Results for: voted to

Former DNC Chair Tom Perez Running for Governor, While Lincoln Project Member Considers Running as Republican
– The GOP field is not crowded so far, with only Maryland's current Commerce Secretary Kelly Schulz declaring her intention to run.  … The state voted for President Joe Biden by over 30 points in 2020."  … While Steele said he is giving "very serious consideration" to running for governor, Barker reported that "Steele declined to provide…
'Math Is Hard': AOC Gets Ratio'd for False Claim About Vote on 'For The People Act'…ms-a-minority-of-senators-killed-for-the-people-act-n2591418
– The legislation was voted down along party lines, receiving 50 votes in favor from the whole Democratic caucus. … Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) falsely claimed that “a minority of senators” squashed the legislation and that “a majority of legislators” voted … Joe Manchin (D-WV) and Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) have committed to keeping the filibuster intact.…
Liberals React to Defeat of 'For the People Act'
– "Our Republic is at a crossroads, and it is up to us to save it." … play to win, now?!' … "I think Democrats are going to have to start playing dirtier if they want to get anything done," she said.…
Sheldon Whitehouse Privilege
– You know who famously opened up his club to everyone when the other clubs in town wouldn’t? Donald Trump. The guy we voted for. … The guy Sheldon voted against. Weird how the racists never turn out to be us and always turn out to be them. … to might come along and out you.…
A Timid and Temporary Defense of the Free Exercise of Religion…temporary-defense-of-the-free-exercise-of-religion-n2591403
– The question was: Can Philadelphia force CSS to either hand over foster children to same-sex couples or give up placing foster children … Then Philadelphia's decision to deny CSS the ability to continue placing foster children because it would not place them with same-sex … do to reverse the court's decision was to remove the exceptions clause from its contracts.…
Stop Perpetual Election Fraud Bill
– Bennie Thompson (D-MS) voted against it. … Chuck Schumer (D-NY) is forcing the 50-50 Senate to vote on the Senate version, S. 1, perhaps to try again later. … Many Republicans feel grateful to Sen.…
It's Over: Senate Republicans Defeat Corrupt 'For the People Act'
– Democrats were unable to overcome the GOP filibuster to move forward with the legislation. … commit & harder to detect by allowing unlimited ballot harvesting, undermining voter ID laws, & making it more difficult to maintain … to cheat."…
Susan Collins Delivers a Blow to Controversial Biden ATF Nominee's Confirmation
– Chipman, listening to Mainers, and reviewing his record, I have decided to vote against Mr. … Chipman’s nomination to serve as the ATF Director," Collins said in a statement, per Fox News. "In recent years, Mr. … The senator went on to criticize Chipman as a “divisive” pick who has potential to infringe on Second Amendment rights.…
Wokeness Gone Wild
– Graduate students at Oxford University recently voted to remove a photograph of Queen Elizabeth from a campus common area. … to oppress people of color while ensuring a superior position in society for white people. … This supposed malady causes those who have it to target nonwhite people for nefarious purposes.…
If America Is Racist, Why Have Millions of Blacks Emigrated Here? Did Jews Emigrate to Germany in the 1930s?…ated-here-did-jews-emigrate-to-germany-in-the-1930s-n2591339
– Why would they and many millions more want to move from all-black societies to a white-dominated, racist one? … of emigrating to? … as an example for other people to see" -- their not making any attempt to dissuade blacks from coming to America makes no sense.…
Will Bishops Deny Biden Communion?
– Conference of Catholic Bishops voted 168-55, more than 3-1, to provide new guidance for receiving Holy Communion. … To do so is to give moral sanction to their misconduct. … to death?…
If Republican Voting Reforms are 'Anti-Democratic,' All of Europe Is 'Anti-Democratic'…are-antidemocratic-all-of-europe-is-antidemocratic-n2591328
– still possible to vote without the ID. … Or about how photo ID requirements will, as one professor in the UK explained, supposedly “lead to people not being able to vote.” … If hundreds or thousands of people vote at a polling place, how do you verify if someone voted by pretending to be someone else?…
Democrats Need a Day of Atonement
– The newspaper noted Democrats voted against "every piece of civil rights legislation in Congress from 1866 to 1966." … Only four Democrats voted for it. … Not one of the 56 congressional Democrats voted for the 15th Amendment in 1869, which gave former slaves the right to vote.…
Blue-Check Liberals Weigh in on United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Denying Biden Communion…ference-of-catholic-bishops-denying-biden-communion-n2591317
– Since Friday, Twitter users came forward to express their disdain toward the USCCB’s actions to possibly deny Holy Communion to Biden … #BlackLivesMatter (@jljacobson) June 21, 202173% of Catholic bishops voted to deny President Joe Biden communion. … They bishops want to deny him communion because he thinks OTHER PEOPLE get to make their own decisions.They angry at Biden's HUMILITY…
What the IRS Got Remarkably Right in the Midst of a Terribly Wrong Ruling…kably-right-in-the-midst-of-a-terribly-wrong-ruling-n2591269
– VOTE in every election to impact our culture. … There is not even a desire to hide it. … For good reason the IRS pointed to what “the Bible says” with regard to “U.S. and Israel relations.”…
How Easy Do We Have To Make It To Vote?
