Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

No More Wasted Votes, Poisoned Elections
candidates. … And the compromise candidates get the loyalty. … That is a kind voting whereinyou mark on your ballot a ranking of the candidates: first choice, second choice, etc.…
Over Two Million People Have Signed A Petition Asking The Electoral College To Elect Hillary…ition-asking-the-electoral-college-to-elect-hillary-n2244333
– So why not use this most undemocratic of our institutions to ensure a democratic result? SHE WON THE POPULAR VOTE. … system of the Electoral College means that people who do not live in cities will be able to have their concerns heard by the presidentialcandidates because their votes would be necessary to win.…
How IBD Accurately Gauged Voter Enthusiasm and Got the Polls Right
– Accurate Ratios Jones said IBD has a model that comes up with ratios, such as 36 percent Democratic registration, 29-30 Republican … This method proved accurate in the 2004 presidential election. … Even Obama, who was one of the most popular presidential candidates in recent memory and led in both elections, didn’t come to a double…
God Bless Donald Trump--And to the Naysayers: "You're FIRED!"
– And that’s just the presidential election (About the U.S. Senate … another article, another day). … Democratic agenda. 2. Trump actually outperformed Mitt Romney with “minorities.” … Polls with double-digit downers for our candidates will no longer serve as the last word on anyone’s viability. Never again.…
Donald Trump's Astounding Victory: How and Why
– Many grew up in Democratic union households and were willing to vote for the first black president. … Now they seem to have sloughed off their ancestral Democratic allegiance, much as white Southerners did in 1980s presidential and 1990s … In a closely divided country, election victories are contingent on issues, events and candidates' characteristics.…
There's No Wizard Behind the Curtain
– the United States were streaming to the polls to deliver their collective verdict on what has arguably been the most bizarre presidential … According to their favorability -- or, should we say, unfavorability -- ratings, the choice between the major-party candidates couldn't … Headlining the Democratic ticket was a person with a reckless -- and, to some, repulsive -- ambition for power who epitomizes the Washington…
Congrats, Kellyanne Conway, First Woman To Run A Successful Presidential Campaign…rst-woman-to-run-a-successful-presidential-campaign-n2243714
– As we speculate on President-elect Donald Trump’s first 100 days, his cabinet, the future of the GOP, and the future of the Democratic … Party, let’s not forget that the GOP had two Hispanic candidates run for the presidency, Sens. … But most importantly, Republicans can claim that a woman successfully managed on of their presidential campaigns.…
Reflections on an Otherworldly Campaign
– The oddity of the GOP primaries may have been particularly intense, but the Democratic primaries had their surprises too. … One of the oldest rules in politics is that voters prefer likable candidates. … Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump -- the two most disliked presidential candidates in the history of polling -- have made short work…
Trump Already Outperforming Romney in Early Voting Returns…lready-outperforming-romney-in-early-voting-returns-n2243214
– As early voting results come in, analysts are already able to filter through what the record number turnouts mean for the presidentialcandidates. … Many are crediting Harry Reid’s operation in the state for the strong Democratic turnout.…
Democratic Pollster Said The Dam Is About to Break On Hillary, But Has It?…r-said-the-dam-is-about-break-on-hillary-but-has-it-n2242686
– ***Click Here For Live Election Results*** On Halloween, former Democratic pollster for President Jimmy Carter Pat Caddell said … The reason is once the dam broke, on the economy, because both candidates, although nothing like this year, were viewed unfavorably … In the 2014 Senate elections, polls in the final week underestimated Republican candidates by about three points on average.…
Julian Assange's Election Statement: First Amendment Only Truly Lives Through Repeated Exercise…mendment-only-truly-lives-through-repeated-exercise-n2243013
– This is why, irrespective of the outcome of the 2016 US Presidential election, the real victor is the US public which is better informed … The Democratic and Republican candidates have both expressed hostility towards whistleblowers. … To withhold the publication of such information until after the election would have been to favour one of the candidates above the…
Presidential Election Destroying Friendships
– More so than possibly any presidential election in years past, the 2016 race is causing intense friction within the GOP. … A Pew Research survey found that 41 percent of couples who are voting for different presidential candidates have gotten into at least … Is it really worth losing multiple friendships over one presidential election?…
