Results for: voted to

Hey, Mitch, Are You Sure You Want to Weigh In on McCarthy's Ouster?…os-by-offering-this-suggestion-to-the-rules-package-n2629378
– The motion to vacate was passed, as eight Republicans voted with Democrats to oust McCarthy. … vacate to prevent future pandemonium (via Washington Examiner):  McCONNELL says House Republicans should get rid of the motion to … “I have no advice to give to House Republicans, except one: I hope whoever the next speaker is gets rid of the motion to vacate,” McConnell…
Democrats Now Feigning They Had Nothing to Do With McCarthy's Ouster…igning-they-had-nothing-to-do-with-mccarthys-ouster-n2629328
– vote or voted present, but they took the opportunity to stick it to McCarthy. … "We have to govern. We have less than 45 days for the government to be funded and remain open. … Instead of working to do our jobs and pass a full budget for the American people, Matt Gaetz and the extremist Republicans just voted
'That Is Chaotic': Kevin McCarthy Speaks Out Against 8 Members Who Voted to Remove Him…rthy-addresses-press-after-being-removed-as-speaker-n2629302
– Not long after the House voted to oust him as Speaker of the House, Kevin McCarthy gave remarks to the press on Tuesday night, during … Still, this came back to his criticisms for those eight Republicans who voted to oust him, especially as McCarthy emphasized they voted … @SpeakerMcCarthy on the 8 who voted to oust him: "They are not conservatives.…
Is That What Caused Dems and Matt Gaetz to Work Together to Oust McCarthy?…ts-decided-they-werent-going-to-save-kevin-mccarthy-n2629393
– Eight Republicans voted with the Democrats to remove McCarthy.  … Supposedly, McCarthy’s remarks about how Democrats tried to shut the government down is what led to their refusal to bail him out ( … to save him, according to lawmakers who emerged from the closed-door gathering. …
'The Democrats Won': House Republicans Issue Dire Warnings After McCarthy Ousted As Speaker
– people who voted to vacate the chair voted with the Democrats." … Mike Collins (@RepMikeCollins) October 3, 2023 Others posted to X to highlight that the eight Republicans voted with Democrats.  … Says it's a conference decision.Also, sharp criticism at the eight Rs who voted to oust McCarthy.GOP Rep.…
The Importance of Competition
– Competition used to necessitate shows at least be nominally good to get made. … t need to because he was out-selling them thanks to the quality of his product and its price. … Now the steel industry is looking to contract, as Cleveland Cliffs moves to swallow up US Steel. You may think, “Who cares?”…
Justice Thomas and the Uneven Scales of Scrutiny
– decisions and anxiously solicitous to do exact justice than the consciousness that every act of theirs is to be subject to the intelligent … scrutiny of their fellow men, and to their candid criticism. ... … to the reasonable demands of those they serve."…
Florida to Allow Death Penalty for Child Rapists
– Reportedly, H.B. 1297 allows a jury by a vote of at least 8-4 to recommend the death penalty the convicted rapist. … Three Democrats and two Republicans voted against the measure in the state Senate.  … "I love kids, and I'll do anything to protect them," Osgood said. "But I struggle from a faith perspective.…
Quoting Scripture Forbidden in Public?
– Is it just a prop or is there meaning to that tradition? … be encouraging to myself and to many in attendance.” … When Bibles that had been printed in England ran out during the 1770s, the framers even voted to recommend a Bible published by a Philadelphia-based…
Dem Rep Carjacked at Gunpoint Says the Incident Confirms One Argument He's 'Always' Made About DC
– “I voted against what the Washington, D.C. Council did to lower penalties. I think that's a wrong direction. … You ought to increase the penalty.” … And while he was able to recover what was lost, he told Watters he hopes police are able to track down the individuals who did it.  …
USO Board of Governors Member Stoked Division Among the Ranks Over Potential Shutdown…ed-division-among-the-ranks-over-potential-shutdown-n2629258
– A Biden White House appointee to the United Service Organization (USO) Board of Governors admonished service members who voted for … She posted to X, formerly known as Twitter, how Republican members of the military would be to blame for the pain military families … "If you're in the military [and] you voted for them, look to your left [and] right: YOU did this to your brothers [and] sisters...I'm…
GOP Rep: ‘Chaos’ Would Continue If McCarthy Remained Speaker
– On Tuesday, members of the House of Representatives voted to oust Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) as Speaker of the House.  … As Spencer covered, by a vote of 216 to 210, the Motion to Vacate prevailed, which was spearheaded by Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL).  … Today I voted for the Motion to Vacate and remove the Speaker.This isn’t about left vs right.This isn’t about ideology.This is about…