– But how hard is it to vote? President Obama told SXSW it is “much easier to order pizza or a trip” than to vote. … This should raise the question: How easy do we have to make it to vote? … But to say as much, to suggest returning to a “day of” voting method, would be viewed as akin to advocating a poll tax.…
Idaho Constitutional Carry Bill Awaits Governor's Signature
– If you think that’s a problem, or could lead to more bloodshed, you should direct your attention to Vermont. … But back to Idaho (via Boise Weekly): Members of the Idaho House State Affairs Committee voted March 17 to send SB 1389, a bill … that would allow Idaho citizens to carry concealed weapons without a permit within city limits, to the full House.…
'No Time To Waste': Bipartisan Bill Introduced to Equip Israel With Resources to Combat Ballistic Missiles…israel-with-resources-to-combat-ballistic-missiles-n2135713
– This sensitive environment has urged a few legislators to introduce a bipartisan effort to ensure our Middle East ally has at least … It is abundantly clear that there is no time to waste in helping to improve the defense of both the US and Israel.” … Noting the anti-terror impact the Iron Dome was having, Congress voted to restock the Israeli defense system in the form of a $225…
Sanders: It's 'Absurd' to Think I'll Drop Out Anytime Soon
– a right to cast a vote," Sanders told MSNBC's Rachel Maddow. … "So to suggest that we don't fight this out to the end would be, I think, a very bad mistake." … Sanders, despite his delegate deficit, believes he will do better in states that haven’t voted yet.…
Polls: Trump Clobbered by Hillary Among Women, Nonwhites, Millennials
– Just 7% of Democrats would defect to the GOP. … of white males, according to exit polls. … Some experts estimate that Trump would need to win 70 percent of white males in order to be victorious, meaning that he'd have to heavily…
Video: Conservative Activists Huddle to Plot Trump Alternatives…rvative-activists-huddle-to-plot-trump-alternatives-n2135517
– If he fails to secure 1,237 or more delegates, then it's an open game because a majority of Republicans would have voted for someone … Or is the intention to actually undo the nominations by both parties by sending the nomination to the House of Representatives? … supporting Trump as the nominee – would be to nominate someone with regional political appeal and the capacity to win a handful of…
Will This Be the Year When the GOP Will Blow a Chance to Win Congress and the White House?…l-blow-a-chance-to-win-congress-and-the-white-house-n2135531
– And the economy appears to have all but stopped growing. … All that is left for Republicans to conquer is the White House to fix the economy, put the brakes on spending and overhaul an anti-investment … Now she has a good chance to be our next president.…
Only Ted Cruz Can Stop Donald Trump
– Any candidate needs to get a 1,237-delegate majority to be nominated. … What happens there if the anti-Trump vote is split can be seen by looking back to 2008, when California voted early. … Republicans who want to stop Trump need to hold their noses, if necessary, and vote for Cruz.…
Trump & Lincoln: History Repeating Itself
– Much to the surprise of some and delight of others, Seward could not convince many to join his cause, and on the first ballot, taken … If he—or Cruz or anyone else—accepts the nomination of the GOP, he or she is responsible to the RNC and the platform voted upon by … The real change to come can come none too soon.…
BREAKING: State Department Declares ISIS is Committing Genocide Against Christians in Iraq and Syria
to US military strategy," according to Yahoo.Yahoo News reported last year that the US "has historically been reluctant to invoke … resources to do so. … Last week the House voted unanimously 393-0 to declare the actions of ISIS against Christians a genocide.…
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