Results for: they are all going to jail

Free Pass for One Percenter Al Sharpton on $4.5 Million Owed in Taxes…e-percenter-al-sharpton-on-45-million-owed-in-taxes-n1923338
all the way back to his teenage years. … knows what to think - yes, they’re guilty because they broke the law vs. no, it must be targeting because the laws are so difficult … they are only selectively enforced.…
Will Obama Pardon Clinton and Cement his Legacy?
– Now they wouldn't mind if Hillary were allowed to fly to some fantasy island or a mountaintop and stay out of the news so Democrats … I suppose they need some kind of 12-step program to lure them back to reality. … Since she's not going to be president, why donate to the Clinton charities?…
Stanford Rape Judge Demonstrates Need for Judicial Independence…e-judge-demonstrates-need-for-judicial-independence-n2263109
– Critics mocked the judge for suggesting that if freed from jail, Turner "will not be a danger to others." … of two days deducted for every four days spent in jail) to three months. … His father didn't help when he wrote to the court that his son, who is no longer an "easy-going" young man, must pay "a steep price…
Joe Telles
All personal markers. Some dates are historical markers. December 7, 1941. November 22, 1963. September 11, 2001. … He would never make it to wherever he was going. He wouldn't even make it to Christmas. … They said he wasn't sick enough for the hospital to take him in.…
'Repeal and Replace' Obamacare -- With the Free Market
– Republicans promised to not only repeal but to "replace" Obamacare. How can they do this -- and replace it with what? … For Obamacare to "work," it is particularly important for young people to "buy in," because while they are forced to (SET ITAL) spend … (END ITAL) on health care insurance they are unlikely to (SET ITAL) consume (END ITAL) health care services.…
49 Years After MLK, Christian Pastors Call For Arms: Guns & Prayer Are Necessary…an-pastors-call-for-arms-guns--prayer-are-necessary-n2272210
– Has anyone gone to jail or even been identified publicly? We need answers to these questions.” … If the government is not going to protect us, then we have no choice but to protect ourselves. … Those armed with weapons are also next to those armed solely with prayer.…
Hey Democrats: Confirm This!
– Hillary was totally going to win because all of that terrible, awful stuff the slobbering media said about her opponent. Nope. … Then the inauguration was going to be a bust. … They would kind of like to be the first priority of their president.…
The Media Can't Attack Gorsuch On Much...So They Went After His Mother…attack-gorsuch-on-muchso-they-went-after-his-mother-n2282359
– Still, the attacks on his character are probably going to ramp up from left wing groups. … them over, leading to a contempt of Congress citation that threatened her with jail time. […] As multiple congressional committees … Gorsuch is probably going to be confirmed and way for McClatchy to kick a dead woman who passed away from cancer.…
Soldiers Trapped?
– It’s our job to make sure they do everything they’ve been taught correctly, that they accomplish their mission, and that they all come … They’ll all tell you that they are unworkable and place American and other innocent lives at risk. … ’re going to end up in jail, instead of reacting quickly to the enemy and unleashing hell on him downrange.…
Second Amendment Supporters Flood Richmond To Tell Virginia Lawmakers 'Guns Save Lives'…to-tell-virginia-lawmakers-one-thing-guns-save-live-n2106734
– Ted Cruz’s Virginia Leadership Team, also thanked the crowd for all that they do to keep our gun rights safe, and added that he’s “ … She told the crowd that she hopes to establish a nationwide non-profit dedicated to guiding women who are interested in obtaining their … Those three Democrats in the Senate are key to fixing the concealed carry fiasco created by Herring.…
Life Under an Iron Fist
– Though they are often, incorrectly called “public” lands, the “public” has no fundamental right to enter them or utilize their water … They could have been charged under a 1948 law that provides for fines or jail terms up to five years for setting a fire on government … As Congressman Greg Walden noted in a January 5 speech, they are trying to drive ranchers and even joggers out of the Malheur Refuge…
El Chapo Got Caught. So What?
