Results for: national political news

Climate and Environmental Propaganda
– The Washington Free Beacon, National Review and Energy in Depth offer detailed and far less charitable analyses. … ICN has active partnerships with the LA Times, Associated Press, Weather Channel, Bloomberg News and other media organizations that … The foundations “have incorporated ostensibly dispassionate news outlets into their grant-making portfolios,” says the Free Beacon’…
A Return to Civility
– Every year beginning on May 15th, the United States observes Peace Officers Memorial Day and National Police Week to recognize and … enforcement families who came to Washington, D.C. to mourn their loss and honor the 252 additional names that will be etched into the National … Their deaths remind me every day officers are willing to respond to a call for help regardless of an individual’s political views,…
Here's Why Trump Tap Dances on Taxes
– In a New York Times piece about Ben Rhodes, President Obama's deputy national security adviser, Rhodes cynically explains that today's … "The average reporter we talk to is 27 years old," Rhodes said, "and their only reporting experience consists of being around political … During the 2012 presidential race, ABC News' Jonathan Karl falsely reported that at 14 percent, Mitt Romney paid a lower effective…
Wait–Trump's Working Class Voter Support Is A Myth
– The 2016 presidential election has awakened their political power and reshaped the course of the campaign. … But it’s well above the national median household income of about $56,000. … He’s also unapologetic and will be visible to the masses and the news media.…
Zuckerberg's Conservative Battle: Where There's Smoke, There's Fire…conservative-battle-where-theres-smoke-theres-fire-n2164723
– Its "trending" section is therefore a powerful political influence. … In effect, these curators exercise gatekeeping powers, which amount to political news-making powers that are transmitted to Facebook's … There are also a number of academics who have called for full transparency in the Facebook news process.…
Dems in Disarray: Interest Groups Clash, Officials Warn of Violence at Convention…off-as-dems-warn-of-violence-from-bernie-supporters-n2164360
– “We object to the political agenda of the A.F.L. … of violent outbursts at the national convention in Philadelphia. … Will we see a similar number of concern-trolling columns and hand-wringing cable news segments over these developments?…
WH: The GOP Lied About the Iran Deal, So Our Embattled Spinmeister Won't Testify
– White House Spokesman Josh Earnest repeatedly ducked questions about whether presidential national security adviser Ben Rhodes should … President Obama's 39-year-old "mind meld" confidante on foreign affairs -- an "aspiring novelist" who holds academic degrees in political … Writing in National Review, actual Iran nuclear expert Fred Fleitz (as opposed to a number of potemkin pop-up "experts" deployed by…
Sarah Palin On Trump VP Shortlist?
– [...]He had just explained to the reporter riding along that he wanted no role in a Trump administration when news arrived of … It'd certainly be an unorthodox pick if Trump were to go with Palin--she hasn't really had a major presence in the political arena … in quite a while, and her recent appearances on the national stage have serious need of polish.…
Trump’s Biggest Decision
News websites like the The Hill and Daily Caller released their already-written columns with many of the usual suspects on the list … He served on both the National Security Council and Homeland Security Council as part of his position running the OMB. … In the meantime, Hillary will pick some run-of-the-mill political hack to be on her ticket. Sen.…
Meet The New Media, Same As The Old Media
– The national print publications and broadcast television networks have historically tilted to the left. … Thanks to an expose by Gizmodo, Facebook’s internal operations involving trending news stories were revealed. … Former news “curators” reported that Facebook suppresses conservative news reports, while promoting stories involving radical leftists…
Quid Pro Quo: Clinton Foundation Gave Money To For-Profit Company Run By Clinton Friends…e-money-to-forprofit-company-run-by-clinton-friends-n2162288
– The Clinton Foundation is back in the news. … An Energy Department news release in 2010 announcing a grant to Energy Pioneer Solutions called it “a women-owned small business,” … the world’s uranium supply, the Committee on Foreign Investment, of which Clinton is part of, had to approve the sale, given the national
Listening to the 'Unity' Buzz
– The digital "information" is where the public, particularly the millennial generation, gets most of its "news." … When "news" does get a once-over edit, it tilts left. … A former "news curator" at Facebook told Gizmodo, a technology blog, that Facebook routinely suppresses news stories "of interest to…
Ken Burns, Pompous Poster Boy for Liberalism
– government-funded honor: the Jefferson Lecture, the "nation's highest honor for intellectual achievement in the humanities," awarded by the National … As PBS "NewsHour" lovingly recounted (as "news," not PBS public relations), Burns summarized, "I do not believe, ladies and gentlemen … He claimed: "in our media and political culture, we don't disagree, we demonize, condemning us to a kind of partisan purgatory.…
