Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

Mayor Pete on Guns
– Former mayor Pete Buttigieg has been the most effective of the presidential candidates at making this claim, because of his military … Presidential Debate in June last year. … There are few differences among the remaining Democrat presidential candidates.…
Michael Bloomberg Makes Donna Brazile 'Very Uncomfortable'…donna-brazile-uncomfortable-with-michael-bloomberg-n2561410
– Former New York City mayor and Democratic presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg is taking heat from Democrats for his long record … "Look, I think there are many people in the Democratic Party who are looking at Mr. … A socialist, Bernie Sanders, is currently the frontrunner in the Democratic presidential primary.…
Yang Could Surge in Nevada... Even Though He Suspended His Campaign?…rge-in-nevada-even-though-he-suspended-his-campaign-n2561377
– polls closed in New Hampshire and results started coming in, entrepreneur Andrew Yang announced his decision to suspend his presidential … It became apparent that he couldn't go on to win the Democratic nomination. … Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) is tied for third place with those supporting other candidates/undecided.…
Yikes: Buttigieg Tries, and Fails, to Speak Spanish at Campaign Event…tries-and-fails-to-speak-spanish-at-campaign-event-n2561343
– Pete Buttigieg tries and fails at speaking Spanish while addressing the LULAC presidential town hall in Las Vegas. … live presidential debates. … Gaffes aside, Buttigieg has had a strong first leg in the 2020 Democratic presidential primary. He came in a close second to Sen.…
Chuck Todd Questions How Sanders Is Considered the Frontrunner
– While there’s been much talk after the New Hampshire Democratic presidential primary that Sen. … RealClearPolitics's average of national polls has the Democratic socialist leading by 4.4 percentage points. … multiple, wonderful candidates who would be great presidents and people...we can unify and get behind," the voter told MSNBC host…
Top Dem Claims that New Report on Soleimani Did Not Include an Imminent Threat…ort-on-soleimani-did-not-include-an-imminent-threat-n2561339
– But since it did not receive as least two-thirds support, Trump can use his presidential veto to cancel it. … I chatted with some of Democratic presidential campaigns in New Hampshire after the ABC News debate last week over whether their candidates
Another Year of the Interloper?
Candidates with no chance remain in the race, dividing the anti-interloper vote, hoping the interloper will collapse. … There was a similar upsurge of Democratic turnout in 2008, but not in 2016 and not so far this year. … Democratic turnout in New Hampshire was up 8% from 2016 and up 1% from 2008.…
An Establishment in Panic
– From the day he entered the race, Joe Biden was the great hope of the Democratic establishment to spare them from the horrifying prospect … Where does this leave the Democratic field? Two candidacies, Warren's and Biden's, are in hospice care. … In presidential elections, Democratic candidates win 90-95% of the black vote.…
Note to Disaffected Conservatives and Moderates: Ignore Trump’s Personality, Love His Results…ates-ignore-trumps-personality-but-love-his-results-n2561316
– We remind our friends of this disposition about the Rolling Stones song he used during his presidential campaign: “You can’t always … candidates on the stage of the February 7th debate were careful to not denounce socialism. … It would have been difficult for any of the candidates to revile too loudly against socialism since they all had espoused previously…
Maxine Waters Wants CA to Have More Say in Dems' Nomination Process Because of All the Money They Give…ia-had-more-say-in-the-democrats-nomination-process-n2561298
– Maxine Waters (D-CA) bemoaned how, despite California hosting "fancy" fundraising parties for many of the Democratic presidential candidates … As you know, we have candidates who fly out to Los Angeles from everywhere to raise money. … If I pledge — if I pledge never to be in the company of a progressive Democratic donor, I couldn’t be up here.…
Why This Key Nevada Union Refused To Endorse Bernie Sanders...Which Lead To Things Getting Ugly…nion-refuses-to-endorse-a-2020-democratic-candidate-n2561304
– prompted this union to hold off endorsing him (via Politico): Nevada's powerful Culinary Workers Union will not endorse in the presidential … For Buttigieg and Klobuchar, the non-endorsement represents an inroad to Latino voters in a state where both candidates are polling … leaders were also adamant that they would tell their people to stay home or vote for Trump should Sanders or Warren become the 2020 Democratic
DeVos Doubles Down on Education Reforms
– I remind DeVos that during the 2016 presidential campaign, Donald Trump asked why African Americans still vote for a party he said … You'd think Democratic presidential candidates would pay attention to this."…
The Democrats' February Blues
– All political parties and candidates have bad days. … But the Democratic primary race so far reminds us that party rules favor rich, white candidates. … If so, then why didn't the debaters invite on stage the Democratic candidates of color who dropped out of the race earlier?…
Will the Optimist Trump Run Away With the Election?
