Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

Gauging the Insanity Around Us
– During the election campaign in early April of the Associated Students of the University of Oregon, Elle Mallon, a vice presidential … Mallon called for the removal of all We Are Oregon candidates from the ballot. … President Obama complained to a Town Hall audience last Wednesday in North Carolina that his critics “always want to paint me or the Democratic
Illinois Senate Race: Some Democrats Fretting Over Drop In Black Voter Turnout…democrats-fretting-over-drop-in-black-voter-turnout-n1995437
Democratic Rep. Tammy Duckworth has officially tossed her hat into the ring. … Democratic Party infighting on this issue could be a blessing for Sen. … You would think Democrats wouldn’t fret so much about–for all intents and purposes–a safe Democratic Senate seat in a presidential
Of Course, Hillary Plans To Support A Pathway To Citizenship For Illegal Immigrants…ounce-pathway-to-citizenship-for-illegal-immigrants-n1994738
– Clinton, the Democratic front-runner, will make the call in a round-table discussion at a Las Vegas high school that her campaign said … In an October 2007 Democratic presidential debate, she was tripped up on the subject of providing driver’s licenses for immigrants … What are they getting out of Democratic economic policies?…
Beyond Winning, Who Can Lead?
– As the ever growing field of GOP presidential candidates storms the country seeking supporters and funds, each contestant has pledged … Against this backdrop, are there any current or prospective GOP candidates who might succeed despite these dynamics? Maybe. … As the candidates vie for delegates and money, Republican voters would be wise to evaluate the candidates not only on how they oppose…
Oh, Just Some More Donor Disclosure Problems For The Clinton Foundation…onor-disclosure-problems-for-the-clinton-foundation-n2001663
– had with disclosing its donations, bringing it under harsh scrutiny and causing Clinton political trouble as she ramps up her presidential … That’s not the only point of confusion: The low-profile Eychaner, a major Democratic fundraiser who started Alphawood, is listed by … If the progressive left of the Democratic Party were able to field a serious candidate to challenge Clinton, it’s possible that person…
Is It Really All Our Fault?
– Some claimed Pitchfork Pat was the future of the GOP, though in the end he mainly contributed to its presidential defeats." … Now it is true that, while Nixon and Reagan won 49-state landslides and gave the GOP five victories in six presidential contests, the … Only once since 1988 has a Republican presidential nominee won the popular vote.…
Hillary's Going Left; GOP Needs to Return Right
– The country has gotten a lot crazier since then, and Democratic candidates seem to be able to say far more outrageous things and get … What Hillary obviously believes -- for good reason -- is that Democratic candidates are not held accountable by their party or its … candidates as well.…
The Two-Point-Something Campaign
– One party has so many candidates that media sponsors can't figure out how to get them all in a presidential debate. … Perhaps four hour-long debates, each with four candidates picked by lots. … The solution for the Democratic silence problem is harder to figure out.…
Video: John Bolton Nixes 2016 Run
– In the end, however, he decided to forgo a 2016 White House run, pledging instead to make sure the next GOP presidential nominee passes … As in 2014, I’ll be supporting national security candidates and stressing those issues in the Senate and House campaigns. … Moreover, he also vowed to inject himself into the race to prevent the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee from winning the…
The GOP’s Asian Problem and How to Fix it
– It is well known that Asian Americans in this country vote overwhelmingly for Democrat candidates. … reported that “in the 2012 presidential election, Barack Obama won 73 percent of the Asian American vote, exceeding his … To many Republicans candidates, minority outreach means outreach to African Americans and Hispanic Americans only.…
Geezer World: Democrats Literally Have No One Under 55 Who Can Run In 2020…literally-have-no-one-under-55-who-can-run-in-2020-n2375752
– We know that the Democratic Party is in a total state of disarray. … “That person doesn’t exist,” said Howard Dean, the 2004 presidential candidate and former Democratic National Committee chair. … So, while candidates for 2020 are a priority item, the Democratic Party has to grapple that they could be stuck at bingo night with…
Why the Media are in a Never-ending Hunt for Right-wing Violence…ia-are-in-a-neverending-hunt-for-rightwing-violence-n2375359
– After I'd spent a decade begging Republicans, including a few presidential candidates, to take up the immigration issue, Donald J. … Vice presidential candidate Joe Biden weighed in, somberly calling the alleged incident "dangerous." … The Democratic National Committee called them "rabid right-wing extremists." Sen.…
Trump Goes After Vulnerable Democrat Claire McCaskill in Her Home State: Vote Her Out!…tor-claire-mccaskill-in-her-home-state-vote-her-out-n2375276
– Missouri voted for President Trump, who McCaskill has vocally opposed, in the 2016 presidential election. … Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill is seeking re-election, and the prospect of her facing a top Missouri Republican — U.S. Rep. … “Either Hawley or Ann Wagner would be seen as pretty strong candidates. … So this is going to get a whole lot of coverage in the media…
Can the GOP's Shotgun Marriage Be Saved?
