Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

Three Glorious Days of Democrat Agony
– So, February 3, 4, and 5, 2020 were pretty much the most miserable three days in the history of the Democratic Party. … Lusitania that is his latest presidential campaign. … If Trump can take 15 to 20 percent of the minority vote, the Democrats cease to exist as a competitive party in presidential elections…
Dems’ Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Week
– Described as an “unmitigated disaster,” results of Monday’s Democrat caucus — the first delegate test of the presidential candidates … Sanders’ backers smelled another rat, and the Twitter universe was not kind to the Democratic Party.  … Someone called the presidential candidate’s presumptuousness “steeped in white man privilege and ego.” …
A Friendly Word to the Never Trumpers
– President Trump’s State of the Union message, coupled with the Democratic response, reminds me of why I voted for Trump in 2016. … And so, when I vote for Trump, I am voting against the socialism of potential Democratic presidential nominees like Bernie Sanders. … The effects of his proposed policies, along with those of other leading candidates, would be disastrous.…
Why the Democrats Won't Stop Bernie
– Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., is now the leading Democratic presidential candidate. … But nobody in the Democratic Party can stop Bernie. … Leading candidates have echoed Sanders' talking points. Sen.…
Trump Wins a Double Victory in the Iowa Caucuses
– None of the remaining viable candidates for the Democratic presidential nomination are anywhere close to sealing the deal. … Nor can we exclude the possibility that none of the current Democratic candidates for president will receive a majority of the pledged … In short, the Democratic race for president is in a chaotic state, and hostility between the candidates, and between the different…
Trump, Republican Senators: Don't Blame Iowa, Blame Incompetent Democrats…enators-dont-blame-iowa-blame-incompetent-democrats-n2560679
– This is a total embarrassment for the Iowa Democratic Party and the Iowa Caucus. … Dick Durbin: "I think the Democratic caucus in Iowa is a quirky, quaint tradition which should come to an end. … presidential candidates accountable for the positions they take and the records they hold," Senators Joni Ernst and Chuck Grassley…
Homeland Security Offered to Help Iowa Dems With Caucus Prep...They Refused…ered-to-help-iowa-dems-with-caucus-prepthey-refused-n2560676
– By now you know there are no results from last night's Democrat presidential caucus in Iowa after the new reporting system, built … The same app used in Iowa last night, developed for the Iowa Democratic Party by @ShadowIncHQ, is also due to be used in Nevada, a … All the candidates are declaring victory, lol. They’re such losers. — Mark R.…
The Iowa Caucuses Have Devolved Into a Complete and Total Disaster…to-quality-control-is-that-liberal-speak-for-rigged-n2560663
– And now we have reports of the Iowa Democratic Party doing a “quality control” review of the results “out of an abundance of caution … Iowa Democratic Party Chairman Troy Price defended the plan. … : Just in: Our first official statement from the Iowa Democratic Party.The big news here is TURNOUT.…
During Iowa Caucuses Bloomberg Campaigns in California
– On the day of the Iowa Caucuses, Democratic presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg charted a jet to travel to various places in … "That's where all the other Democratic candidates are. … Bloomberg has been accused of attempting to buy the Democratic presidential nomination.…
Here's The Percentage Of Democratic Winners Who Have Won The Iowa Caucuses...And The Nomination…mber-that-makes-the-iowa-caucuses-key-for-democrats-n2560623
– That poll is the gauge as to who will secure the first win of the 2020 election cycle for a Democratic Party whose nomination is up … into who will win the Democratic nomination. … Seventy percent of the Democratic winners of this contest have gone on to secure the party’s nomination since 1976.…
Disaster Looms For Democrats
– As the nation gets ready for a presidential election, the Democratic Party is in total turmoil. … Their 2020 presidential candidates are not exciting voters. … The Democratic presidential candidates are lucky to draw a few dozen people to their events.…
New FEC Filings Reveal How Much Personal Cash Bloomberg's Dropped Into His Campaign…ch-personal-cash-bloombergs-dropped-into-his-campai-n2560537
– show billionaire and former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg has dropped $200 million of his own personal cash to fund his presidential … Democrats have taken issue with the Democratic National Committee's (DNC) sudden change in debate stage rules. … Cory Booker, who wanted the candidates to qualify by either individual donations or polling.…
Rural Residents Stand to Lose the Most from 'Medicare for All'…idents-stand-to-lose-the-most-from-medicare-for-all-n2560468
– With just a few days left to go until the Iowa caucuses, prominent presidential candidates such as Sen. … But there are some places where the candidates may be less keen to go: rural hospitals struggling to keep their doors open. … But, if leading Democratic candidates get their way, hundreds more may close for good.…
Iowa Crowds, Polls: Democrats Should Be Worried About 2020…ed-by-enthusiasm-trump-leads-every-democrat-in-iowa-n2560456
– With all eyes on the Hawkeye State ahead of Monday's Democratic caucuses, the opposition party is at risk of being overshadowed by … Moines). — John McCormack (@McCormackJohn) January 30, 2020 Crowd sizes aren't everything, but might Democraticpresidential candidates did not make the front page of the Des Moines Register three days out from the Iowa caucuses.…
Here's Who Is on the Front Pages in Iowa Instead of the Democratic Candidates Days Before the Caucus…of-the-democratic-candidates-days-before-the-caucus-n2560472
Democratic candidates failed to make the front pages in Iowa with just days to go before the Iowa Caucus. … Seemingly, to add insult to injury, this is the second day in a row where the Democratic candidates and their campaigns did not lead … presidential candidates did not make the front page of the Des Moines Register three days out from the Iowa caucuses.…
John Delaney Drops Out a Few Days Shy of Iowa. Did He Endorse Anyone?
