Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

Mike Didn't Get it Done
– The only thing that can be said about former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg's first appearance with his fellow Democratic presidentialcandidates in Las Vegas Wednesday night was that Mike did not get it done, as his campaign ads promise he will if he becomes president … While President Trump was mentioned a few times, most of the "debate" was about the candidates carving up and interrupting each other…
Oh My: With That Number, It Looks Like Joe Biden Has a Massive Crack in His SC Firewall…ple-of-joe-biden-not-knowing-what-state-hes-inagain-n2561800
– turnaround, has fallen to just a single-digit lead over Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders versus his massive 28 percent lead over all candidates … The billionaire Democratic presidential candidate has skyrocketed from just 2 percent support among black South Carolina voters in … — Steve Guest (@SteveGuest) August 24, 2019 Right now, it’s Sanders' race to lose concerning the Democratic
So, It Looks Increasingly Likely That Democrats Are Actually Going to Nominate This Man…e-democrats-are-actually-going-to-nominate-this-man-n2561756
– Only three states have voted in the Democratic nominating process at this point, with 47 left to go.   … against him, including this one: House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn said on ABC's "This Week" that Bernie Sanders' identification as a democratic … And the intramural food fight among other candidates shows few signs of stopping.  …
A National Solution to the Boy Crisis?
– Farrell has also reached out to the Democratic presidential candidates. … campaign managers afterwards, they expressed their doubts, saying a focus on father involvement would alienate three parts of their Democratic
Clyburn Reveals the One Scenario That Would Almost Guarantee Dems Lose the House…sanders-at-the-top-of-the-ticket-is-really-bad-news-n2561758
– Bernie Sanders (D-VT) being the nominee for the Democratic Party. … coalition than he had in New Hampshire and in Iowa, but you're already starting to see these attacks for his background as a democraticcandidates until after the South Carolina debate on Tuesday.…
Democrats Push 'The Russians Are Coming!' Hoax
– It is time for another presidential election, so it is time for the media and their Democratic Party allies to begin their hysterical … Instead of focusing on the issues and the upcoming presidential race, the media and their Democratic Party partners are looking for … The six major Democratic Party presidential candidates shredded each other on a range of issues.…
What Christian Conservatives Need to Know About Mike Bloomberg…ian-conservatives-need-to-know-about-mike-bloomberg-n2561700
– Never Trumpers who are pro-life might want to reconsider their stance should Bloomberg become the Democratic nominee. … (For that matter, given the current crop of candidates, they should reconsider their stance regardless of which candidate emerges as … the Democratic nominee.)…
Swalwell Takes Issue With Russia Meddling in Our Elections... But Not if Bernie Benefits…ussia-meddling-in-our-elections-but-not-if-bernie-b-n2561727
– been briefed on the fact that Russia is attempting to meddle in the 2020 election and have selected the two men as their chosen candidates … though Democrats made an issue about making sure Russia and other foreign countries stay out of our election process, failed presidential … Every American should agree to that, regardless of the Kremlin's chosen candidate or set of candidates.…
Biden Vows No Deportations First 100 Days, No Deportations for Foreign Crimes…s-first-100-days-no-deportations-for-foreign-crimes-n2561669
Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden said during a CNN town hall in Las Vegas on Thursday evening that under his presidential … Joe Biden is considered a centrist among his fellow Democratic rivals vying for the party's presidential nomination, but turning the … The Democratic candidates have been trying to appeal to Nevada's large Hispanic base ahead of the contest.…
Bloomberg Blames Sanders for Campaign Office Vandalization
– The presidential campaign for Michael Bloomberg called on fellow Democratic candidate Sen. … candidates. … “I don’t mean to knock young people — I wish I was one again — but young people listened to [Sanders] and they said, ‘Yeah, Democratic
After All the Trump-Russia Collusion Nonsense, It Turned Out Bernie Sanders Was the Real Sleeper Agent
– Bernie Sanders, the frontrunner for the 2020 Democratic nomination, that the Russians are trying to help his campaign (via WaPo): Maybe … Bernie Sanders that Russia is attempting to help his presidential campaign as part of an effort to interfere with the Democratic contest … to steal the nomination, the Dem Party cannot even run a caucus in Iowa, corporate media can arbitrarily decide to marginalize candidates
Warren Dumps Vow to Reject Super PACs, Cites Sexism
– After the contentious Democratic presidential debate in Las Vegas on Wednesday, in which Warren continuously fired shots at billionaire … “If all the candidates want to get rid of super PACs, count me in,” she said while campaigning on Thursday. … t want super PACS and billionaires to be deciding our Democratic nominee.”…
