Results for: Barack Obama Website

Trump Should Follow Washington, Not Obama, on the Use of Force…uld-follow-washington-not-obama-on-the-use-of-force-n2548540
– Question: Would President Barack Obama launch an offensive military action without prior authorization from Congress? … Because Obama did not abide by the Constitution. He based his intervention in Libya's civil war on a UN resolution. … Will President Donald Trump follow in the footsteps Washington or Obama when it comes to the use of military force?…
Former Obama Aides Say Biden Is Either Delusional Or Dishonest. Here's Why.…is-delusional-for-wanting-to-work-with-republicans-n2548152
– Former President Barack Obama aides sharply rebuked Biden as either "delusional or dishonest"  with one even saying "f*ck no" when … And another aide told the website that "Republicans reaped enormous gains from their obstruction, like securing the balance of the…
If Trump Jr. Is 'Racist' for Questioning Kamala Harris' Ethnicity, So Is Don Lemon…questioning-kamala-harris-ethnicity-so-is-don-lemon-n2550221
– A Harris campaign spokeswoman said: "This is the same type of racist attacks his father used to attack Barack Obama. … President Obama, in a 2016 commencement address at Howard University, said: "One of the great changes that's occurred in our country … To read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at…
Colbert Cartoon Crumbles Truth
– Can you imagine Showtime having aired a president-mocking cartoon while Bill Clinton or Barack Obama were in office? … Bozell III and Tim Graham, and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website
Partisan Strife Produces High Voter Turnout -- and No Big Boost for Either Party…gh-voter-turnout--and-no-big-boost-for-either-party-n2585380
– The 2012 election was not a close thing: Mitt Romney could not have reversed the Electoral College result without erasing Barack Obama's … These districts were closely divided in 2012, 218 for Romney and 217 for Obama. … GA6, once represented by Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich, voted 61% to 37% for Romney over Obama.…
Due Process for Cuomo But Not Your Son at College
– That's the same party as Joe Biden, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Kamala Harris. … Just look at the write-up of this latest sexual impropriety over at Politico, the website dedicated to politics which, last time I … The New York Times states that "The Obama administration issued guidance to schools, colleges, and universities that critics in and…
For the West, the Choice Is not Between Iranian Nukes and Sanctions Relief…e-is-not-between-iranian-nukes-and-sanctions-relief-n2586944
– However, another state-run website Tabnak suggested that it “might” reflect the strategic thinking of the Iranian regime's leadership … Even though President Barack Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry put their faith in the fatwa and although the JCPOA was merely … The Supreme Leader also revealed his mindset on his website.…
Susan Rice and the Fact-Checker Farce
– CBS later reported Team Obama knew on Sept. 11, the day of the attack, that it was a terrorist attack. … Then I went to the PolitiFact website, which strangely had a Susan Rice page ... but not a single "fact-check" of Rice, even though … PolitiFact was founded in 2007 and Rice worked for then-President Barack Obama from 2009 to 2017.…
Is Modern Media More Biased Than Before?
