Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

Democrats Want to Limit Free Speech, Regain an Iron Grip on 'The Narrative'…it-free-speech-regain-an-iron-grip-on-the-narrative-n2555740
– has caved to the pressure from the left and announced that it will no longer run political advertisements, including any for candidates … After Donald Trump’s historic victory in the 2016 presidential election, liberals embraced all sorts of conspiracy theories to explain … Democrat presidential candidates are even calling on Twitter to ban President Trump from the platform altogether.…
Joe Biden Slams Elizabeth Warren's New Healthcare Plan, Exposes Her Lies
– is a window into how Warren operates that, even after a lot of DC pundits and corporate-funded thinktanks caused several other Democraticpresidential candidates to abandon Medicare for All, she stuck by it and put out a smart plan showing how it can be done. — Brian … they're the structure in which she the works through the issue herself, and that gives her the knowledge base to outargue the other candidates
Liz Warren Reveals Price Tag for Medicare for All - and How She Plans to Pay for It
– Other presidential candidates like Sen. … A few of the other Democratic presidential candidates, like former Vice President Joe Biden, have also noted the downsides of Warren's…
Media Predict Next Female-Moderated Debate’s Focus: Abortion
– Many in the media are expressing excitement over the upcoming Democratic debate that will be moderated solely by women. … On October 23, news reports revealed that the next presidential candidate debate will be moderated by four women: MSNBC hosts Rachel … as it’s important to have diverse candidates.”…
Democratic Mayors and the Gift of Donald Trump
– Without African American voters in lockstep, there would be no national Democratic Party. … Democratic political professionals understand this clearly and are nervous about presidential candidates Elizabeth Warren and Pete … And Democratic mayors give it to him. It's not the bees and the flowers, exactly.…
Twitter Decides to Ban Political Advertisements on its Platform…des-to-ban-political-advertisements-on-its-platform-n2555645
– Additionally, it isn’t fair for everyone but candidates to buy ads for issues they want to push. … It's hard to say just how much money Twitter will be losing as we head into the 2020 presidential campaign. … Candidates and political action committees spend far more money during a presidential election than a midterm, meaning Twitter's loses…
The J Street Democrats
– This week, four of the top candidates for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination -- Pete Buttigieg, Amy Klobuchar, Julian Castro … By contrast, when the American Israel Public Affairs Committee held its annual conference in March, not a single Democratic presidential … But the heart of the Democratic Party has moved against Israel.…
Can American Politics Move Beyond Partisan Hysterics?
– The current crop of Democratic presidential contenders is so unimpressive that there are now rumblings about 2016 loser Hillary Clinton … Their main problem is that all of the viable Democratic candidates have been plucked from the establishment swamp. … Some of the same Democratic candidates who defended Gabbard have attacked Trump's recent decision to pull U.S. troops out of Syria,…
Hey Democratic Presidential Contenders! Are You Conniving at $240/gal. Gas?…idential-contenders-are-you-conniving-at-240gal-gas-n2555505
– More than half the Democratic presidential aspirants have endorsed a carbon tax.  Sounds fairly innocent. … Mitchell stipulates that the presidential candidates, when they get specific, will propose a lower tax rate on carbon. … The majority of Democratic presidential aspirants' enthusiasm for a carbon tax reminds me of the fateful moment at the 1984 Democratic
Priest Denies Biden Holy Communion Over Abortion Stance
Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden was denied Holy Communion on Sunday at a church in South Carolina, a Catholic priest said … allows a pregnant woman to have an abortion without excessive government restriction — into statute but also said at a vice presidential … This put Biden at odds with many of the other candidates for the Democratic nomination.…
Will the Democrats Miss Middle America Again?
