Results for: voted to

KJP Claimed They've Been 'Very Serious' in Dealing With Crime. Poll Results Beg to Differ.…us-in-dealing-with-crime-poll-results-beg-to-differ-n2631350
– The press secretary spoke specifically to how "there was billions of dollars that were provided to local cities to make sure that they … Jean-Pierre also referenced the Safer America Plan that the administration is trying to get passed to speak to what else the president … She went on to complain "but we can’t do this alone" and continued to call on Congress to fix the problem. …
Rashida Tlaib's Lies Skipped By 'Fact-Checkers'
– On Nov. 7, the House of Representatives (212 Republicans and 22 Democrats) voted to censure radical Rep. … The facts don't always lean to the left. … What makes this fact check strange is that they noted, "the House voted to censure her on Nov. 7 for comments she made in the aftermath…
Ted Cruz Has the Juicy Details on the Aid to Israel Democrats Keep Blocking…l-democrats-keep-blocking-ted-cruz-has-more-details-n2631337
to their efforts to increase illegal immigration." … vote to do the right thing.' … Cruz also wanted to underscore how Democrats are able to get away with such moves because of the mainstream media, also pointing to
REI is Right to Question Unions
– Eight of its 181 stores nationwide have voted to form unions and accused the retail cooperative of not subscribing to its mission of … Bloomberg reports an REI flier warned, “Union representation has proven to be in direct opposition to REI’s collaborative culture by … President Joe Biden promised to be the “most pro-labor” president and demanded Congress pass the Protecting the Right to Organize (…
Poll: Democrats and Young People Now More Likely to Sympathize With Palestinians Over Israelis…w-more-likely-to-support-palestinians-over-israelis-n2631354
– It's certainly been interesting to watch the polls when it comes to support for Israel, our ally in the Middle East, after Hamas perpetrated … Israel is now fighting back, all while trying to minimize civilian deaths and looking to ensure civilians are safely transported in … While it was a bipartisan vote, most Democrats voted not to censure.…
New Poll Shreds Liberal Narratives About the Palestinians and Hamas…l-on-israel-hamas-war-shows-theres-no-path-to-peace-n2631341
– We knew this was a laughably false narrative since Hamas was voted into power in 2006 in the Gaza Strip. … Again, unsurprisingly, there is healthy support for the attacks, Hamas, and they want to wipe out Israel. … The late Yasser Arafat backed away from a land deal that could have led to a two-state solution.…
Banning ‘Thin Blue Line’ Flag on Township Property Is Unconstitutional, Court Rules…n-ban-on-thin-blue-line-flag-ruled-unconstitutional-n2631289
– According to several reports, U.S. … to incorporate the flag into its logo in 2021. … , a term which has been used by some police supporters in response to the Black Lives Matter movement. [...]…
Threat of Government Shutdown Has Been Averted
– Michael Bennet, voted against the measure, which now goes to President Biden’s desk to sign.  … Crucially, conservatives—though largely opposed to the measure—were willing to let House Speaker Mike Johnson (R., La.) move it forward … Matt Gaetz (R-FL), who led the effort to oust Rep.…
House Ethics Committee Releases Report on Rep. Santos, With Resolutions for Expulsion Coming…on-rep-santos-with-resolution-for-expulsion-coming-n2631293
– This article has been updated to include a statement Rep. … The resolution to expel Santos, which needs the support from two-thirds of the House, failed overwhelmingly when members voted on November … to try to see when they intend to bring that to the floor."…
Tommy Tuberville Again Fends Off Attacks From Within, With Some Help From Mike Lee…ff-attacks-from-within-with-some-help-from-mike-lee-n2631290
– Tuberville's holds, which he's engaged in for close to a year now, are in response to the Pentagon's illegal abortion policy. … Dan Sullivan (AK), Todd Young (IN), Lindsey Graham (SC), and Joni Ernst (IA) all tried to confirm military nominees, but to no avail … Graham seems ready to back temporary change in procedures to cicrumvent Tuberville.…
From the Sea to the River Savages Don't Get a Sliver
– I didn’t question their right to be there or to express their views. … As I  explained to our young boys that day, this was not a call for a Palestinian state to live in peace alongside Israel. … We also should demand that the federal government revoke student and professor visas granted to anyone advocating harm to Jews or destruction…
Biden Again Bows to Beijing
– He continues to give more money to Iran, the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism. … All that means Biden would have been hard-pressed to find a weaker position from which to meet with Xi, no doubt to the glee of the … weakness to the CCP.…
Senate Democrats Come After Tommy Tuberville With Rules Committee Vote
– On Tuesday, the Senate Rules Committee voted along party-lines to advance a resolution that would allow Senate Majority Leader Chuck … As Reed's release explained: Today, the Senate Rules Committee voted 9-7 to advance a temporary standing order resolution (S. … Grateful to Chair @SenAmyKlobuchar & all the members of the @SenateRules Committee who just voted 9-7 to advance S.…
House Votes on Interim Bill to Avert Government Shutdown
– On Tuesday night, the House voted 336-95 to pass an interim spending bill so as to avert a government shutdown, days ahead of the … Tim Burchett (R-Tenn.), one of the eight Republicans who voted to oust McCarthy. Rep. … Roy was one of 93 Republicans to vote against the bill: Today, I voted against a continuing resolution (CR) that continues inflationary…
It's Been a Year Since Donald Trump Announced His Run for President…since-donald-trump-announced-his-run-for-president-n2631291
– Trump and Biden both have to win their primaries, but they're in good positions to do so, even with increased concern about Biden's … When it comes to the general election, the poll also shows Trump leading 44 percent to Biden's 42 percent among registered voters. … Democrats are to thank for that, especially when it comes to the heavily politicized indictments.…
Senate Votes Against Aid to Israel Yet Again, Hours After 'Stand With Israel' Event
– By a party-line vote of 51-48, the Senate voted against allowing the bill to proceed. … BREAKING: Tonight, every single Senate Democrat voted to block aid for Israel.Let that sink in. … tie aid for Israel to tie to Ukraine.…
Are Democratic Leaders Just Excusing the Squad Now?
