Results for: voted to

Jack Smith’s Gag Order Request Is Unconstitutional and Un-American…g-order-request-is-unconstitutional-and-un-american-n2628772
– Jack Smith wants to ban constitutionally protected political speech. … He is entitled to fight the obvious damage to his political reputation in the press and in the court of public opinion, as well as … The ruling went on to note that Congressman Ford should have a right to respond as his political opponents will be attacking him as…
Trump Breaks His Silence, Comes Out in Support of Tuberville's Holds
– He also reserves the right to call for more votes in the future. "I came here to this chamber to vote. … And I think the one back then was probably closer to where Republican voters want to be than the latest iteration," DeSantis said during … the right to life."…
Virginia Democrats Go for New Low Right Before Statewide Elections…on-abortion-issue-months-before-statewide-elections-n2628707
to ban abortion with no exceptions." … other things, her supporters voted on such bills "to ban abortion with no exceptions."  … We cannot allow Kim Taylor to ban abortion in Virginia," Jennifer went on to mention. Gov.…
Ken Paxton Tells Tucker Carlson Who He Thinks Was Behind Failed Effort to Impeach Him
– a primary challenge to Sen. … He’s like, ‘I want to stay in power. I’ve cut this deal to be Speaker with Democrats,'” Paxton argued.  … In May, the Texas House voted to impeach him over allegations he misused the office and accepted bribes, but the Texas Senate acquitted…
Hey Pennsylvania, You Really Suck
– I have to ask, again, how easy do we have to make it to vote?  I want it to be harder. … The actual voter likely won’t show up to “discover” they’d already voted, though that happens sometimes, and no organization is going … to go through the rolls and check with each person who voted whether or not they actually did.…
My Party: The Stupid Party!
– "Morally Repugnant" refused to take any more. The last time New York state voted for a Republican president was in 1984. … Yarmouth, Massachusetts, voted 60-40 for Biden. … the National Guard to remove them.…
Schumer Caves, Grants Tommy Tuberville's Call for Votes to Confirm Certain Military Promotions
– "I'm not afraid to vote on these nominees, or on all of these nominees. I came here to this chamber to vote. … "I came here to this chamber to vote. … (@DailySignal) September 20, 2023 Ultimately, the Senate voted 83-11 to confirm Brown to replace outgoing Chairman Mark Miley.…
'Unconstitutional': Republicans Sue Hochul, New York Over No-Excuse Absentee Voting
– open absentee voting to all residents without any excuse needed to justify why a voter is unable to cast a ballot in-person.  … "Instead of working to stop crime, lower inflation and ensure parents’ rights in schools, they stick to their extreme policies that … "Rather than work to stem the flow of our most productive taxpaying citizens out of the state, radical progressives are working to
Staten Island Residents Are Sick of the Immigration Chaos, Block Buses Full of Illegal Aliens…ick-of-the-chaos-block-buses-full-of-illegal-aliens-n2628684
– give them a good old-fashioned welcome by telling them to get out (via NY Post):  Outraged Staten Island residents took to the street … Tuesday night to physically block the arrival of an MTA bus carrying asylum seekers to a newly converted shelter — a move that Mayor … The residents voted for this at the local and federal level by electing Democrats who a) don’t want to enforce federal immigration…
'Social Justice' Demands 4-Day Work Week
– A central demand by the militant new UAW leadership is to shrink to a 4-day work week while insisting on full 5-day pay. … Trump has vowed to enact a “complete and total repeal of Democrats’ catastrophic EV mandate,” referring to electric vehicles, on Trump … electric cars that Detroit cannot afford to make.…
'Emergency' Spending
– Now they're using tricks to spend even more. … "Who will be willing to lend that money to the U.S. government?" Good question. … Politicians have voted to spend much more money than the government will ever have.…
Pelosi's $14-Million Tree Travesty
– Fifty senators voted for it and fifty voted against. … trees, combat extreme heat and climate change, and improve access to nature," said the statement. … Was this an equitable thing to do?…
What Do Trump's Heartbeat Bill Comments Say About Abortion Issue and Pro-Life Candidates in 2024 Race?
to the heartbeat bill that Gov. … Democrats happy with respect to right to life, I think all pro-lifers should know that he's preparing to sell you out."  …   🔥 LISTEN: DeSantis reacts to Trump pledging to appease Democrats in a second term.…
A Key Democrat Voter Bloc Is Fleeing Biden. Here's Why.
