Results for: Barack Obama Website

Why Does Obama Need 1.6 Billion Bullets?
– Dear Mainstream Media, Back in 2008, candidate Barack Obama went off his teleprompter and added a couple of sentences to the text … permanent state of vapors over Obama's candidacy, you were of no use when it came to extracting anything but press releases from Team ObamaObama must be asked against which domestic enemy he is arming nonmilitary forces.…
The Best of Comrades
– Thanks GM/Obama. … Actually, you might be Obama. … Both were Democrats, and both would disavow Barack Obama.…
7 Liberal Hypocrites Who Call For Gun Control While Being Protected By Guns…call-for-gun-control-while-being-protected-by-guns-n1546898
Barack Obama has hundreds of Secret Service agents carrying fully automatic weapons who protect his safety. … founded their own advocacy group to restrict gun rights, Americans for Responsible Solutions, in January. ...Similarly, the ARS website
America -- Meet Francis Suarez
– After what many Americans consider Mitt Romney’s embarrassing loss to Barack Obama, reaching out most especially to Hispanic-America … Obama by less than one-percent of the vote -- much of the GOP leadership has yet to learn of him or his commitment to principled outreach … learn more about a candidate who puts people and principles before party and special interests -- or even support him -- visit his website
The Deafening Silence that Signals Our Demise
– Yup, I am about to say something about the Great Barack Obama Identity/Eligibility Scandal again. … Having weighed the arguments, it seems to me that by virtue of having a British subject for a father, Barack Obama Jr. is constitutionally … I haven't even mentioned other discrepancies in the Obama narrative.…
True Grit Meets the New Age in Colorado
– Colorado’s voters, who went for Barack Obama in 2012, also legalized possession and sales, but they left options to localities over … I did see a couple of Obama stickers in nearby Ridgway, Ouray County’s other town. … They quickly established that they were from Orlando, had no use for Barack Obama, and wanted to talk about the Trayvon Martin case…
A South Pole Elf Gets Hot About Global Warming
– Just because he’s too stupid to understand that doesn’t make Obama right. … The last time I checked the Chicago Tribune endorsed Barack Obama for president twice. … As to the declining deficit, I would credit Obama if he had anything to do with that decline.…
Constitution Gives Obama No Power to Use Force in Syria
– That is what an anonymous administration official told the Washington Post this week about President Barack Obama's deliberations on … Obama, then, could have been channeling James Madison or George Washington. … Obama intervened in Libya's civil war without congressional authorization.…
Earth to Obama: What Planet Are You On?
– WASHINGTON - Barack Obama continues to tell us that the quality of our lives and our economy have improved when all the available … While Obama insists the economy has improved since he became president, the facts tell a far different story. … But Obama is to blame, lock, stock and barrel, for the economic pain millions of Americans are going through.…
Obama's War on Everybody, Including You
– Excerpted from Townhall Magazine's October cover story, "Obama's Wars," by John Hanlon: In 2004, Barack Obama, then aspiring … Then you fit the profile of one of many Americans the Obama administration has sought to disparage and attack. … anti- Obama movement—a racially biased one—that was unfortunate.”…
Whatever Happened to Eric Holder?
