Results for: they are all going to jail

If Jordan Neely Had Been In A Workhouse, He’d Still Be Alive…an-neely-had-been-in-a-workhouse-hed-still-be-alive-n2622932
to free food and housing, all to no avail. … I believe none of the ‘modern’ approaches to homelessness have worked because they ignore human nature and are unwilling to use the … You can go to rehab or you can go to jail. Your choice. Workhouse I know ‘workhouse’ is a loaded term.…
Marine Veteran Daniel Penny Speaks Out For the First Time
– Penny told the Post he was going to the gym when Neely entered his subway car in early May. … Neely, who reportedly suffered from mental illness, began yelling about going to jail and being hungry and tired. … Worrying is not going to make your problems disappear. I attribute this to my father and grandfather. They are very, very stoic."…
The Key Detail That's Found in Every Investigation About Trump or the 2016 Election…s-for-the-durham-reports-conclusions-five-years-ago-n2623287
– CNN’s Jake Tapper didn’t sugarcoat it: the findings of Special Counsel John Durham are devastating to the Federal Bureau of Investigation … And we're supposed to think they got that one right? … To which a second agent replies. “Rog—noone is going to pros[ecute] even if we find unique classified.” …
Let the Blue Cities Die
– And we should ruthlessly point to them as the future Democrats want, which they are, a vision of a psychotic hobo taking a dump on … Let’s squeeze them until they pop, like the pimple on America’s rear end that they are. We used to love going to New York City. … As in California, all the good ones are leaving.…
The Latest Development in the Biden Family Corruption Investigation Is Not Good…he-biden-family-corruption-investigation-is-missing-n2623238
– The evidence of corruption is for all to see, thanks to his cracked-out son, Hunter, leaving the roadmap of their nefarious deeds on … gave all the alleged incriminating documents to the FBI, which unsurprising feels as if they were tossed into the bureau’s Bermuda … corruption scheme and they want to know more information.…
Hero Marine Turns Himself in at Police Station
– Penny’s lawyers said Thursday they were confident their client would be absolved of any wrongdoing once all the facts come to light … We shouldn’t. — Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) May 3, 2023Neely’s last words were literally about how going to jail was easier than … They are looking for murder charges to be brought, as Neely's uncle, Christopher Neely, told the Post on Thursday.…
'Sanctuary' City Residents Explode Over Plans to Take in More Illegal Immigrants…plode-over-plans-to-take-in-more-illegal-immigrants-n2623115
– is illegal after all, according to the rainbow-colored placards they display in their yards and windows)?   … They Are? … Bond reform designed to make sure no one stays in jail while their cases are pending with no safety net to handle more criminals on…
How the Primaries Will Go
– I'm not so sure that's going to happen. … If they answer "No," they believe it is time to move on. But going for DeSantis does not mean you hate Trump – I like Trump. … We will see DeSantis's numbers rise, or they will stall, and we will know how this is going to go.…
NYC: What Happened After a Convicted Child Rapist and Murderer Was Released From Prison…child-rapist-and-murderer-was-released-from-prison-n2623602
– Charles Rowe, 56, was able to cash in on the state’s controversial “Less is More” act, which made it easier to keep him out of jail … and, according to critics, also makes it tougher to put them back behind bars if they are accused of a new crime. ...Rowe had earned … He should have been imprisoned all along, and he should have been immediately sent back to prison after re-offending.  …
Madness: Violent Felon Gets No Jail Time in CA for This Crime Spree…ets-no-jail-time-in-california-for-this-crime-spree-n2623549
– But many of the legal outcomes they engineer are indefensible, leading to more danger for innocent people.   … As she looked down the barrel, she said, she thought she was going to die. … “Racial injustice in this county is what we all need to be firmly committed against.”…
Minnesota Democrats Left Minnesotans Behind
They broke those promises and we're all going to pay the price. … I’m already hearing from constituents who are disappointed to learn the rebate checks are a measly $260 for a select few Minnesotans … time, Democrats are taking chances with public safety as they push through soft-on-crime policies that will do nothing to prevent criminal…
If Joe’s a No-Go, Then Who?
