Results for: national political news

Ides of March 2017 – Fireworks or Dud?
– Both precious metals rose sharply on news of the Fed announcement. … on hand to pay current obligations, like Social Security and Medicare benefits, military salaries, tax refunds, interest on the national … In such a scenario a populist wave would sweep across the Europe Union spelling doom for the European political union and its currency…
Trump: Look, Obamacare is 'Dead' and I'm '100 Percent' Behind Our Replacement Plan…dead-and-im-100-percent-behind-our-replacement-plan-n2300529
– Up first, a key nugget of news: Now that the Trump/Ryan healthcare bill narrowly cleared another hurdle in the budget committee … Here we go: JUST IN: House Republicans plan to vote on Obamacare replacement bill on Thursday, March 23 — NBC News (@NBCNews) March … As the "repeal and replace" push began in earnest earlier this month, may political observers said that a key factors in the process…
Denials of Wiretapping Claim Come From All Directions
– Clapper Jr., the former director of national intelligence at the time, said it never happened. … Meantime, it surely is the height of political irony that Trump, who brands any and all news media revelations about his presidency's … troubles as "fake news," is being accused of the very same thing.…
Trump, the Fired Feds and St. Preet
– The post of U.S. attorney is a political job. And when national politics change, so do federal prosecutors. … , (aka the Trump News Network) and that was the reason for his dismissal. … He's a political cat growing his brand.…
Spinning Plates
– It also pushes just under $2 billion across the political poker table onto the stack marked "Mexican Wall." … House Speaker Paul Ryan said this week that, according to ABC News, "GOP leaders would now make 'some necessary improvements and refinements … "Should a coal miner in West Virginia pay for National Public Radio?" he asked on MSNBC's "Morning Joe". I don't know.…
Republican Senator: 'Susan Rice Is The Typhoid Mary of the Obama Administration'…ice-is-the-typhoid-mary-of-the-obama-administration-n2308557
– Senate Intelligence Committee, was on the Hugh Hewitt Show this morning to discuss the latest bombshell development that former National … Rice would have had no obvious need to unmask Trump campaign officials other than political curiosity. […] The news about … To make things more ironic, Rice penned an op-ed where she said that twisting the truth endanger our national security.…
– In 1974 President Nixon was forced to resign because of his administration’s spying on Democrats and others who presented a political … Even The New York Times, already colloquially known by the slogan, “All the news that fits we print,” printed the potentially most … We now know that, at least, James Clapper, Director of National Intelligence, Susan Rice, former National Security Advisor, James Comey…
Oh My: Former Obama NSA Susan Rice Reportedly Directed Dubious 'Unmasking' of Trump Allies
– Yes, that would be the same Susan Rice who made herself famous for delivering outright lies on national television about the Benghazi … terrorist attack, the nature of which the Obama administration was eager to deliberately distort for political reasons in the thick … The National Security Council's senior director for intelligence, Ezra Cohen-Watnick, was conducting the review, according to two U.S…
The Conservative Resistance Behind the Iron Blue Curtain…onservative-resistance-behind-the-iron-blue-curtain-n2307842
– A candidate for Congress actually submitted a bill that would require teachers to inform students about how to identify fake news. … The political class is too busy bringing in more voters (illegal aliens, public sector union hacks, and welfare queens), and they cost … And the national media is paying attention.…
Trump's Monday Morning Tweetstorm: Surveillance, John Podesta, and Hillary Clinton…storm-surveillance-john-podesta-and-hillary-clinton-n2307799
– Donald Trump kicked off Monday praising Fox News for a report that exposed the “crooked scheme” against him. … Bombshell report over the weekend shows a 'very high up' Obama official unmasking Trump associates for political purposes, sources … source told Fox News.   …
De Pasquale’s Dozen with ‘Hollywood Weapons’ Host Terry Schappert…s-dozen-with-hollywood-weapons-host-terry-schappert-n2306683
– Army and National Guard for over 20 years and hosting various TV shows highlighting the unique skills of members of the military, he … Cam Edwards of NRA News calls Zanoff the "Willy Wonka of Weapons.” Which kid from the movie does that make you? … What can the weapon-ignorant news media learn from Hollywood Weapons?…
Was Trump Wrong or Is Obama Guilty?