– Who said I couldn’t be an Obama speechwriter? … I mean really: How do you run against each other for president as Mitt Romney and Barack Obama did and pretend like there is that much … Bill Clinton was even a more talented guy than Barack Obama is; he’s a wretched person, however.…
The 25 Most Influential People On The Right For 2013
– In a time when Barack Obama has been dragging the country downhill, Texas has been thriving, largely because of Perry's leadership. … Without his tireless efforts, you can be sure that we'd have seen much larger tax increases under Barack Obama. 14) Rand Paul: Paul … He has 7.5 million listeners to his radio show, his website The Blaze is the 4th largest conservative news site, and The Blaze TV is…
The Deepest, Scariest Secrets of the Post Office Scandal Revealed…cariest-secrets-of-the-post-office-scandal-revealed-n1694268
– Just because he’s too stupid to understand that doesn’t make Obama right. … The last time I checked the Chicago Tribune endorsed Barack Obama for president twice. … As to the declining deficit, I would credit Obama if he had anything to do with that decline.…
Obama and the Extremists
– But President Obama and his team of liars don’t care. ObamaCare raises insurance premiums. … It's clear that Obama was using the IRS to attack organizations that opposed his agenda. … It turns out that Barack Obama thinks he's Don Corleone. The difference is Don Corleone had a code. Don Corleone had honor.…
Redistribution of Wealth Popularity Not to Be Taken Lightly…bution-of-wealth-popularity-not-to-be-taken-lightly-n1572170
Obama to begin uttering softened versions of sharing wealth with a neighbor or whomever. … President Obama meant what he said, and his comments were representative of what had become years of similar thought among many in … But by 2013, President Obama was allowed to do just that.…
America's Enemies Are Colorblind
Barack Obama called the Iraq War a "dumb war." … They don't care that the new Obama administration refused to use the term "war on terror." … On his president-elect transition website, Obama said: "And if America is willing to come to the table, the world will be more willing…
Academic Cesspools
– During the 2012 presidential campaign, 100 percent of faculty donations went to President Barack Obama. … A rough rule of thumb to discover modern-day racism is to search a college's website to see whether it has vice presidents or deans…
Enemies Foreign and Domestic
– The New York Times was all over a story that President Barack Obama's off-handed remark last summer that if Syrian president Bashar … CBS News reminds us on its website that the very morning the U.N. … Obama was using snappy language like: "The enduring struggle against terrorism and extremism" even back then.…
Andrew Breitbart, The Tea Party And Race
– Such is life in the United States of America under Barack Obama in 2013. Dr. … The Blaze reported that after publishing a number of articles critical of Obama, Obamacare in particular, and George Soros, the IRS … Central Texas 912 President Maria Acosta was instructed to provide login information to their group's website, and the Richmond Tea…
Scandal of the Day
– It also let her know, just by the way, you understand, that the IRS had already made some copies of her group's website. … Barack Obama now joins the long and impressive list of presidents whose administrations used the IRS for partisan purposes and dirty … Obama, who is adept at dodging responsibility.…
The Beauty of Confusion
– WASHINGTON -- Where are we now in this morass of Obama administration scandals? We have the Associated Press imbroglio. … That is improbable, and by the way her union is militantly anti-Tea Party and pro-Obama. … Confusion appears to be Barack Obama's friend.…
Taxing the American People’s Credulity
Barack Obama says he is angry about the Internal Revenue Service singling out conservative and Tea Party groups for rough treatment … By contrast, the Barack H. … Idaho businessman Frank VanderSloot, who donated to Mitt Romney’s campaign, wound up in April 2012 on an Obama campaign website list…
When the IRS Targets Anyone, America Loses
– Even so, I wasn't expecting that I would be caught up in the latest scandal to rock the Obama Administration. … She then added, “You’re political” because you “criticized President Obama, who was a candidate.” … And the Obama administration’s response? Political posturing.…
Don't Pop the Champagne Corks Yet, The Obama Economy Remains in Critical Condition
– WASHINGTON - Over the long, hard course of Barack Obama's painfully slow, job-scarce, sub-par economy, he may have set a record for … Census report shows," according to the Real Estate Blog website. … There are still many obstacles ahead in the Obama economy that can undermine future home sales.…
5 Reasons Republicans Lose Elections Wrapped Up In The Amnesty Bill…icans-lose-elections-wrapped-up-in-the-amnesty-bill-n1626899
– .” -- Kelly Ayotte's website "I believe it is an amnesty program, a back-door amnesty program for the 12 to 15 million people who … 3) Politically, this bill helps Democrats in every way possible while hurting Republicans in every way possible: So, we have BarackObama being buried under an avalanche of scandals.…
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