– Apparently, the Democratic Party chief muck-a-mucks want Joe, too (many of them are where they are because of him).   … They all sound the same, don’t they?   … It is all going to depend on whether Barack can convince her.  …
Is the Sleeping Conservative Dragon Finally Waking Up?…the-sleeping-conservative-dragon-finally-waking-up-n2623933
They work to take back the Senate, not to end the filibuster or bring in two new states with four new senators.  … They prefer to focus on their families, jobs, communities, and churches. Until recently they shunned organized boycotts. … So conservatives are awakening from their slumber. And they are discovering that they too can boycott, agitate - and roar. …
The Ladies of 'The View' Propose a New Amendment to the Constitution…f-the-view-want-a-new-amendment-to-the-constitution-n2624550
– a new amendment to the United States Constitution to remedy what they see as a threat to the country. … believe it exists only to protect what they like and outlaw what they don't.  … of things are going to start coming up because these kind of people — people who are not reading the Constitution, don't know the…
Alvin Bragg Justice: Daniel Penny Indicted, Anti-Semitic Hate Crime Assailant Given Sweetheart Plea Deal
– “What kind of message does this send – to everybody, to all victims of hate crime?” he said, according to the Post.   … Lawyers are supposed to say whatever it takes to help the people they're representing.   … “The three main threats he repeated over and over was: I’m going to kill you.…
If They Can Do It to Trump, They Will Do It to You
They need to be a bit cautious, however, for two reasons.   … If the Left can do this to Trump, they can do it to any American.   … Are the people of the United States going to let this happen?  Trump but not Biden? God, please bless America.  …
Trump Savagely Destroys Biden In First Appearance Since Indictment News
– “The Democrat communists want to jail their opponents while they protect the murderers who prowl our cities day and night and other … “They launched one hoax and witch hunt after another to try and stop our movement,” Trump said. … We're going to have one or the other. And we're right at the tipping point," he said. “And either they win, or we win.…
When Business Journalists Turn into Geopoliticians
– Now they are being hounded to flush those investments down the drain because Samantha Power and Andrea Mitchell have changed their … He has also been going door-to-door on Capitol Hill asking members when they will return Koch contributions – and he’s even keeping … But to do that, you’d have to buck another trend and take it on faith that NBC’s journalists are strictly objective, don’t pick sides…
House Votes to Hold Ex-Trump Officials in Contempt for Not Cooperating With January 6 Committee…ntempt-for-not-cooperating-with-january-6-committee-n2605585
Are they sensing that time is running out? Come 2023, this Select Committee on January 6 is going away. … This is solely the obsession of liberal America, who are the minority.  We have all moved on to more important things. … Contempt of Congress is a misdemeanor punishable by up to a year in jail and fines of up to $100,000.…
Wait...BLM PAC Money Was Siphoned Off to a Company Owned by...a BLM Board Member?…phoned-off-to-a-company-owned-by-a-blm-board-member-n2606305
– One local leader is going to jail for voter fraud. Another was charged with using funds for personal expenses.  It’s a mess. … chunk of funds going to a firm owned by a BLM board member. … "BLM PAC's donors would be surprised to know their contributions are being paid to BLM insiders and consultants rather than electing…
Total Meltdown: Liberals Absolutely Losing Their Minds Over Elon Musk Buying Twitter…frothing-at-the-mouth-over-elon-musk-buying-twitter-n2606332
They intervened to help Joe Biden win the election.  … something where there are no rules, where there is total freedom for everybody, do you actually want to go to that party or are you … going to decide to stay home?"…
Hunter Biden Forbids Daughter to Use His Last Name As Part of Child Support Settlement
– When it comes to filings that are so despicably tone deaf that they could only be affiliated with Hunter Biden himself, the Daily Mail … The buyers are not disclosed, which has led to ethics concerns, not to mention he can't very well be coming off as all that believable … "Roberts petitioned circuit court judge Holly Meyer to toss Hunter in jail for six months for failing to come clean about his wealth…
The One Thing Not Being Addressed With the Latest Trump Tapes on Classified Materials…addressed-with-latest-trump-tape-on-classified-docs-n2625056
– It’s going to be a nightmare, and the latest recordings have poured more fuel on the fire (via NYT): Former President Donald Trump … There is a brief pause, during which he appears to show people in the room something, and they start to laugh.  … A woman responds, “I don’t know, we’ll have to see, you know, we’ll have to try to figure out a —”  “Declassify it,” Mr.…
Flashback: Hunter Biden Attempted Racist Blame-Shift During Firearm Investigation…ted-racist-blame-shift-during-firearm-investigation-n2624964
– The Secret Service said at the time that they had "no record" of the incident, to which multiple witnesses attested, and declined to … It looks like House Republicans are prepared to get them. I'll leave you with this: Yeah, that's what happened here. … to his family members, all of which enabled him.Do you have any shame?…
USA Today Is Racist According to USA Today, and Matt Viser Agrees Drug Addiction Clears One of Crimes…tt-viser-agrees-drug-addiction-clears-one-of-crimes-n2624941
– We are just going to have to begin declaring that this country is banning movies. … – Corrected the claim Kansas schools are inspecting female genitalia to ensure trans athletes are not competing in sports … Now, we here at "Riffed from the Headlines" are going to make a strong declaration ourselves: Using “freak of Nature” is not a case…
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