– The conservative website NewsBusters has compiled some examples that make the gushing over Harding and other politicians (JFK and BarackObama come to mind) seem mild. … That recalls former MSNBC host Chris Matthews who said he "felt this thrill going up my leg" after an Obama speech.…
– but they have to convince Americans otherwise to facilitate their fundamental transformation of America, which former President BarackObama began and now seeks to complete during what has been ominously dubbed his third term under the failing Joe Biden. … Follow him on Twitter @davidlimbaugh and his website at …
Zucker Leaves CNN But Trump Still Runs the Place
– When Barack Obama was president, they deftly shifted to cheerlead for the new administration and combat the 44th president's foes. … A cursory look at CNN's programming and their website suggest that Trump is still topic number one through ten.…
Rep. Byron Donalds: 'We Need More Disruptors' in Politics…p-byron-donalds-we-need-more-disruptors-in-politics-n2584639
– “The first real disrupter in politics actually was Barack Obama. He was a disrupter. … Donalds can bookmark his Congressional website and follow him on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube.…
Reporters Glorify Themselves Into GI Joe
– Alexander Nazaryan of Yahoo News wrote a piece for the Democrat-endorsing website The Atlantic that was originally headlined "I Miss … "After the perfect Barack Obama, who's a perfect physical specimen to many people's eyes, does it matter?" he asked.…
WaPo Story ‘Undoing Trump’s ‘Muslim Ban’’ Perpetuated an Erroneous Partisan Narrative About It…erpetuated-an-erroneous-partisan-narrative-about-it-n2581055
– But the door was wide open under President Barack Obama on June 1, 2012, when the 21-year-old Elhassan arrived with his siblings and … The Obama administration took the usual gamble and granted Alowemer his refugee card. … The Obama-era United States threw the dice and gave the couple visas on claims that Al-Shabaab had victimized them and even blew off…
'Never' and 'Infrequent' Voters Vote Democrat
– FiveThirtyEight, the website set up by Nate Silver, the former New York Times writer/statistician, found: "Of the 8,000-plus people … President Barack Obama had no doubt that a surge of never or infrequent voters would benefit Democrats. … In a 2015 town hall, Obama addressed a question about the effect of a policy of "mandatory voting."…
Trump Supporters Right to Doubt Election
– Prefacing his remarks with "All kidding aside," he said that he told "Barack" that while he and Harris agree on most everything, if … Obama -- to vote for Biden. -- On election night, Trump was way ahead. … Follow him on Twitter @davidlimbaugh and his website at …
Joe Biden Knows Why Democrats Suffered Down Ticket...And It's Not a Hard Guess…crats-suffered-down-ticket-and-its-not-a-hard-guess-n2581385
– for defunding the police, along with single-payer health care and the Green New Deal, despite the latter being promoted on his website … We're talking about holding them accountable," Biden continued. […] Earlier this month, former President Barack Obama cautioned party … big audience the minute you say it, which makes it a lot less likely that you're actually going to get the changes you want done," Obama
Never Give Up
– As long as he is titular president, some invisible committee, one of whose central members is likely former President Barack Obama, … In one of his unforced gaffes, he casually acknowledged having told "Barack" that, while he and Harris agree on most things, if a disagreement … Follow him on Twitter @davidlimbaugh and his website at …
Are the Forever Wars Really Ending?
– Joe Biden has signaled where he is headed -- straight back to Barack Obama: "First thing I'm going to have to do, and I'm not joking … To find out more about Patrick Buchanan and read features by other Creators writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators website at…
The Left is Treading on Thin Ice by Going After What People Wrote Years Ago…thin-ice-by-going-after-what-people-wrote-years-ago-n2575753
– Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama once strongly defended marriage as between a man and a woman, as recently as 2008. … The first website you ever created? Your posts on IRC?…
Trump Haters Gaslighting Trump Supporters
– powers, which leftists routinely do, including through their activist courts and lawless executive orders (under former President BarackObama). … Follow him on Twitter @davidlimbaugh and his website at…
All the Chips Are on the Table Now
– Even Barack Obama is calling for abolition of the filibuster, stripping a Republican Senate minority of its last weapon of resistance … To find out more about Patrick Buchanan and read features by other Creators writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators website at…
Democrats Want Trump Not To Nominate RBG's Successor; Cue the Laughter…ump-not-to-nominate-rbgs-successor-cue-the-laughter-n2576779
– Now imagine that Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas suddenly dies some 50 days before the election, providing President Barack Obama … "President (Obama) needs to show his toughness and just do it. Forget the threats. … The actions ... will continue if President Obama allows them to run roughshod over him.…
Peace in the Middle East
Barack Obama received the peace prize merely for showing up; President Donald Trump has exceeded that standard here. … And, yes, Obama got the Nobel Peace Prize merely for showing up. … out more about Erick Erickson and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website
Power Play: Progressives Continue to Wage Institutional War Against the Supreme Court
– The progressive website ProPublica produced two stories about the friendships and financial transactions of Clarence Thomas, a conservative … pronounced themselves very "concerned" about the transaction did not care one bit about a highly suspicious land deal involving BarackObama and a wealthy slum lord and convicted felon in Chicago, an issue that was largely ignored during the 2008 presidential campaign…
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