Results for: they are all going to jail

Kyle Rittenhouse Has a Message for President Biden…res-message-for-president-biden-in-tucker-interview-n2599502
– He also accused his previous lawyers of "trying to raise money so they can take it for their own benefit, not trying to set me free … They wanted to keep me in jail until November 20," Rittenhouse said. … to account for their smears, he replied "I have really good lawyers who are taking care of that right now.…
Founder of Human Flourishing Co. on Rittenhouse Verdict: America's Sunk into Nazism, A Holocaust is Coming
– can literally anyone they don't like and get away with it, be rewarded for it, there's going to be not just another coup but probably … There was little real doubt that Rittenhouse would ever go to jail. … He’s going to get rich, famous, and powerful. He’s been invited to intern on Congress.…
Nothing to See Here
– The left wants to make it all about the gun — as they did in the Rittenhouse trial — claiming he had an AR-15, he carried it across … All kinds of tearful people on TV going on about how this is horrible. … He shows you what he wants you to see to create a sort of hypnosis where you are taken in by the illusion.…
Crime Spree: As Looting Continues, Security Guard Shot Dead, Leaving Family Behind
– And an industry expert said such crimes are becoming more frequent – and thefts now tracking to locally-owned shops...It was around … The department defines a tactical alert as enabling all available officers to respond to a criminal incident if necessary. … Gascon, like his left-wing counterpart in San Francisco, has been extremely weak on crime – going so far as to even soften charges…
A Tale of Two School Shootings
All school shootings are tragic,” Cole told the media.   … going to have problems. … There are also no calls to grant bail, nor are there protests against the 15-year-old’s move to an adult prison. …
Vulnerable Senate Democrat Has Been Long-Time Supporter of Raising Threshold on Felony Theft…e-democrat-supported-raising-limits-on-felony-theft-n2600356
– Passing such a bill during a recession, when retailers are hurting, "is the worst time to be doing something to hurt retailers even … Since 2005, 30 states have increased the dollar threshold for theft offenses, which effectively means that fewer people are going to … Hassan declared it was "critical that [DHS personnel] take all possible steps to try to de-escalate any confrontations, both to protect…
Pastor Corey Brooks Is No Rev. Al Sharpton
– Inside one of the most dangerous police districts in Chicago, men with ears to hear are listening.   … come from broken homes where mothers are struggling to feed and clothe them.   … Many turn to crime. “It’s not the right way,” said Glass.  “It’s only a one-way ticket to either jail or Hell.…
Arsonist Who Got Slap on the Wrist Blasts Lenient Plea Deals…who-got-slap-on-the-wrist-blasts-lenient-plea-deals-n2601855
– I was expecting to get time. People who were in that situation, they should expect to get time.” … With Baltimore, Manhattan, and large cities across the country embracing prosecutorial lunacy like this, cities are going to get worse … Until then, stories like Trent's are sure to keep happening. …
Tyrants: ‘Logic Is an Enemy … Truth Is a Menace’
To gain dictatorial powers, liberal-leftist officials are creating the illusion that tens of millions of Americans are political lepers … If you believe that the Jan. 6 trespassers and rioters are exactly what they may turn out to be – fodder for an FBI false flag operation … “They are only precariously civilized, and within us there is the propensity, persistent as the force of gravity, to revert under stress…
Trump Gives Preview of What Another Term Will Look Like
– "They would not have dreamed of it and they would not have dared to do it." … He went on to express optimism that "this is the year we're going to take back the House. We're going to take back the Senate. … We're going to take back America."…
Democrats Literally Want to Throw You in Jail
They are saying that the government should be able to arrest you for disagreeing with the government (at least when they agree with … They want you broken and obedient. COVID is all just an excuse. There’s always going to be an excuse. … Those hacks are conformists, just like all their friends.  We’re the rebels now, and the rebel music belongs to us.…
Zinke Reflects on DOI Legacy at SHOT Show 2022
– “The John Muir model of ‘leave it alone to wilderness’ works in some areas, but it can't be the model for all of our public lands because … “Let's move assets over to some of the species that are under duress, as there are a lot of species that we do need to look at. … And I think he should coordinate with the states—and you should coordinate with the stakeholders—to make sure if you're going to have…
Los Angeles Is Rushing to Remove These...Undesirable Elements Before the Super Bowl…liquidate-all-their-hobo-ghettos-before-super-bowl-n2602312
– Because some stations are absolutely covered with debris and empty boxes from all the thefts along the route. … We're told the situation here used to look "a lot worse" -- and there's a similar effort going on at a nearby park. … They were probably put in jail.  The moral of the story is that the cities aren't safe.…