– For me this issue started on March 2nd while watching "Special Report with Bret Baier" on Fox News.  … The political world went after Trump with a vengeance for the next three weeks.  … In fact, the Times reported in another article that Attorney General Loretta Lynch on January 12th signed rules that let the National
Nunes Had Two White House Staffers Help Him Get Intel Reports And It Cost Him An Influential Media Defender…ports-and-it-cost-him-an-influential-media-defender-n2307186
– UPDATE: Sorry for forgetting to mention this…Fox News’ Adam Housley says that sources told him that the two White House staffers in … current American officials identified the White House officials as Ezra Cohen-Watnick, the senior director for intelligence at the National … They are political appointees.…
Report: Trump Surveillance Began Before He Was Even GOP Nominee…us-officials-is-a-very-senior-and-well-known-person-n2307087
– Fox News anchor Adam Housley has obtained some new information in regards to who unmasked the names of U.S. officials like former … National Security Adviser Michael Flynn in the ongoing Russia investigation.  … It seems the spreading of names was done for “political purposes that have nothing to do with national security,” or foreign intelligence…
If at First You Don't Succeed, Get Back on the 'Repeal and Replace' Horse…nt-succeed-get-back-on-the-repeal-and-replace-horse-n2306038
– Fundamental reform of the health care system is among the most difficult legislative and political tasks, and this effort wasn't the … It didn't fail because the National Economic Council chief didn't defend the bill properly on Sunday talk shows. … Adding insult to injury, it was a political bill that failed the long-term stated policy goal of repealing Obamacare.…
Circa: Obama Intel Changes Could Have Allowed NSA Intercepts Of Americans To Fall Victim To 'Political Espionage'…ntercepts-of-americans-to-fall-into-political-hands-n2305719
– John Solomon and Sara Carter of Circa News reported that those logs are expected to be turned over to Congress next week, as they investigate … were changed under Obama that allowed unmasking of American caught through incidental collection to possibly become victim to political … But those directly familiar with the processes acknowledged the breadth of access today could be abused for political espionage or…
No, Trump Didn't 'Erase' LGBTQ People From the US Census
– blares the title of a post on the National LGBTQ Task Force's website, while other outlets have prominently featured Trump in their … Some Census experts said the decision may not be meant as a political statement. … the motivations behind the decision to omit certain new Census questions for 2020, via the Washington Blade: Lots of inaccurate news
#PINKOUT: Planned Parenthood’s Abortion Distortion
– Nothing says serious healthcare like a selfie-driven, news-distorting, #PinkOut day. … The Democrat Party’s national platform specifically makes that declaration. … The abortion giant enjoys lots of free ad space disguised as news articles.…
Benjamin Crump: TV's Rising Fake News Star
– TV One was happy to partner with Sharpton's National Action Network to co-sponsor an awards show last fall that bestowed a special … Try manipulating reality for political gain. … But the fake news rising star may be far too busy to bother with facts that undermine the lucrative social justice racket.…
Fox News Covers 'Inconvenient' Rape
– But when do they break through to become national news, and when do they not?" … One reason for its low profile may not be political. … This is the liberal blindness that the "news" czars demonstrate.…
The Democrats' God (And Abortion) Problem
– idea — McKay Coppins (@mckaycoppins) March 27, 2017 Imani Gandy of Rewire News … Yet despite the clear complexity of those attitudes, political discourse largely ignores the possibility of a middle ground between … In 2012, ABC News’ Cokie Roberts observed how the Democratic National Convention was “over the top” when it came to abortion aptly…
Time for TIME-less Truth
– Years ago, the weekly ceased being an interesting news magazine and evolved into a caricature of fashionable left-wing thought.   … However, TIME managed to work its way back into national consciousness this week with its colorful cover asking, “Is Truth Dead?”  … Among other things, the riotous decade birthed today’s unhinged progressives and transformed a political party into a seething animal…
Ben Domenech On GOP Health Care Defeat: The House Freedom Caucus Isn't Going Anywhere, You Have To Work With Them…ucus-isnt-going-anywhere-you-have-to-work-with-them-n2304876
– Moreover, while the news media and establishment Republicans are ripping the House Freedom Caucus for killing the bill, let’s not forget … Domenech also noted the political grenade that was possibly dodged with this bill, notably how if this immensely unpopular bill were … things done with Trump: BROWNSTEIN: The reality is, 60 percent of House Republicans are in districts that are older than the national
Oh God: Hillary Says She's 'Ready To Come Out Of The Woods'
– I have a hard time watching the news, I’ll confess,” she said, according to a video of the event. … That’s going to be brought up with any discussion regarding political resurrection. … Still, I find it hard that Clinton, who tried national office twice, would settle for mayor.…
Deliver Us From Scripture-citers
– On Monday, a story from the Religious News Service was headlined: "Trump's Budget Slashes Aid To The Poor. … But those injunctions are personal, not political. … Just don't confuse the word of God with a partisan political agenda.…
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