– It's led to Democrats being in disarray, for sure, which hasn't been helped by how the Biden White House doesn't look to be doing much … It was very much a non-answer to Jeffries being asked by CNN's Manu Raju about Tlaib defending the genocidal term "from the river to … They have the right to defend itself," she added. "And so, we're going to support Israel in doing that."…
House Kills Resolution to Impeach DHS Sec. Mayorkas, With Help From Republicans
– On Monday night, the Republican-controlled House of Representatives voted to refer to committee the resolution from Rep. … to refer the resolution to committee.  8 Republicans just joined Democrats to KILL my Articles of Impeachment against Mayorkas https … Marjorie Taylor Greene🇺🇸 (@RepMTG) November 14, 2023MTG rails on the eight Rs who voted with Dems to refer Mayorkas impeachment to
GOP Should Reject Improper Ballot Initiatives
– Four out of five Republicans voted against Issues 1 and 2, and that is to whom the Republican legislators should be listening, rather … to move to Texas and other states that prohibit mob rule through ballot initiatives. … But families in Ohio and Missouri should not have to move to protect their way of life.…
A New FBI Headquarters?
– Last week, the House voted to allocate $300 million to provide a portion of funding for a new FBI headquarters building. … Seventy Republicans voted to approve the spending measure, sidelining a proposal sponsored by Representative Matt Gaetz (R-FL) to deny … If we are to reclaim the FBI, we’re going to have to abandon ideology for actionable ideas.  …
Democrats' Big Bucks County School Board Sweep Should Unnerve Republicans Everywhere…l-board-sweep-should-unnerve-republicans-everywhere-n2631160
– This week, voters flipped it to a pending 6-3 Democratic majority. … Bucks County voters are telling Republicans to stop with the overreach. … County are wise to look at why the other team has power and they do not.…
Democrats Could Help Pass Stopgap Funding Bill to Avert Government Shutdown…s-stopgap-funding-bill-to-avert-government-shutdown-n2631157
– try to put 217 votes together to try to accomplish something, at least get something for the American people, cut some spending, try … to restrain the size of government. … More Democrats than Republicans voted in late September to avoid a government shutdown and earlier this year to raise the debt ceiling…
Argentines Have Lost Faith in the State – to the Benefit of Javier Milei…t-faith-in-the-state-to-the-benefit-of-javier-milei-n2631137
– Normally, when their country is in a serious crisis, large numbers of people tend to gravitate to the far left or far right of the … From April 12 to 20, 2022, I commissioned the opinion research institute Ipsos MORI to survey a representative sample of 1,000 Argentines … In the education sector, Milei has called for funding to be switched to a voucher system, as previously proposed by Milton Friedman…
Here's Why a Sorority Dismissed Two Longtime Members…isses-members-who-stood-up-for-womens-rights-spaces-n2630656
– One time, at a slumber party, he was asked to leave, and said he’d leave “after you fall asleep.” … the organization’s decision to allow a male to join.  … KKG claimed that it had received complaints from other alumni who were “solicited” by Levang and Tuck-Smith to donate money to the…
Veterans Day During a Time of Global War
– when Congress voted unanimously to authorize the creation of a new National Medal of Honor Monument in Washington, D.C.  … House expected to approve this location for the Monument, and the Senate is likely to consider it very soon. … But the power of the Medal of Honor to inspire unity isn’t just limited to Congress or Washington, DC.…
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