All across America last weekend, panicked drug users rushed to their dealers to stock up on marijuana, heroin, cocaine and methamphetamine … "I have a fleet of submarines, airplanes, trucks and boats," Guzman told Sean Penn shortly before being caught, and they are not going … without fear of going to jail?…
The New Right: Warriors For The Poor
– that incentivize kids to earns points for the number of books they read. … His mother had to raise her siblings, while her single mother went to work. They were abjectly poor. … Also, it helps to understand the very people who are going to make your program work. They’re your peer review group.…
CNN Enables Hillary's Whitewash
They make these charges. I just keep going forward because there's nothing to it. … And you have to say to yourself, 'Why are they throwing all of that?' Well, I'll tell you why. … Hillary Clinton's Whitewater business partners Jim and Susan McDougal went to jail in 1996, despite all her legal work to keep their…
A Tale of Two Cities: Lessons from Michigan
– Given all this consternation you might suppose that lead poisoning levels in Flint are exceptionally bad, compared to the rest of the … The answers to all these questions are the key to understanding politics in America in the 21st century. … If there were, they would probably be in jail.…
Destruction From Within
– During the state trial Morales, like his FALN comrades in Chicago, boasted, “No jail is going to hold me forever. … They can put 1,000 of us in jail. They are not going to hold us forever. That’s what I have to say.” … This enemy must be identified for who they are and defeated.…
Why Did Delaware Drop 71 Percent Of Its 11,000+ Gun Charges Filed Between 2012-2014?…ent-of-its-11000-gun-charges-filed-between-20122014-n2106732
– had gone to trial, we should all rejoice. … He called that result a victory because the defendant is going to prison for a long time. … Quinones is expected to receive a 30-year jail sentence.…
Hillary’s “Yeah But” Defense
– Supposedly Powell and Rice’s reported transgressions are somehow comparable to what Hillary Clinton and members of her senior staff … Hillary and her defenders have also been trying to create doubt about the classification of documents at all, claiming that “over-classification … It simply doesn’t matter to them that real crimes may have been committed.  All that matters is party loyalty at all costs. …
Stand In For Rand?
– Ted Cruz has a lot going for him, having taken on the establishment and spoken truth to power — within his own party. … He wants to have it both ways.” … It is time for Americans to put away childish, bullying politics and return to limited government.…
Retirement Home Rumble: Sanders Proves Why He Shouldn't Be Commander-in-Chief, Clinton Hits Him For Suggesting She Could Be Bought
– is going to get done. … Two old people, one with far-fetched ideas that are so exceedingly expensive, they’re never going to become law, and another whose … Some of those emails are so sensitive that they won’t be released to the public.…
Bark Like a Dog !
– What’s she going to do, bark at them until she’s given a ‘doggie treat’ in the form of another couple of million dollars to her foundation … of State are more likely to make us cry.  … Do they stick with Bernie, try to draft Crazy Joe Biden, or dust off one of the other has-beens of the party. …
Double-Digit Odds We Have Four-Way Race in November.
– But, to question such actions, would be to falsely assume they care about the party or its cause.  They don’t.  … They care about maintaining the comfortable position of power they have attained, and they expect you to comply or they’ll “burn down … They, too, are wiling to “burn down the house” if Trump isn’t the nominee. …
Nino, RBG, And The Friendship That Rose Above The Current Progressive Bloodlust…p-that-rose-above-the-current-progressive-bloodlust-n2120078
– Scalia had directly suggested to David Axelrod, then-senior adviser to President Obama, that they should send Elena Kagan to sit on … Neither one was going to fold their arms and refuse to work with one another. That would be nonsense.  … For all we know, he might have found a handful to be interesting.…
Trump is the ‘Anti-Establishment’ Candidate Who Has Surrounded Himself with the ‘Establishment’…e-who-has-surrounded-himself-with-the-establishment-n2125545
– convince voters he’s not going to be the same-old politician Republicans are all-too-familiar (and dissatisfied) with. … Trump even donated money to Sens. … He was able to accomplish this incredible feat because the one thing the vast majority of his supporters agreed on was that they are
Needed: Economic Literacy 101
They used to provide all kinds of free stuff. … Similarly, socialist policies stifle the innovation, economic growth and job creation that young people need if they are to get beyond … Citizens go to prison for inadvertently “impacting” a wetland, but EPA bureaucrats receive “get out of jail free” cards when they deliberately…
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