Results for: sign up to vote

No Easy Path for Divided GOP In Obamacare Fight
– Mike Lee has asked colleagues to sign a letter promising to "not support any continuing resolution or appropriations legislation that … Mike Crapo, has joined the pledge, bringing the grand total to 13. That means 33 GOP senators have declined to sign. … That's eight who have chosen to speak out. None will vote for a Obamacare defunding measure that could lead to a shutdown.…
RNC’s Reince Priebus Rants About Debates but Won’t Grow the Party to Win in 2016…bout-debates-but-wont-grow-the-party-to-win-in-2016-n1668235
– Romney won more of the white vote than any candidate since 1988, yet he lost the election because he failed to appeal to browning face … the page cheers on the RNC’s website, asking people to sign a petition “to hold the liberal media accountable.” … Where’s the grassroots effort to take the vote to people of color and women?…
City Leaders Object to Church’s Cross
– “They asked, ‘what if the Muslims, the Buddhists want to build a sign?’” … It seems to be one of these ‘it’s either my way or the highway’ and no one seems to be willing to back up. That’s really sad.” … “Our problem with that is that we want to make an impact. We want to make a statement. And it’s on church property.”…
Recalling Arrogance in Colorado
– it and that people would actually have to show up at polling places to vote. … Meanwhile, the Democrats tried to fuzz up the stakes, going so far as to inject the abortion issue into it. … Tea Party members typically are not attracted to groups that loudly boo a convention vote to mention God in the party platform.…
Colorado Gun Elections Gives Conservatives Blueprint: Grassroots
– At one point, the Libertarian Party stepped up to the plate, providing much needed legal funding.  … The liberal party pulled out all the stops, leveraging their newly-passed law that allows anyone to vote who merely states his intent … to move into the district. …
Beating the Democrats at Their Own Game
– But this provision is structured in a way to let the Senate vote it down and send the rest of the bill on to the White House for … Thus, the House avoids triggering another government shut down crisis, but forces Senate Democrats to cast an up or down vote on ending … At the same time, it would force Democrats to vote on a resolution to defund Obamacare before sending the bill to the White House…
The President's Mr. McGoo Mini-Munich Moment
to go to Congress, we’re not going to go to Congress, we got to Congress and they vote no, we’re not going to pay any attention anyway … He said he’s going to postpone the vote, he’s sending Kerry to Geneva. … But you can’t sign up with him, because on any given day, Kerry’s going to throw up his hands and say well, we could have somebody…
Open Thread: Obama Tries to Mop Up Syria Mess With Frantically Rewritten Speech…mop-up-syria-mess-with-frantically-rewritten-speech-n1696585
– RT@allahpundit: Honestly curious now to see what O has to say tonight — Guy Benson (@guypbenson) September 10, 2013 Does anyone … Let's update the farcical "smart power" parade:  (1) Syria's regime says it suddenly wants to sign the international anti-chemical …   (2) The Obama administration is trying to pretend that John Kerry's screw-up yesterday is what they'd been planning all along. …
Sell the Individual-Mandate Delay
– There’s the family glitch affecting spouses and children -- up to 500,000 children according to some estimates. … And over at the Manhattan Institute, Avik Roy points out the strong cost disincentives for young people to sign up for Obamacare. … Young and healthy men and women are not going to sign up for Obamacare.…
Giving Reckless Accusers a Taste of Their Own Medicine
– If you espouse voter ID laws, for instance, you want to disenfranchise minorities of the right to vote. … If you fail to regard government dependency such as having nearly 50 million Americans on food stamps as a sign of progress, you want … Do they want these people to become victims of identity theft or vote fraud?…
5 Reasons Defunding Obamacare Is Smart Politics
– Today, it's finally going to happen, but only because Ted Cruz and Mike Lee have forced the GOP to stand up and fight. … sign up for the exchanges, this is the next logical step in attempting to kill the bill. … What if they vote to fund the government, but with a two year Obamacare delay?…
Surprise: Two Brigades of 'Good' Syrian Rebels Defect, Join Jihadist Ranks…es-of-good-syrian-rebels-defect-join-jihadist-ranks-n1707394
to (via CNN)? … a timetable for Syria to declare its chemical weapons inventory and then give them up. … plans to arm and aid the rebels.…
Bravo Ted Cruz. Bob Corker, Sit Down.