Liz Cheney Responds After Newt Gingrich Says a GOP Congress May Jail Jan. 6 Committee…ngrich-says-a-gop-congress-may-jail-jan-6-committee-n2602306
– And all of these people who have been so tough and so mean and so nasty are going to be delivered subpoenas for every document, every … "And I think when you have a Republican Congress, this is all going to come crashing down," Gingrich said. … "And the wolves are going to find out they are now sheep and they're the ones who are going to face a real risk of, I think, jail for…
Shaquille O'Neal's Take on Biden's COVID Vaccine Mandate Is a Slam Dunk…take-on-bidens-covid-vaccine-mandate-is-a-slam-dunk-n2602823
– He’s not against the vaccine, but he is against forcing people to take something they don’t want. … The former center suggested a worker shouldn’t have to make the decision to get vaccinated if it was "going against (their) morals. … If it were up to the Left, everyone will be forced to be vaccinated, all will be forced to wear masks, even outside, and no one would…
Idea: GOP Should Rebut Pelosi's COVID Theater with Their Own 'State of the Union' in Free Virginia…r-and-hold-their-own-state-of-the-union-in-virginia-n2602768
– as token representatives...If the Democrats are going to insist on preposterous Covid theater that keeps most of the Republican caucus … In response to this column on Twitter, conservative policy analyst Phil Kerpen offered up a proposal: They can go down to Richmond … They are contemplating allowing even fewer people into the building than they did a year ago.  …
Will We End Up Invading Canada?
– Except it won’t be enough to stop the people. There are just too many, and they will be too mad. … But here’s the thing – there are not enough Canadian flunkies to suppress all the Canadian deplorables. … It has shown it is willing to take your job, to silence you, even to throw you in jail.…
Donald Trump and 'RINO' Lindsey Graham Battle It Out Over Pardoning Jan. 6 Defendants
– , also decrying that people aren't going to jail for such violent protests throughout his final year in office. … He continued to note that "these people are being persecuted," especially in comparison to BLM protesters who are getting the minimum … a speedy trial, "All Americans are entitled to have a speedy trial and their day in court, but those who actively engage in violence…
Conservatives Should Take the Lead Against Government Injustice…s-should-take-the-lead-against-government-injustice-n2603936
– a felony, paying a crippling fine and going to prison for six months.  … I guess we can all rest easier knowing he’s no longer a looming threat to the American way of life. This is a disgrace. … Let’s also empower our juries to do the job they are supposed to do – hold the government accountable and make sure it meets the high…
Here's How Justin Trudeau Plans to Crush the Canadian Freedom Truckers…udeau-plans-to-hammer-the-canadian-freedom-truckers-n2603263
– These truckers have vowed to not leave until all restrictions are lifted. … "He's basically going to be arguing that these truckers are basically creating a threat to the security of Canada." […] Under the … "I suppose they could put out regulations about where semi-trailers are allowed to park overnight, for example.…
Facing Tyranny, ‘What Should Free Men Do?’
– Truckers are now forced to rely on their instincts. … It’s all forcing free people back to their roots.   … Today, leftist politicians are attempting to institutionalize perverted law, believing that they can endlessly threaten and muzzle…
Defiance from Canadian Truckers Continues As Justin Trudeau Warns 'Everything is on the Table' to End Convoy…deau-warns-everything-is-on-the-table-to-end-convoy-n2603201
– Those still present said they were willing to get arrested.  … And the President thanked him for the steps he and other Canadian authorities are taking to restore the open passage of bridges to … Psaki did not appear to address the freedom from mandates that the truckers are seeking. …
ICYMI: Supreme Court Taking Up Key Free Speech Case
– She has stressed that she serves and is willing to serve all kinds of people, but is not willing to create web designs that violate … web for all to  see. … was forced to retire, Emilee Carpenter is risking jail, Bob Updegrove and Chelsey Nelson are in harm’s way, and Jack Phillips is still…
Inside the Mind of Vladimir Putin
– and dragged away to jail, or he can point to the January 6th political prisonsers still sitting in jail to this day being treated … Western leaders have gotten a taste of dictatorial power and are doing all they can to hold onto the power they grabbed during the … In Putin’s eyes, they are fellow dictators pretending to be “democratic” who wish they had the guts of Putin to seize more power and…
Canada Shows Why It’s Called ‘American Exceptionalism’
They are very nationalistic, loyal to the country. … They know this, of course, it’s all for show; it’s to look tough and principled to a domestic audience. … Canada was going to do, and will always do what they want. It’s fine, it’s their country. It’s what they vote for and tolerate.…
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