Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

Will Fact-Checkers Foil Democrats' Attempts to Play the Race Card?…ckers-foil-democrats-attempts-to-play-the-race-card-n2551783
– Case in point: the two solemn statements by Democratic presidential candidates. … candidates? … The candidates' errors were too blatant. But they may have been surprised to be called on it.…
Who's Funding Planned Parenthood?
– Previously they provided 16 of the leading Democratic presidential candidates a forum to compete to prove their zeal for abortion.…
Uh Oh: Guess Who's Underperforming in Early Primary States -- And Who Could Fail to Qualify for Upcoming Debates?
– According to a new poll from Morning Consult, both women are under-performing among Democratic voters in the early primary/caucus states … Not only do candidates have to meet both the polling and donor requirements, but they also must meet higher thresholds. … The winnowing could effectively cut roughly a dozen candidates.  …
Democratic Senators Threaten SCOTUS: Do As We Say, Or Else...
– The short-term goal here is to prevent SCOTUS from even taking up a Second Amendment-related matter: The Democratic senators' brief … Needless to say, if Senate Republicans were leveling these threats, with numerous GOP presidential candidates echoing the sentiment … This speaks to the arrogance and radicalism of the Democratic Party, which has placed several of its most unserious Senators on the…
Why We Embrace Conspiracy Theories
– The same weekend Trump idiotically retweeted the Clinton-Epstein conspiracy theory, no less than three Democratic presidential candidates … Not a single reporter apparently bothered to ask why these candidates were ignoring the report of Barack Obama's Department of Justice…
Open Borders Inc.: Who's Funding the Wicked War on ICE?
– And the usual stampede of camera-hogging Democratic presidential candidates lost their unquenchable thirst for the spotlight to blame…
Texas Newspaper Pens Editorial Begging Beto To 'Come Home'
– Instead, the rising Democratic star should end his presidential campaign and focus on running for Senate...again. The reason? … We aren’t used to seeing candidates act like real people. … The editorial board did get one thing right: Beto has no chance of winning the Democratic nomination.…
Tim Scott: Why Haven't 2020 Dems Spoken Out About That Racial Slur Against a KY Republican?…out-about-that-racial-slur-against-a-ky-republican-n2551588
– African-American Republican AG candidate Daniel Cameron was the victim of a Democrat's racial slur, yet not a single one of the Democraticpresidential candidates has bothered to speak out about it.  … Still haven't heard anything on this from any of the 2020 candidates running for president...or any Democrat really.…
New Poll Proves Colorado Dems Are in Bad Shape for Senate Election
– In a new poll of likely Democratic primary voters, only 18 percent said they approve of the current candidates on the ballot. … Six hundred likely Democratic primary voters in the state were polled and 61 percent preferred Hickenlooper, compared to 10 percent … With <1 percent support in the 2020 presidential race, one has to wonder what Hickenlooper's endgame is here.…
Five Completely Absurd Economic Ideas That Keep Winning Votes For Democrats…conomic-ideas-that-keep-winning-votes-for-democrats-n2551505
– Ideas all over the place, most of which in some form or another were on grotesque display during the last two series of Democratic … 2020 presidential candidate debates.  … candidates from promising the world to lower-skilled workers, at someone else’s expense. …
The Politics of Hate is Self-Destructive.
– Their candidates have been actively starting backfires and now find themselves surrounded by the flames.  … The angry Left has spawned the Democratic Socialist movement. … But understand, it is the vision that is now embraced by nearly all of the Democrat presidential candidates. …
My Confession About Guns
– Based on the hysterical propaganda coming from the media and Democrat presidential candidates last weekend, all-white male Republicans … Isn't it strange how all these criminals killing or committing other crimes against American citizens don't bother the Democratic Party…
Hollywood Hate Exposed In The Hunt
– For decades, the film industry has been a bastion of support for Democratic Party candidates. … Hollywood titans regularly hold massive fundraisers for presidential candidates such as former Vice President Joe Biden. …
The Left Is on a Mission to Annihilate Conservatism
– Listen to what the Democratic presidential candidates and other Democrats are saying. … Democratic Texas Rep. … Frankly, I think the nasty rhetoric coming from the Democratic national candidates is worse than anything Trump has said."…
Multiple New Polls: Rumors of Biden's Collapse Have Been Greatly Exaggerated…rumors-of-bidens-collapse-were-greatly-exaggerated-n2552301
– understandable why many in the media would eagerly jump all over a single, juicy poll that points to a seismic shift in the presidential … news has been relatively slow, the plodding frontrunner-ism of Joe Biden has been a bit boring, and the sudden rise of hard-Left candidates … Just as Biden claims he's not "going nuts," perhaps the same can be said of 2020 Democratic polling.  …
While 2020 Democrats Fight A Civil War, Republicans Are Fixing Health Insurance…a-civil-war-republicans-are-fixing-health-insurance-n2552278
– While many of the 2020 Democratic presidential primary candidates support some version of Medicare for All, others aren’t ready to … presidential debate. … But as the Democratic infighting continues, Americans can agree—our existing health coverage system is broken.…
Democrats Broke Higher Ed. Now They Want a Bailout.