Ban President Obama From Police Week
National Police Week is fast approaching. May 15-May 21 is a sacred time for the men and women of law enforcement. … During these events, law enforcement and political leaders will be featured. They will speak of honor and of duty. … Each day brings news of another shooting, stabbing, or random targeting via a violent attack.…
The Conservative Crackup Makes Way for Hillary's Crackup
– Although, there were a lot more facts in my book than you will find in all the news reports that appeared last week. … Then, as we approach the Republican National Convention, ever more Republicans will come aboard the national ticket, and they will … Stories of the FBI's mounting investigation are circulating in political circles now.…
Obama's Boy Wonder
– Obama considers his signature foreign policy achievement -- the public was told there was “a new political reality in Iran, which came … Rhodes’s title: deputy national security advisor for strategic communications. … He framed it as a “non-binding political agreement,” an imaginative construct that Congress could neither check nor balance.…
Team Obama Boasts of 'Ventriloquizing' the Press
– President Obama's political appointees are not only celebrated by the media as the best and brightest America has to offer; they are … The New York Times Magazine wrote a long profile of Obama's deputy national security advisor for strategic communications -- his foreign-policy … The average reporter we talk to is 27 years old, and their only reporting experience consists of being around political campaigns.…
Twitter's Traitors
– And the micro-blogging network's political pandering to liberals through the formation of an Orwellian Trust and Safety Council earned … Its staff sends clients valuable analyses and alerts of "unfolding terror attacks, political unrest and other potentially important … For the past two years, Dataminr has worked with government surveillance operatives to detect and flag real-time patterns and national
Moving On Or Turning Left? The Doctrine of Non-Resistance
– Now, however, this overly used phrase, “move on” has been hijacked by the political-cultural Left, and it has become a synonym for … As for examples of this new normal, one need only consider the current political-cultural climate. … In more local news it was suggested here in the great Midwest, by the St.…
Donald Trump On The Economy
– A Donald Trump Presidency May Have Unpredictable Economic Outcomes Trumponomics – Pragmatic Populism in the National Interest … achieved this status by challenging the establishment, promising to build a wall along the Mexican border and railing against politicalPolitical ideology and the U.S. Constitution will probably not guide Mr. Trump’s economic decisions. Rather, Mr.…
Politics Becomes Theater of the Absurd
– Something else was going on in Washington, D.C., the political capital, where an older generation was in power. … Along with political theater, trends in drama have changed. … Absurdity merely changed venues; it now exists inside the two political parties as they choose their presidential candidate.…
Trump, Clinton Tied in Polls: Were All the Wise Men Wrong?…p-clinton-tied-in-polls-were-all-the-wise-men-wrong-n2169495
– It was conventional wisdom among the political cognoscenti during most of the primary season that Donald Trump could not win the general … Over 12 months of polling from May 2015 to April 2016, Hillary Clinton ran ahead of Trump in 63 national polls, while Trump led her … the narrow range of 41 to 46 percent of the vote in the four May polls sponsored by television networks -- CBS/New York Times, Fox News
Judicial Overreach: Small Court, Big Economic Ramifications
– Judicial overreach is moving beyond a theoretical political debate, as one Delaware state judge could throw the livelihoods of nearly … The state’s laws have not only been a boon for Delaware state revenue, but it’s what numerous multi-national corporations have come … danger the court presents to the state’s business climate, former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani raised a similar concern with The News
Debbie Does Democrats Wrong (Reince Does Republicans Right)…does-democrats-wrong-reince-does-republicans-right-n2169318
– Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee, is going up in smoke, Bern-ing away (yes, you read that … The news is spreading fast and everyone is rubber-necking as they drive by. … Of course, her biggest failure as chairwoman falls on her larger-than-appropriate presence in the national media.…
Couric's Director: We Made Gun Owners Look Like Idiots So Viewers Could Consider Background Checks...Or Something…ary-director-never-intended-to-make-anyone-look-bad-n2169030
– That, from the Katie Couric of Yahoo News, of “CBS Evening News,” of “60 Minutes,” of the “Today” show and so on. … though they’re trying to do so by integrating possibly unconstitutional, and widely inaccurate, government no-fly lists into the National … incorporating these lists into NICS, which are not transparent and lack due process, is horrifying—and is nothing more than cheap political
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