– Here is my 2020 election prediction: Donald Trump will defeat any of the dystopian-minded candidates proffered by the Democratic Party … as their nominee in the 2020 presidential election by a country mile. … the relative optimism of candidates of all parties running in American presidential campaigns over many decades.…
Protester at Bloomberg Event Warns: 'Bloomberg is Buying This Election'…mberg-event-warns-bloomberg-is-buying-this-election-n2561242
– over the microphone to warn the crowd of supporters that Michael Bloomberg was a plutocrat who was in the process of buying the Democraticpresidential nomination.  … Similarly, the Democratic National Convention (DNC) has eased its debate requirements, a move which makes it much more likely that…
Schumer: Yes, Party Will Unite Behind a Socialist…ms-will-be-united-behind-nominee-if-a-socialist-one-n2561235
– While there is still a long way to go in the Democratic primary, New Hampshire's results prompted three candidates to drop out of … they will be united in supporting whomever becomes the presidential nominee.  … Pelosi said the House of Representatives will help bring the Democratic presidential nominee across the finish line.…
Buttigieg Supporters Share Their Concerns About 'Angry, Extreme' Bernie at Primary Night Rally…their-concerns-about-bernie-at-primary-night-rally-n2561176
– Bernie Sanders (D-VT) is closer to the Democratic presidential nomination than anyone else in the field. … The group of friends preferred not to speak ill of any other candidates in the race. … Jeff Brinkmann, however, did share one observation from the Democratic dinner they had attended a few nights before.…
A New Frontrunner…tional-lead-bloomberg-gains-and-red-flags-for-trump-n2561100
– After ripping the Bernie Bros as an "ideological cult," longtime Democratic strategist James Carville referred to Sanders as "Jeremy … you need to know about how Carville views Sanders' viability: The only thing between the United States and the abyss is the Democratic … His standing is undoubtedly improved, other recent polls have looked better, and a bitter Democratic fight could help him.…
Van Jones Gives His Take on Dem Candidates' Chances Against Trump
– CNN commentator Van Jones said he didn't see any of the Democratic presidential candidates having what it takes to defeat President … analyst Gloria Borger started the conversation on the panel talking about how there’s no “transformational candidate” among the Democratic … Thus far, he added, Democratic voters don’t believe there’s one candidate that can beat the president. …
President Trump Is Paving the Way. Republicans Must Follow Up With Black Voters.…he-way-republicans-must-follow-up-with-black-voters-n2561151
– Since 1964, Democrats have picked up an average of 90% of the black vote in every presidential election, and Republicans have picked … candidates every presidential election. … Gretchen Whitmer, in the Democratic reply to the State of the Union, called President Trump "dishonest."…
Democrats Trapped in Twitter-Fed Echo Chamber
– Bernie Sanders becoming a presidential nominee front-runner, or with Pelosi throwing a series of very public tantrums. … Rather than making them more connected to their constituents and better attuned to local sentiment, candidates and elected Democrats … The downward spiral continues as candidates realize it is not enough to be “woke” on just one or two issues.  …
Bernie Comes Out Victorious in New Hampshire
– New Hampshire’s Democratic presidential primary was called for Sen. Bernie Sanders (D-VT) Tuesday night. … — David Doel (@daviddoel) February 11, 2020 Candidates will face off next week for the ninth presidential debate…
New Hampshire Voters Must Reject ‘Democratic Socialism’ in Tonight’s Primary
– The long-awaited New Hampshire Democratic primary is finally here, and presidential candidates are getting mighty desperate to “exceed … Second-tier candidates should hold their fire on these cringe-worthy criticisms and focus on the radical “democratic socialist” agenda … As New Hampshirites cast their ballots, presidential hopefuls are banking on voters looking past these gimmicks and embracing democratic
New Hampshire Voter Tells MSNBC Why They Made Her Support Bernie Sanders…lls-msnbc-why-they-made-her-vote-for-bernie-sanders-n2561157
– A voter in New Hampshire told MSNBC host Ari Melber how their coverage of Democratic presidential candidate Sen. … I could have chosen several candidates, but that's what pushed me over the edge for Bernie," she said. … The self-described democratic socialist is polling at an average of 28.7%, according to RealClearPolitics.…
Gulp: Could 'Frontrunner' Joe Biden Finish...Fifth in New Hampshire Tonight?…e-victory-in-new-hampshire-make-him-the-frontrunner-n2561067
– Let me tell you about two hypothetical presidential candidates.   … Which one of those two candidates would lay a stronger claim to "frontrunner" status, would you say?   … That's four 'moderate'/center-left candidates with a plausible case for viability.  …
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