– It is a badly broken system, and cannot be remedied by the Democratic Party’s much-ballyhooed “bailout” proposals.   … In other words, the standard Democratic strategy. … A bailout of student loans is a great marketing ploy by Democratic presidential candidates, but it represents nothing other than another…
Group of Democratic Women Demand DSCC Rescind Hickenlooper Endorsement…women-demand-dscc-rescind-hickenlooper-endorsement-n2552236
– And the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee promptly endorsed him as the "strongest" candidate to get it done. … Six of the candidates, state Sen. … The female contenders regret that Democratic leaders are eschewing a chance to make history.…
Popular Vote Election Gives GOP Hope as Red States Become Battlegrounds…n-gives-gop-hope-as-red-states-become-battlegrounds-n2552240
– Massachusetts has changed its method 11 times since the first presidential election in 1789. … The candidates, Republican and Democrat, instead pander to voters in the 12 or so battleground states. … Republicans simply can’t win under the current method if any of those states flip to the Democratic column.…
These Are the Democrats Who Have Qualified for the Next Debate So Far…emocrats-that-have-qualified-for-next-debate-so-far-n2552228
– Voters may finally get a chance to see a Democratic debate take place on the same stage on the same night, as 10 candidates have qualified … Democratic presidential candidates have until the end of Wednesday to get at least 2 percent in four qualifying polls as well as have … Candidates must submit a certification, executed by the Presidential candidate’s campaign Treasurer, demonstrating that the campaign…
Tough Love? Former Staffers To Kirsten Gillibrand Brutally Torch Her 2020 Chances
– Kirsten Gillibrand of New York and a number of other presidential candidates missed a chance to advance in a new poll on Monday, just … Ten candidates have already qualified for the ABC-sponsored Democratic debate in Houston in September, but Steyer, Gillibrand, Rep. … Candidates need four polls showing them at 2 percent or higher and 130,000 unique donors. Yeah, this isn’t happening.…
Gaffe Factory: Are Biden's Miscues Getting Worse, or Growing More Damaging?
– This is hard to ignore: Biden got a big bounce from his announcement, but has been steadily leading the (national) Democratic primary … Surveys show him ahead of his Democratic rivals in hypothetical matchups against President Trump. … Voters To Ignore Which Candidates Are Mentally Sharp Enough To Finish Complete Sentences For Good Of Party…
'Failure of Leadership': Activists Fume at DNC for Unpopular Vote at Weekend Meeting in CA…against-a-climate-change-agenda-in-san-fran-meeting-n2552176
– It seems just as soon as the Washington governor abandoned the 2020 election, the Democratic Party abandoned his climate change agenda … presidential debate. … (Mercury News) Some other 2020 candidates fumed at DNC Chair Tom Perez and the delegation.…
Climate Change Activists Bring Mayhem To The DNC Summer Meeting
– The committee has rejected a resolution to have a presidential debate that only focused on climate change. … that would allow for a climate-focused debate during the Democratic presidential primary. … Nearly every single Democratic presidential candidate has said they would support a climate change debate and several have signed up…
Seth Moulton Leaves the Race...With a Warning for His Leftist Opponents…ves-the-racewith-a-warning-to-his-leftist-opponents-n2552104
– Seth Moulton is the fourth Democrat to drop out of the 2020 presidential race. And he didn't do it quietly. … The next Democratic debates are Sept. 12-13 in Houston. … If fewer candidates meet the criteria, we may be looking at a one-night, instead of a two-night brawl.…
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