One Last Chance for the Sleeping Giant
– Most of the so-called news media, including the so-called moderators at the presidential debates, are part of the machine.  … Since the 1960’s, left wing hardliners have tightened their grip on the leadership of the Democratic Party.  … Their control of the Democratic Party is unchallenged, and they will regroup if necessary. …
2016: The Demise of Small-r Republican Politics
– Among the many complaints I have seen about this squalid presidential election -- the most dismal choice of major-party nominees since … nomination and prevented a younger generation of Democratic politicians from competing. … Under a proper republican standard of accountability, both candidates would be.…
Why You Shouldn’t Trust the Presidential Polls
– For the first time in modern history, both the Democratic and Republican candidates are incredibly unlikable. … If a majority of voters dislike both candidates, which is unprecedented for a presidential election, how can pollsters be sure voter … Will minority voters come out in similar numbers to support two older, white candidates?…
Top Democrats: FBI Director Comey Delivered A Blow To Clinton
– That’s the consensus with some of the Democratic strategists that Washington Post writer Greg Sargent spoke with earlier this week, … Democratic pollster Mark Mellman. … Obama’s presidential campaigns, says it’s probably too late for such an event to prove decisive.…
Another Campaign Ends, and My Wishes Didn't Come True
– About the only good thing to be said for it is that it endson Tuesday, and that one of the two worst presidential candidates in American … Just once, I wish I could hear presidential candidates set aside the pandering, and tell voters that there are some problems the government … Just once, I wish candidates would make a point of reading John F.…
On a Ballot Near You
– clairvoyant people understood how desperately Americans need a mind-altering substance to blur and numb the pain of this year’s presidential … Ballot measures upping the minimum wage have been a perennial device to boost Democratic Party turnout, and the initiatives rarely … Remember, it’s not just picking between the lesser of evil candidates this election, there are 154 ballot measures to be decided.…
Could Trump Lose the Way Gore Lost?
– In most political races, candidates spend the most time where they can reap the most votes. … But from the number of candidates they've seen lately, they might as well be Siberia. … The 17 states that have voted for the Democratic nominee in each of the past four presidential elections command 242 electoral votes…
9 Things to Be Thankful for About the Election
– That's also why the two third-party candidates got as much national attention as they did. This, too, is called "diversity." … This, again, is a powerful opportunity for conservative candidates.         5. … That means we don't have to deal with another presidential election for four more years. Thank God.        …
Cuban-Americans Voted for Trump at Higher Rate than “White” Americans
– A few years ago Georgetown professor Norman Birnbaum, who also served as an advisor to three Democratic presidential candidates and…
Vox: No, The Electoral College Won’t Give Clinton The Presidency (And It’s Not Going Away Either)…linton-the-presidency-and-its-not-going-away-either-n2246425
– Folks, there will be more elections—and yes, some of them will end with you delivering a shellacking to GOP candidates. … Four other presidential candidates won the popular vote, but lost the Electoral College. It happens, but we survived. We endured. … So far, 1 million more people voted for Clinton thanks to late returns from California, which is a Democratic bastion, but she didn…
We Still Need the Electoral College
– This usually ensures that one candidate attains a majority of the Electoral College vote, even though none of the candidates garner … In more than half of the presidential elections over the past quarter century, no candidate attained a majority of the popular vote … Without including California, the Republican candidates won the popular vote in three of the past five elections.…
Why Didn’t Gold React Better to Trump’s Win?
– In order of importance: · Democratic voters failed to show up in sufficient numbers. … · The traditional Democratic base was skeptical of Clinton, giving Trump the victory. … ” · Both candidates were flawed, but Hillary carried far more “baggage” than Obama.…
The Unpopular Truth About The Popular Vote
– More nefariously, Democratic pundits and journalists have expanded the deception of the presidential popular vote to Congress as well … The Nation magazine put it this way, “The preliminary count had Democratic Senate candidates gathering 46.2 million votes to 39.3 million … Thanks to total Democratic Party control, both candidates for the open Senate seat were Democrats.…
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