– COLUMBUS, Ohio -- In the weeks, then months and now years after losing the presidential election in 2016, Hillary Clinton has repeatedly … Which leads us back to what we've seen on the debate stage the past few months from the Democratic presidential candidates. … presidential nominee.…
Wow, Even Obama Thinks the Democratic Candidates Are Too Crazy…bama-thinks-the-democratic-candidates-are-too-crazy-n2556599
candidates are playing too much to the "activist wing" of the Democratic Party, warning donors that average Americans "just don't … But average Americans have seen a lot of crazy stuff in the primary race for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination. … But the current crop of Democratic candidates is forcing even Obama to defend the capitalist system from Democrats who propose tearing…
A Late-Starting Presidential Campaign May Not Be Hopeless…estarting-presidential-campaign-may-not-be-hopeless-n2556524
– Deval Patrick joined the presidential race after reportedly discerning a demand for another presidential candidate from Massachusetts … At this point, it might be helpful to note some patterns in former Democratic presidential nomination contests that might help late … eight candidates in the Iowa caucuses.…
The Democratic Field Is Still Expanding
– "I admire and respect the candidates in the Democratic field that bring a richness of ideas and experience and a depth of character … "But if the character of the candidates is an issue in every election, this time is about the character of the country. … primary, as Friday is the last day for candidates to get their names on the ballot.…
Florida County Becomes 'Second Amendment Sanctuary'
– Lake County, Florida, commissioners voted 4-0 in favor of the resolution, which came in response to Democratic presidential candidates
Poll: Is This the New Democratic Frontrunner in Iowa?
– Two days, two fairly intriguing polls in the Democratic primary. … — Patrick Healy (@patrickhealynyt) November 9, 2019 In the still-crowded Democratic presidential field, one … More than a dozen participants in the Democratic campaign — including rival candidates and campaign aides — spoke on condition of anonymity…
Necessary Noise
– The headlines were the Democratic sweep of the state legislature in Virginia that put the entire state government under Democrat control … that 64% are "more enthusiastic" compared with previous elections, a percentage "among the highest Gallup has measured across presidential … Political candidates always run on an agenda of change.…
Virginia Has Become California East
– transition to Liberalism was preceded by a series of political events that, in more normal times, would have doomed the state’s Democratic … Not since former Governor Jim Gilmore’s plan to eliminate the “car tax” in 1998 have Virginia Republican candidates really offered … As we have already seen with the 2020 Democratic presidential candidates, there truly is no limit as to what they will promise voters…
Gabbard’s Campaign Demands Hillary Retract Her ‘Russian Asset' Comments…demands-hillary-retract-her-russian-asset-comments-n2556330
– Last month, Clinton said Russia was actively grooming one of the 2020 Democratic presidential candidates, although she didn't come … "I'm running for the Democratic nomination in this country, to take back our Democratic Party away from this warmongering, corrupt … The presidential candidate's team saw through the publicity stunt and called her out on it in their letter.…
Pennsylvania 2020: It's Complicated
– This year, Democrats crushed Republican candidates in suburban Philadelphia's Delaware, Chester and Bucks counties. … Washington and Greene, were swept out of county government in favor of Republican candidates. … In 2016, Hillary Clinton did what all Democratic presidential nominees have done since 1992: creamed the Republican opponent in Philadelphia…
Bernie Sanders: 'Mandatory Buybacks' of AR-15s and AK-47s Is Unconstitutional…mandatory-buybacks-of-firearms-is-unconstitutional-n2556267
Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders explained he does not support a mandatory buyback of firearms because he believes … Of the many Democratic presidential candidates who started so far, those who supported very strict gun control measures have not made…
Don’t Laugh Too Hard at Bloomberg or He Might Not Run
– Where is the groundswell of support behind this pint-sized presidential aspirant? … Perhaps the Democratic consultants who didn’t sign up with one of the other goofy candidates are happy. … But that’s okay, because his ego trip is going to cause amazing, glorious disruption within the Democratic race and help Donald Trump…
AOC and Bernie Sanders Trash Michael Bloomberg
– Bernie Sanders (I-VT) in the race for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination. … thought about reports suggesting Michael Bloomberg was entering the race because the former mayor didn't think any of the current candidates
Little Michael Is Trump's Ideal Opponent
– The Democratic Party presidential candidates are so unimpressive that several newcomers may enter the race. Former U.S. … Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) will win the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination, but not be able to defeat President Donald … These news stories and his own unforced errors are harming Biden tremendously, giving the more liberal Democratic presidential contenders…
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