McCarthy Spills Why He Thinks Matt Gaetz Ousted Him As House Speaker…hy-he-thinks-matt-gaetz-ousted-him-as-house-speaker-n2629315
– He will let the gavel go to someone else after a motion to vacate passed 216-210 in the House on Tuesday. … To McCarthy, this had nothing to do with the stopgap measure passed on September 30, which averted a government shutdown. … I have nothing to do with it,” McCarthy told CNBC’s “Squawk Box” just hours before he was voted out. …
Only the Current House Chaos Could Lead to This Nomination for Speaker
– There is a vacancy for House speaker right now, as Kevin McCarthy was the first to be ousted in a motion to vacate vote, where several … Nehls voted against attempts to remove McCarthy.  … “No, it’s not something I want to do. I want to look at what’s happening, and then we’re going to be doing something else.…
Here Are the Damaging Stories About Democrats That Got Killed, Thanks to House Chaos…out-democrats-that-got-killed-thanks-to-house-chaos-n2629308
– Matt Gaetz (R-FL) did with his motion to vacate, it’s nuking many stories damaging to Democrats out of the news cycle. … Gaetz followed his promise to usurp Rep. … Eight Republicans voted with Democrats to remove McCarthy, who’s chosen not to run for his old job.…
Could Montana Congressman's Vote to Oust McCarthy Hurt His Potential Senate Run?…ongressmans-vote-to-oust-mccarthy-hurt-a-senate-run-n2629291
– It did not take long for potential fallout to come for Republican House members who voted to remove McCarthy, including Rep. … Matt Rosendale" after the congressman voted to oust McCarthy and quoted Daines as saying "I didn’t realize that Matt Rosendale and … Matt Rosendale, who’s weighing a MT Senate bid, after he voted to oust McCarthy.…
Who Will Replace McCarthy? One Name Keeps Popping Up.
– This article has been updated to include more posts, including those indicating Chairman Jim Jordan's (R-OH) willingness to run for … Says it's a conference decision.Also, sharp criticism at the eight Rs who voted to oust McCarthy.GOP Rep. … Jim Jordan Where He Wants to Be."…
Federalist Editor Blows Up the Dems' Narrative on the Kevin McCarthy Fiasco in One Tweet…everyone-is-responsible-for-the-chaos-in-the-house-n2629297
– Eight House Republicans voted with Democrats to boot McCarthy.  … and cannot be trusted to govern. … At the same time, the reason House Democrats offered to support the motion to vacate was just as nakedly political, which Federalist…
Outrage Over Dems Getting Their Way
– What seems lost on Andrea, and any others outraged at this decision is that every single Democrat voted to remove McCarthy, the man … who was allowing Nancy to retain that office. … We didn’t even get a chance to use yet. They refused to tell us why..…
A Congressman Got Carjacked in DC Last Night
– House Republicans voted to overturn this insanity, which even the mayor and the Washington Post editorial board had opposed as reckless … Astonishingly, the large majority of House Democrats voted to side with the council's dangerous lunacy.   … to back DC 'home rule' out to dry.  …
What Will Kevin McCarthy Do Now?
– The move to table Rep. Matt Gaetz’s (R-FL) motion to vacate by McCarthy’s allies failed earlier this afternoon. … As Spencer wrote, at least seven Republicans voted to vacate; only five defections were needed:   Now-former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy … Matt Gaetz's (R-FL) motion to vacate the chair, pursuant to rules agreed to by McCarthy in order to clinch victory in his drawn-out…
Reality Does Not Have a Liberal Bias
– Richardson took that opportunity to unpack a box of lies. … But I think all of us want to get back to a world that has our feet under us with actual facts." … Richardson typically suggests it's not "indoctrination" for professors to use the classroom to advocate for the superiority of atheism…
Democrats Manage to Make Ousting McCarthy All About Them…oval-of-mccarthy-as-speaker-about-bidens-good-faith-n2629296
– Biden's ability to meet with the then speaker to avoid a government shutdown. … Reporter: Is Biden willing to meet with @SpeakerMcCarthy to avoid a Biden shutdown? … It's also worth noting that those who are evidently part of the "MAGA extremism" were the ones who voted to oust McCarthy, just as…
The Trump Bullet Train to Nowhere Good
– Not only has he refused to participate in any of the debates, he went to speak to striking auto workers to compete with the second … There seems to be no effort to work with the party to define a united party platform. … and to serve.…
Congratulations to Maryland's* Third United States Senator
to appoint someone to fill a Senate vacancy in Washington, he'd select someone of that profile.   … Butler will need to go register to vote in the state where she will now serve as a Senator.  It's wild.   … This is what they voted for, and no matter how bad or embarrassing it gets, they still prefer it to the alternative: It’s like literally…
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