– John Delaney dropped out of the 2020 presidential race on Friday. … The Democratic contender explained that he will "not have sufficient support to get to the 15 percent viability threshold" needed on … @JohnDelaney he hopes his supporters caucus for "moderate" candidates including @JoeBiden , @amyklobuchar or @PeteButtigieg https:/…
Bloomberg Defends Wealth, Capitalism in Debate With Socialist Sanders…wealth-capitalism-under-attack-by-socialist-sanders-n2561592
– It was former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg's first time on the Democratic presidential debate stage. … The billionaire was mercilessly attacked by the other five candidates for his controversial stop-and-frisk policy as mayor of New York … But what really seemed to separate Michael Bloomberg from his fellow candidates was the subject of personal wealth. …
DNC Official Reflects on the 'Lessons Learned' from Iowa
– The Iowa Democratic Party will be the first to tell you that. … The Iowa Democrats and the Democratic National Committee pointed fingers at one another for the blame. … Six of the Democratic presidential candidates will debate in Las Vegas Wednesday night ahead of Saturday's primary, including Sens.…
Big Democrat Donor Shreds Bernie Sanders as an 'Anarchist' Who 'Would Love to Burn Down' the US…as-an-anarchist-who-would-love-to-burn-down-the-us-n2561551
– current Democratic presidential field, except for Sen. … He can't run the Democratic Party anymore. It's lost its way," Cloobeck continued. … And you got really only two candidates that have made a payroll: the mayor and the mayor. Choose one."…
It's Not Hard to Figure Out Why Bernie Sanders Is Now 'Mr. Confiscation' On Gun Policy…sed-bernie-sanders-lurch-to-the-left-on-gun-control-n2561505
– The Democratic Party is for gun confiscation. They’re for destroying Second Amendment freedoms. … for the Democratic presidential nomination. … "To compete on the national stage of the Democratic Party he has abandoned that position.…
Klobuchar and Warren Swing and Miss at Union Town Hall
– A few 2020 Democratic presidential candidates spoke to the Culinary Union forum on Tuesday night in Nevada, ahead of Saturday’s caucuses … The two viable female candidates remaining in the race, Sens. … Bernie Sanders' Medicare for All plan, per CNN: "Presidential candidates suggesting forcing millions of hard working people to give…
Michael Bloomberg and the Politics of Money
– Former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg has been rising drastically in the national polling for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination … Frightened by that rise, Democratic candidates from center-left to communist have risen as one, declaring that Bloomberg has done the … That's the Democratic line going into 2020.…
Which Party Has a Diversity Problem? A Rundown of the Democrats' Struggles with Black Voters…undown-of-the-democrats-struggles-with-black-voters-n2561473
– Each week the Democratic debate stage has been getting more and more homogenous. … They started off with several minority candidates, including Sens. … The candidates themselves aren't helping matters.…
The Reason They Support Trump Isn't About Trump
– WESTBY, Wisconsin -- Spend any time with people who supported presidential candidate Donald Trump in 2016 and you quickly find out … Furthermore, few members of the Republican and Democratic establishments who mock farmers behind closed doors (or openly on social … media) have reflected meaningfully about why farmers picked Trump over their establishment candidates.…
Mayor Pete on Guns
– Former mayor Pete Buttigieg has been the most effective of the presidential candidates at making this claim, because of his military … Presidential Debate in June last year. … There are few differences among the remaining Democrat presidential candidates.…
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