Results for: voted to

They're Trying to Imprison Trump for Telling People to Watch TV. I'm Not Kidding.
– For Trump specifically, the grand jury voted to indict the former president on 13 counts:  Violation of the Georgia RICO (Racketeer … to Commit Filing False Documents Conspiracy to Commit Forgery in the First Degree Conspiracy to Commit False Statements and Writings … The man told people to watch television, and these clowns determined that to be criminal.…
That Cannot Be the Reason Why Joe Biden Is Avoiding Hawaii
– Hawaii does not have protocols to cut power to lines that are in harm’s way of dangerous winds. … He’s a terror to his staff.  … I’m sure Peter Doocy will be there to ask why he only visits disasters that occur in states that voted for him, and it will be Joe’…
BREAKING: Georgia Grand Jury Indicts Trump, Giuliani, Meadows, and More
– Following an at times confounding series of events on Monday, a grand jury in Fulton County voted to indict former President Donald … ET, the grand jury's decision was returned to Judge Robert McBurney and then handed off to the clerk to be docketed before being unsealed … For Trump specifically, the grand jury voted to indict the former president on 13 counts: Violation of the Georgia RICO (Racketeer…
The Tenacious and the Timid
– The vote in the US Senate to pass their version of the NDAA, 86-11, just 4-5 Republicans voted against...a sure sign of timidity. … to develop a 100 percent plan. … how to defeat the left.…
Why Trump Shouldn’t Play By ‘The Rules’
– do it the way they want him to. … To summarize Professor Alan Dershowitz from my show last week: they will do anything they can to stop him. … Trump’s actions to fit them.…
Romney Has Been Wrong on Judges – We Need to Replace Him
– Judicial activism is a threat to our freedoms. … Constitutional interpretation must be left to the reasoned judgment of judges, rather than to passions of the day, according to James … His main motivation doesn’t seem to be representing Utah, but begging for approval from the people who voted against him 11 years ago…
The Pro-Life Dilemma and the Politics of Prudence
to reject a declaration that their state constitution not be construed to contain an abortion "right," by a 52%-48% margin; and a … After all, one must first attain power, or at least find oneself close to power, in order to use it. … see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in (and) to bind up the nation's wounds ..."…
Another CA School District May Soon Adopt a Policy to Protect Parents' Rights…ict-may-soon-adapt-policy-to-protect-parents-rights-n2626831
– staff to “out” trans kids to their parents instead of keeping it a secret. … This would include if the child wants to go by preferred pronouns, a chosen name, or wants to join school programs that align with … In May, a school district in Cincinnati, Ohio was exposed for instructing teachers to report child abuse to protective services if…
Joe Manchin Reveals Potentially Big News About His Political Future…als-potentially-big-news-about-his-political-future-n2626863
– When I do speak, I want to be able to speak honestly about basically the extremes of the Democrat and Republican Party that’s harming … Republicans were also unwilling to help. … When it comes to a decision for 2024, Manchin told the radio host "When I get ready to make a decision, I’ll come see you."…
DeSantis Corrects NBC's Dasha Burns on Pro-Abortion Lies
– Even when Republicans controlled the Senate, not enough Democrats voted to pass the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act for … it to overcome the filibuster. … This is even after she spoke to now Sen.…
DC Power Grab Invites a Shutdown
– federal programs and agencies after September 30, when the federal fiscal year ends, because Republican resolve has strengthened toto keep the lights on in D.C. … hear what the leading candidate has to say about vital national issues.…
Schumer Lets Federal Pension Money Go to Communist China…er-lets-federal-pension-money-go-to-communist-china-n2626785
– Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer voted last month to let such investments continue. … It needed 60 votes to be added to the NDAA. It got 55. … In addition to co-sponsor Shaheen, eight senators who caucus with the Democrats voted for this amendment to stop federal pension funds…
'Joe the Plumber' Has Died
– Wurzelbacher, known as “Joe the Plumber” to most, passed away at the age of 49 due to pancreatic cancer (via Breitbart):  Joe Wurzelebacher … “I’m getting ready to buy a company that makes 250 to 280 thousand dollars a year. … “It’s not that I want to punish your success.…
