presidential candidates showed once again how far left they are on the issue of abortion … Party for pro-lifers such as Democratic Louisiana Gov. … “I have made clear what I think the Democratic Party stands for,” she said.…
Bloomberg Spending $15 to $20 Million On Voter Registration Drive to Defeat Trump…million-on-voter-registration-drive-to-defeat-trump-n2556819
– Michael Bloomberg has yet to officially announce his entry into the 2020 presidential race, but the former New York City mayor is … the Associated Press) The new effort will target 500,000 voters from traditionally underrepresented groups that typically lean Democraticcandidates. …
Republican Journalists Banned
– Everyone knows that the Democratic Party won’t let Fox News host its presidential debates. … Politico has requested that chief political correspondent Tim Alberta serve as a moderator during the upcoming Democratic presidential … Perhaps Democratic voters would value seeing how their candidates can handle questions that might arise during the general election…
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