– This group of strategists has enough on their plate trying to kill narratives that Joe Biden isn’t too old to run in 2024. … This sense of torpor in all aspects of governance has led to nonwhite voters not being incredibly receptive to another four years of … Trump, it’s not hard to see how or why.…
Residents in Left-Wing State Sound the Alarm Over Illegal Immigrants
– Maura Healey, urging the state to not send illegal immigrants to the Yarmouth Resort motel. … According to The New York Times, Massachusetts has a “right to shelter” law that guarantees families with children a place to stay … Breitbart noted that in Cape Cod, some communities voted up to 92 percent for Biden in the 2020 election.…
Here's What Happened When Newsom Was Repeatedly Asked If There Should Be Limits on Abortion
– Newsom added that there is a constitutional amendment to go on the ballot that includes more “nuance” when it comes to abortion. … “I just want to be clear because people are going to be listening very carefully to what you’re saying,” Bash interjected.  … “But, does it need to be specific in terms of defining where that guarantee goes up to and where it does not?…
Ron DeSantis Claps Back at McCarthy in House Republican Spending Battle…just-entered-the-house-republican-spending-showdown-n2628591
– DeSantis also spoke to paying off debt. … compared to in Florida. … And that's tailor-made for the opposition party to be able to sweep into Washington D.C."…
Let's Talk About Kristen Welker's Interview With Trump
– In the House, Democrats voted to pass it 218-1, with all 210 Republicans in opposition.   … Yet a grand total of six Democrats in Congress at the time, three in each chamber, voted to support this proposal.   … To ignore all of this is to engage in propaganda and dishonest advocacy.  …
Why the Senate's Dress Code Rules Are Changing
– Schumer says he will continue to wear a suit and tie to work (via Axios): Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) quietly has … I will continue to wear a suit," Schumer said in a statement to Axios. … The damage might be irreparable since he didn’t take the time to recover due to the campaign.…
That Miserable Bag Of Goo Mitt Romney Slinks Away Humiliated…rable-bag-of-goo-mitt-romney-slinks-away-humiliated-n2628520
– He was a complete empty vessel, and he tried to fill himself with whatever he thought was going to get him ahead. … once pretended to actually believe.  … Today, he’s all in on the fads, from Donald Trump being a threat to Our Democracy to climate change.…
Fight Left-Wing Lies With ... Facts
– commit crime; nine times more likely to drop out of schools and 20 times more likely to end up in prison." … We still got that 10% in order to cross over to the other side." … to Donald Trump.…
Mad Maxine Survives Censure Push...For Now
– said to a group of activists. … censure Maxine Waters: Moderate Dem Jared Golden of Maine (who often breaks with his party) had voted with Democrats to table the … Says "I urge my colleagues to pick up the dictionary. "Confront is to face the facts."…
Trump Didn't Form a Populist Coalition; He Was the Result of One…form-a-populist-coalition-he-was-the-result-of-one-n2588193
voted for him. … All you have to do is listen to them. … Democrats are going to struggle to win these voters back for U.S.…
Liz Cheney Keeps Shooting Herself in the Foot
– More Republican voters in her state voted for Trump than her in 2020. … Cheney backed a primary challenger to incumbent Republican Congressman Thomas Massie in Kentucky only to have that move blow up in … her face; the challenger turned out to be a racist. …
Is It Time for Conservatives to Support A National Popular Vote?…or-conservatives-to-support-a-national-popular-vote-n2588119
– I would say so, but are there some who might be on the fence, some who would be more likely to make an effort to make their voices … It’s hard to imagine not.  … to open the playing field and try to beat Democrats by forcing them to defend their noxious ideas all over the map instead of just…
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