Jen Psaki Doubles-Down on 'No One Supports Abortion Up Until Birth' Comments…down-on-no-one-supports-late-term-abortion-comments-n2627606
– abortion up to birth.” … To recap, Townhall covered last week that Psaki took to social media to voice her thoughts on third-trimester abortions in the midst … 46-48 to block the bill.…
Smell The Desperation
– donating to them.  … THEN: Republicans took their REVENGE -- and voted to censure Adam on the House floor formally. … It concludes, “Derek, we need to DEFEND Democrats who STOOD UP to Donald Trump.…
Desperately Needed: Republicans with Political Killer Instincts
– Whatever happened to Rep. … the 14th Amendment, proposed by Republicans, to give citizenship to former slaves. … Okay, it is time to move on.…
Don't Vote Democratic
– In the one election in which I voted before I left Illinois, I voted for Walter Mondale for president. … The US has the energy to power a better economic future. … know how to fight and to train soldiers to be ready to do so.…
Oh, Here We Go Again: United Auto Workers Authorizes Strike
– It took an act of Congress to avert a rail strike last year. … "The vote does not guarantee a strike will be called, only that the union has the right to call a strike if the Big Three refuse to … strike over plant closures, significant increases to current retiree benefits, and more paid time off to be with family." …
Why Liberals Are Melting Down Over This Song…s-going-insane-over-rich-men-north-of-richmond-song-n2627397
– The Left hates the song, equating it to right-wing reactionary fever akin to Jason Aldean’s “Try That in a Small Town,” which also … If we want to reach the people who have made this song their anthem, we have to spend more time hearing what they, and their music, … Coincidentally, Russell, like Anthony, got famous a couple of weeks ago, after he went to a Trump rally in Erie, Pa., to see if he…
How a Radical Transgender Christian-Hater Got a Republican County’s Money to Counsel Kids
– Then on July 25, Commissioners, Laydon and Thomas voted to award a “Suicide Prevention” grant to Castle Rock Pride, the LGBTQ social … To add to the fun, Ms. … What personal belief says I don’t want certain people to have access to health care, to marriage…” F-word, F-word. Whoa.…
Chris Hayes Is Addicted to Fentanyl Deflections, and Vox Has a Dim View on Lightbulbs…yl-deflections-and-vox-has-a-dim-view-on-lightbulbs-n2627502
– that Dems favor abortion up to the time of birth. … Rather interesting that your name is attached here to the official White House position in support of the WHPA, which called to strip … In looking to deliver corrective details on what Ron DeSantis said about abortion-to-childbirth, Kessler ran into a snag; there is…
Psaki Claims 'No One' Supports Abortion Up Until Birth. Democrat Politicians Have Said Otherwise.
– 46-48 to block the bill. 46 Democrat Senators voted for it on Feb. 28, 2022 — John Hasson (@SonofHas) August … It’s unconscionable that so many U.S. senators voted against their own constituents’ health and rights.” … Parry Murray (WA) said “we’re not going to go away…I’m going to keep fighting.”…
GOP Rep Destroys Nikki Haley's Attack on Republican Spending With One Tweet
– “The truth is that Biden didn't do this to us. Our Republicans did this to us too. … No one has told you how to fix it." "I'll tell you how to fix it," she continued. "They need to stop the spending. … "You have Ron DeSantis, you've got Tim Scott, you've got Mike Pence — they all voted to raise the debt.…
Political Correctness, 1. American History, 0.
– But now the school board there has voted 4 to 1 to replace that image with a bear (costing the taxpayers $200,000). … Fisher continued, “The iconic Minuteman image has come to represent liberty to countless millions of Americans for generations but … This looking to God as their sovereign brought the fathers to their pleasant valley; this controlled the loyalty of the sons; and this…
Hawaiian Democrats Rip Biden Apart, Vow to Vote for Trump
– President Joe Biden finally made it to Hawaii to “empathize” with survivors after spending a few days relaxing and soaking up the sun … There’s a thousand people still missing on this island, business owners who want people to come back, and who is going to come to a … Goodwin, who voted for Biden in 2020, refuses to vote for the 80-year-old president again and instead vows her support for former President…
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