– Cruz and his colleagues rallied hundreds of thousands of voters to sign on to the effort to defund Obamacare. … Just like Clarence Thomas needed to sit down and shut up in 1991. … and Udall of Colorado to vote again for or against Obamacare, thus opening them up for devastating and deserved attacks in 2014.…
Spying on the Progressives
to minority voters. … Progressives are threatening primary challenges to Democrats in Congress who vote for Obama's budget since it includes this provision … Sign up for email updates from their shadowy organizations. And start squawking loudly.…
Can Marco Rubio Save Marco Rubio From Himself?
– concern our simple selves with trifles like the actual text of the legislation are enough to get us to sign onto this political suicide … No up or down votes on some unread Obamacare-like monstrosity concocted by special interests in a senator’s office that’s rushed to … Use your pal Lindsay “We Need To Vote On It Before They Can Pick It Apart” Graham as an example – watch what he does, then do the exact…
Education by Murder in Boston
– , more voters to insurgent parties, more demonstrators to anti-immigrant street efforts, and more donors to anti-Islamist causes. … Westerners are indeed waking up to this threat. … In a much-noted recent by-election, UKIP came in second, increasing its share of the vote from 4 percent to 28 percent, thereby creating…
Planned Parenthood Targets Black Women
– Residents would vote to decide if slavery would be legal in their territory. … Black history is testimony to where we wind up when those standards get lost. … sitting American president to address Planned Parenthood.…
R.I.P, Boy Scouts of America
– The century-old Boy Scouts of America (BSA) – created in 1910 to “prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their … Who wants to sign their boy up for the “Gay Scouts”? What’s a kid gotta to do to earn his “tolerance badge”? … of a moral alternative to the Boy Scouts.…
Land of Confusion
– In the arrogance of youth, they believe their inability to fit into the existing culture war is a sign they’re on to something cutting … I believe it’s because the American people vote Democrat when they want solutions to their problems, and then vote Republican when … In other words, they vote for Santa Claus until they realize his goody bag was charged to their credit card.…
Governor Brewer Betrays Conservatives, Forces Through Huge Obamacare Medicaid Expansion…es-forces-through-huge-obamacare-medicaid-expansion-n1621431
– Legislators were instructed not to ask any questions, nor vote yes on any amendments. … positions if they tried to stop her Medicare expansion from coming up for a vote. … Childless adults making up to $15,282 annually will be eligible.…
Immigrants Don't Matter to Them
– So the Senate by a 57-43 vote killed the secure borders amendment to the Immigration Reform. … You will be a statistic, needed only long enough to ensure that your vote will keep the Administrative Branch alive and kicking for … You are encouraged to sign up for government benefits that will in all likelihood cease to exist within the next five years, because…
Senate Bill Grants Napolitano Waiver of Border Security Provisions…nts-napolitano-waiver-of-border-security-provisions-n1625549
– ramp up to that level. … The Senate is expected to vote on Hoeven-Corker as early as Monday, June 24 after having only the weekend to review the 1200 pages … Want to make a bet as to how many of the Senators will have read the bill before they vote on it?…
A Challenge to Young Obama Supporters
– The more young people who don't sign up, the higher the premiums will have to be to cover the costs of those who do. … The old and sick race to sign up, but the young and healthy opt to stay out. … That causes prices to go up, and more people to drop out.…
Awesome: 'War on Women' Crashes and Burns in Australia
– shore up waning support. … Under a two-party vote, the conservative opposition would romp home in the September 14 elections with 57 per cent (up three points … Australian voters exhibited the clarity and maturity to reject desperate gender-based political appeals; will Americans catch up with…
Paul, Cruz Turn Military Sexual Assault into Bipartisan Issue…turn-military-sexual-assault-into-bipartisan-issue-n1642113
– Bipartisan outrage sparked in May when the Pentagon’s annual report highlighted that up to 26,000 military members reported cases of … At the press conference, Paul became the fifth Republican to sign the proposed legislation, requiring all sexual assault charges to … Cruz was already one of four Republicans to vote for the bill on June 4th when it was presented-and shot down- in a Senate Armed Services…
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