What Bloomberg Said About Rural Americans, Minorities Shows Why He Will Never Be President
– It is scary, but we’re talking about the Democratic primary here only.  … This is a presidential campaign. Nothing is private. … The Democratic Party is left-wing.…
Mike Didn't Get it Done
– The only thing that can be said about former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg's first appearance with his fellow Democratic presidentialcandidates in Las Vegas Wednesday night was that Mike did not get it done, as his campaign ads promise he will if he becomes president … While President Trump was mentioned a few times, most of the "debate" was about the candidates carving up and interrupting each other…
Democrats' DNA Makes Them Feel the Bern
– The 2020 presidential race has got the Democratic Party, the oldest political party in the world, twisted in knots. … From its second national convention in 1836 up through 1932, the Democratic Party required its presidential nominees to win a two-thirds … Democratic rules tend to require candidates to get 15% to get any delegates at all.…
Oh Good, Nearly 20 Million Saw the Democrats' Bloodbath Wednesday Night…iewers-saw-the-democratic-bloodbath-wednesday-night-n2561662
– The Democratic presidential debate in Las Vegas was watched by 19.7 million viewers, according to Nielsen, making it the most watched … debate in the history of the Democratic presidential primary. … Fellow billionaire and Democratic presidential contender Tom Steyer, who failed to qualify for Wednesday's debate, seemingly agreed…
This Is Who Tom Steyer Says Won the Las Vegas Debate...And They Weren't on the Stage…says-won-the-las-vegas-debateand-its-not-a-democrat-n2561614
Democratic presidential candidate and billionaire Tom Steyer told CNN on Thursday none of his fellow rivals won Wednesday's debate … "Because I saw so much bickering between Democratic candidates tearing each other down and going after each other and forgetting the … And just like the other candidates on the stage, Steyer criticized former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg.…
The Debate's Big Winners? Mike Bloomberg and Bernie Sanders…bates-big-winners-mike-bloomberg-and-bernie-sanders-n2561609
– Anyone who expected him to be out of his depth in a presidential debate, or to be intimidated by the gravitas of his fellow candidates … As it turned out, the other candidates made his job easy. … The real battle for the Democratic nomination may not begin until the gavel comes down in Milwaukee in July, and the Democratic National…
Medicare for Some ... Depending on Their Politics?
– In the current climate, with Democratic presidential candidates advocating for "Medicare for All," it should. … filed by conservative organizations or had "tea party" in their name, leaving them unable to fundraise in support of conservative candidates
Bloomberg Takes the Stage
– The Democratic Party is in trouble. … Bloomberg may be ready to replace Joe Biden as the most gaffe-prone of the remaining Democratic presidential candidates. … candidates.…
DNC Forgoes Audience for Sunday Debate Over Fears of Wuhan Virus…udience-for-sunday-debate-over-fears-of-wuhan-virus-n2564432
– Committee opted to disinvite audience members from the CNN-Univision Democratic presidential debate this upcoming Sunday evening.  … The debate will mark by far the smallest number of Democratic candidates since the early days of the presidential run, with just Biden … The first debate in June of 2019 drew 20 candidates who shared the stage over two nights in Miami. …
Socialism, Health Care, and Excuses to Steal Personal Liberty…m-health-care-and-excuses-to-steal-personal-liberty-n2564325
– Bernie Sanders, a democratic socialist, is one of two candidates remaining in the race for the Democratic presidential nomination. … Former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, a billionaire who recently dropped out of the Democratic race, is now spending a fortune trying…
Coronavirus Question: Should Milwaukee, Democrats Cancel Convention?…estion-should-milwaukee-democrats-cancel-convention-n2564313
– Just ask the Democratic candidates for president. Former Vice President Joe Biden and U.S. Sen. … Democrats are in a bigger bind; they still need to nominate a presidential candidate. “It is serious. … Ken Martin, chairman of the Minnesota Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party and a Vice Chair of the Democratic National Committee told the …
Mark Ellmore: Virginia Congressional Candidate with Real Conservative Values…campaigning-to-bring-conservatism-back-to-virginia-n2562204
Democratic influence in Northern Virginia, which many federal workers call home, is particularly strong and has steadily increased … Virginia District 8 is currently a +21 Democratic District, the most white-majority Democratic stronghold in the south.  … “With [Presidential candidate and Socialist Sen.]…
The One Policy That Scalped Liz Warren’s Campaign When It Came to Honesty…calped-liz-warrens-campaign-when-it-came-to-honesty-n2563870
– Into the wind—and never to come back until the next presidential election (maybe). … Warren is one of the darlings of the far left of the Democratic Party. … For better or worse, Bernie resonated more with the progressive wing of the Democratic Party.…
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