– All three states had gone Democratic in the last six presidential elections. The GOP had won both houses of Congress. … candidates in memory. … Her margin would rise to near three million, making this the sixth in seven presidential elections that the GOP lost the popular vote…
Why I Left The GOP
– I grew weary of rejecting the individual planks in the Democratic Party platform one by one. So I finally joined the GOP in 1999. … Since joining the GOP in 1999, I can safely say that they have failed to nominate a single conservative over the span of five presidential … While I will occasionally vote for Republican candidates I simply cannot speak at their events or lend my name to their fundraising…
Sanders Clarifies Single Payer ‘Not a Litmus Test’
– No, you have to look at where candidates are on many issues,” Sanders said. … Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) proposed a “Medicare for all” health plan in his presidential campaign, the nonpartisan Urban Institute figured … that it would raise government spending by $32 trillion over 10 years, requiring a tax increase so huge that even the democratic socialist…
No Bench: The Democratic Party's Obama Dilemma
– Even Democratic National Committee chair Tom Perez declined to name himself as the party leader, even though technically he is while … “Democrats badly need Barack Obama,” said Brad Bannon, a Democratic strategist. … “None of the potential Democratic presidential candidates have the visibility or credibility to be effective.”…
Democrats to Sanders: Get Your Attack Dogs In Line
– So, we all know that the Democratic Party is in rough shape. … It’s no secret that the progressive wing of the Democratic Party, which adores Sen. … Oh, there’s nothing like Democratic blood sports. I think some are about to begin. …
Look in the Mirror Hillary
– In the presidential race, Clinton had almost every advantage. … Not surprisingly, Clinton also blasts former President Obama, her 2008 opponent for the Democratic Party presidential nomination. … For good measure, Hillary also blamed the press, the Russians, and the Democratic National Committee for her loss.…
Liberals Don’t Get To Have It Both Ways With White Americans…dont-get-to-have-it-both-ways-with-white-americans-n2376464
– "The base of the Democratic party used to be working people, regardless of race, ethnic, or ethnic identity, sexual orientation, et … Over time, and I think particularly over the last eight years, the Democratic Party has moved into interest group politics and in many … In the wake of the presidential election, we’ve all been asking simplistic questions about how Donald Trump won.…
Hey Hey, Ho Ho—DACA Has Got to Go
– During the presidential campaign, Trump made it crystal clear that he cared about American dreamers—their dreams come first—I would … The Democratic Party has played the race card, the identity politics game, but they are now losing. … This guy just gave more grassroots Republicans and House candidates a reason to distance themselves from him.…
Collapse: Time Magazine's Brutal Deep Dive Into The Ever Shrinking And Regional Democratic Party…al-deep-dive-into-the-ever-shrinking-and-regional-d-n2384733
– The Democratic Party is in shambles. … They also offer a brutal assessment concerning the direction of the Democratic Party. … History counters this, at least at the presidential level.…
The ESPN Double Standard
– Before he quit, then-Democratic presidential candidates Wesley Clark and Howard Dean said ESPN should fire Limbaugh.…
Politico Reporter: New Democratic Talent Is Running Away From Hillary…new-democratic-talent-is-running-away-from-hillary-n2382784
– Hillary Clinton’s What Happened is the story of a two-time presidential loser and her thoughts about a failing campaign. … As The Democratic Party is left without a leader, message, or agenda, this debate about rebranding to win next time is commonplace. … She has the -still has the most impressive resume in the Democratic Party.…
Attack of the Dreaded Spoilers
– The Democratic Party has been hurt by the Greens — think of the 2000 election where Ralph Nader’s votes so consequentially subtracted … In 2013, notable Friend of Bill and Democratic Party nominee for governor Terry McAuliffe defeated Ken Cuccinelli, the state attorney … There are reasons why an outsider like Trump nabbed the presidential nomination, last year, from Republican Party stalwarts.…
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